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  • livingdreamteam 2:24 pm on November 21, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Diet Snacks, Don't Eat, Drink Water for Weight Loss, , , , Isagenix Diet Results, , Water Diet,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 16 

    During the Turkey Challenge we have encouraged you drink at least 80 zo of water daily.  Althouth some people need more and some peple may need less, drinking water regulaerly throughout the day is a good habit.

    Water is amazing!  Water is a nutrient and also your body’s principal chemical component.  Water makes up about 65% of your bodies total weight. It is the major component of your most cells. It carries nutrients to your cells and takes away waste products.  Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs  Water carries nutrients to your cells and it provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.  See? Amazing!

    Everyday, your body is continually losing water through urine, bowel movements, sweat, and breathing.  Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.  Anybody ever feel ‘drained’ or ‘tiered’?  Next time, take a Drink!

    Drinking Water is a good habit!

    Here is another tip to get your weight-loss efforts back on track:

    Although negative emotions and boredom can trigger emotional eating, you can take steps to control cravings and reach your weight loss gaols. To help stop emotional eating, try these tips:

    • Tame your stress. Try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation and make sure that you are exercising regularly.
    • Have a hunger reality check. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don’t have a rumbling stomach, you’re probably not really hungry. Drink a glass of water, chew a piece of gum or go for walk. Give the craving a little time to pass.
    • Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you’re feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see a connection between mood and food.
    • Get support. Lean on family and friends.  Make a call, connect on facebook, text; reach out!
    • Fight boredom. Distract yourself. Take a walk, play a game, fold laundry, watch a movie, play with your pet, wash dishes, listen to music, read, research something on the internet or call a friend. Don’t snack!
    • Take away temptation. Clean out comfort foods from your home and keep them out. Nobody in your family needs nutritionally depleted foods with high caloric count and artificial everything.
    • Don’t deprive yourself.  Long term weight loss depends on your ability to STICK WITH IT! Making smart choices does not mean giving up everything you love.  Keep your daily diet flexable.  Let yourself enjoy an occasional treat and get plenty of variety in your diet to help curb cravings.
    • Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack or protein snacks such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, unbuttered popcorn, yogurt, nuts or a hard boiled egg.
    • Get enough sleep. If you’re constantly tired, you might snack to try to give yourself an energy boost. Drink a glass of water and then get to bed earlier instead.

    We are almost done! Tomorrow we cleanse! If you have gone off track during the Turkey Challenge, forgive yourself and start fresh today! Focus on the positive changes you’re making and give yourself credit for making changes that will lead to better health.  Try to learn from the experience and make a plan for the future!

    To help you:  We will be Hosting a HOLIDAY CHALLENGE  Starting DEC. 13th! Registration will begin Dec. 1st!

    Make this a day you are proud of!


  • livingdreamteam 3:13 am on November 21, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Get enough exercise, Get enough Sleep, , , Isagenix Cleanse Day, , , , ,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 15 


    Since the Turkey Challenge began you’ve been focused on taking the Right Steps to improve your bodies ability to perform as the miracle it was intended to be!  If your following an Isagenix Program, the IsaLean® Shakes contain vitamins, minerals and trace minerals that provide your body with the proper nutrition to revitalize health and help reduce the urge to eat unhealthy food. Cleanse for Life® assists with the release of impurities from your body to help re-establish a balanced internal environment.  It can be hard to get all that from the foods we eat.  Isagenix can make it easier.

    While nutritional balance is important, it’s also essential to find a balance between healthy activity and rest.

    We’ve been encouraging you to do at minimum 20 minutes of moderate exercise during everyday during the Turkey Challenge.

    Here’s Why:  Hippocrates said, “That which is used  develops.  That which is not used wastes away.”

    Regular exercise can:

    • protect against disease
    • increase endurance
    • help the body more efficiently process food
    • improves the quality of sleep
    • can help reduce stress, depression and anxiety
    • Exercise helps boost metabolism, which aids your body in healthy fat burning. If you have not exercised regularly during the last few months, the Turkey Challenge can be the catalysts that get you started!

    The flip side of exercising regularly is taking time to rest and rejuvenate after exercise and a long day. Most people wish they could sleep more, but find that work, family, school and hobbies cut into their rest.  Unfortunately, this can work against your efforts to lose weight and get health.  Researchers that have studied sleep, have documented a relationship between sleep loss and increased weight! Ideally, adults should be sleeping between 4-9 hours of sleep a night depending on there age and a host of other factors.  We are aiming for 8!

