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  • brucew64 6:19 pm on March 1, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Cleanse for Life, Fitness, Impurities, , , Nutritional Supplements, ,   

    Aren’t all Powder Proteins the Same? 

    There are two elements associated with a nutritional cleansing and replenishing program.  The first element involves the cleansing of impurities from the body.  I liken it to an STP treatment for your engine.  Youlogo stp Aren’t all Powder Proteins the Same? remove the impurities and your engine runs more efficiently.  In your body your engine running better means your metabolism is more efficient, and as an added benefit you have a tendency to lose weight.  I have found with my own nutritional cleansing and replenishing system that my body’s metabolism has a tendency to center itself.  I released pounds and found a weight that optimized my fitness level and athletic performance.

    The second step to achieving a healthy lifestyle is to replenish the body with high thumbnail.aspx?q=525279038240&id=31a9d4dc965f89831fee6092948d94eb&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.tradeoffer.com%2fuploadedimages%2f82703399 Aren’t all Powder Proteins the Same?grade nutrition.  Many athletes use a variety of vitamins and supplements to accomplish this end.  This is critical considering the poor state of health and fitness in this country and some of the junk we consider food.  One of the most common means by which athletes replenish their bodies is with a protein-based powder.  There are several different protein powders on the market at the present time that can be mixed into flavored meal replacement shakes (usually a chocolate meal replacement shake or a vanilla meal replacement shake).  The options presented below are in order from least to most effective/comprehensive in achieving total health and fitness.

    If you would like to read more of this post then you can visit our blog at http://blog.cleansebenefits.com.  If you would like to discuss this topic with us then you can either call us toll free at 1-866-982-3438 or by visiting our website at http://www.cleansebenefits.com.

  • brucew64 5:06 pm on January 24, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Sargent Shriver, Special Olympics   

    Goodbye Sargent Shriver… 

    Sargent Shriver died this week.  For those of you who didn’t know who he was, you may know his daughter, Maria Shriver who is a well known journalist and former First Lady of California.  Although Mr. Shriver’s name may be lesseunice and sargent shriver Goodbye Sargent Shriver... well known to you, his achievements and associations are historic.  Mr. Shriver had a strong relationship with the Kennedy family and was named as the first Director of the Peace Corps by President John F. Kennedy.  The accomplishment most deserving of discussion today, however, Is Sargent Shriver’s association with the Special Olympics.  Mr. Shriver’s wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver was involved with the creation of the Special Olympics in 1968.  Mr. Shriver was nominated to the position of President of the Special Olympics in 1984 and held that post until 2003.

    Mr. and Mrs. Shriver helped to create the circumstances where people with mental challenges could compete in athletic events.  Over the course of time the event moved beyond the concepts of physical activity and competition and started looking at the health and nutrition of the athletes.    In 1997, Healthy Athletes became an official Special Olympics initiative, offering health information and screenings to Special Olympians worldwide.

    If you would like to read more of this post then you should visit http://blog.cleansebenefits.com/?p=422.  If you would like to talk to us more about Isagenix, then you can either go to our web-site at http://www.cleansebenefits.com or call is toll free at 1-866-982-DIET (3438).

  • livingdreamteam 7:07 pm on September 14, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , Isagenix Athletes Performance, Isagenix Body Building, Isagenix Body Fat, , ,   

    Isagenix Athletes and Performance 

    “Having wellness centers in place for 2 years prior to hearing about Isagenix, what was clear in my mind was that he needed a nutritional program for all of my patients and athletes.  Usually their goals focused on Performance and because I was in a situation where I was counseling them on their diet plans, it was very important  to making sure we get the proper recovery and power that these athletes were looking for.

    I knew there was a missing link within my practice, and I was actively looking – going to trade shows all across the country, but little did I know it would show up on my computer screen – the very missing piece I was missing.  My business partner brought Isagenix to my attention.  As I looked through the before and afters and the things I could look at on the site – it seemed like just a weight loss program.

    I know it is easy to think Isagenix is just about weight loss and that’s great because the majority of the people out there are over weight.  Most people do want to lose wait and Isagenix can support that, but I also found that Isagenix is also a healthy alternative for Athletes.   So, I gave it a shot.

    My story is very simple actually.  I tested it myself, I didn’t need to lose weight but what I found in balancing my own body’s chemistry by putting this Isagenix program in my body was that I got my sleep back. On day four I was sleeping like a baby, where before I struggled with that area of my life.

    As I started to implement this (Isagenix) in my patients the results were dramatic.  I was finding increases in the performances in their athletic events and recovery times, it was obvious that something very clearly was going on different than I was used to seeing.

    I was seeing inches coming off. I was seeing substantial Body Mass Indexes increasing. I knew there was something changing and that it was directly linked to the nutrition that is in the Isagenix program.

    So, I went to work and studied  on the following the body fat analysis and the denseness of the tissues, watching the hydration of the body.  The results were very profound to me.  So Profound that I have been diligently, passionately sharing Isagenix with Athletes because they more than anyone, because of the physical demands on their body need massive optimum fuel and that is what this program has provided me and my practice

    Athletes more than anyone need massive quality nutrition.

    Learn More at http://myweightloss.isagenix.com/us/en/isavideos_athletes.dhtml

    Loren Middag – 2.5 years with Isagenix – Physical Therapy Graduate out of Loma Linda university and the owner of 2 wellness centers in California.  A Clinical instructor for Loma Linda Physical Therapy department, providing education to the doctoral students. Also he is the appointed physical therapist for the US  National Acrobatic Gymnastics Team. Shares a passion for body building – 1st place San Diego middle weight body building championships.

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