    Here is what you need to know about SLEEP:

    5 Negative Consequences of not getting enough SLEEP:

    • Increased risk of motor-vehicle accidents.
    • Increase in body mass index (BMI) and total weight due to an increased appetite caused by sleep deprivation.
    • Increased risk of diabetes and heart problems.
    • Increased risk for psychiatric conditions including depression and substance abuse.
    • And a decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information.

    10 Reasons Why You May Not Be Sleeping:

    • Stress or anxiety
    • Illness
    • Noise
    • Light
    • An over committed schedule
    • Caffeine
    • Alcohol
    • Stimulant medications (such as diet pills, cold and allergy remedies, asthma medications)
    • Depression or anger
    • Fear

    8 Things You Can Do to Get More Sleep :

    • Regularize your sleep-wake patterns (Get up at the same time every day)
    • Ritualize your cues for good sleep (You want to take a shower ever night before bed.)
    • Relax  (Write all your worries down BEFORE you get into bed.)
    • Resist temptation  (Alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, all of which can interfere with sleep.)
    • Skip the sugar (High-sugar and high-fat snacks may make you feel drowsy, but when your blood sugar falls a few hours later, you’ll wake up hungry and won’t be able to get back to sleep.)
    • Get moving  (Exercise will help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer and will increase  endorphins – your brain’s “feel good” chemicals – you’ll be happier and better able to deal with the stress that may keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.)
    • Roll over (Research shows that sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees tends to be the healthiest position.)
    • Don’t try too hard

    So, Get Your Exercise and Get Some Sleep!

    If you are a Cleanser:   Don’t forget, you have two Cleanse Days coming up on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pick up the healthy snacks that you’ll need.

    Good Luck!

    “Whether you choose to live in fear or you choose to live in freedom is up to you! At the end of the day, it’s your life! Fear or freedom, which is it?”  ~LVDT

  • livingdreamteam 4:22 pm on November 18, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Attitude is Everything, , , , Isagenix 9 Day Program, Isagenix Total Health and Wellness Program, , Stay Focus on Weight loss Goals,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 13 


    Of course you have heard and understand the the truth behind the statement, “You are what you eat!”  But, have you considered the possibility that, “You are what you think!”  When interviewed, every time WINNER in anything will tell you that they always new that they would get what they wanted.  They never allowed any other thoughts to enter their minds. This cute story exemplifies this beautifully:


    There once was a bunch of tiny frogs … who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants…

    The race began… No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: “Oh, WAY too difficult!!” “They will NEVER make it to the top.” The tiny frogs began collapsing. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up… …But ONE continued higher and higher and higher… This one wouldn’t give up! He was the only one who reached the top! All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?

    It turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!!

    The wisdom of this story:

    • Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. They take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you — the ones you have in your heart!
    • Always think of the power words have. Even our own.  Everything you hear and read will affect your actions!
    • BE POSITIVE! And above all, be DEAF when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!

    Keep your attitude in mind as you continue on your journey towards health and wellness with the Turkey Challenge, it’s important to stay focused on why you are doing this and how you can reach—and maintain—your goals.

    Did you know that nearly 95% of Dieter that lose weight, gain it back in a year!  This is because people follow diets and then stop when they reach their weight loss target.  They go off the diet and regain even more weight than they lost.  Now, is the time to start planning your maintenance program for life!  With the right attitude and the right plan you can achieve your goals and keep your results long after the Turkey Challenge is over.  YOU CAN DO IT!

    Eating Right and Nutritional Cleansing aren’t really diets,  they are both healthy was to live a long. And both can help you hold onto all of your Challenge Rewards—including weight loss.

    As you continue with Challenge, you may feel vitality returning to your body, see the pounds melting off and lean body mass building. When you complete Challenge, don’t abandon the changes you have made— embrace this NEW YOU!

    If you have more weight to lose, or want to continue to improve your health and fitness, Stick with IT!  If you are following the Isagenix 9 Day program it will be time to move on to the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System.  It is the ideal choice for those individuals who want to keep lose weight with a flexible program.

    If you have reached you weight loss goal, Stick with It, continue to make good choices, but have a little bit more flexibility.  If you are following an Isagenix program, move on to the Total Health and Wellness Program to help you maintain the health gains from the 9-Day or 30-Day System. This system helps you maintain higher energy, lean body mass and a healthier lifestyle.

    So, as you continue to reap the benefits of the Turkey Challenge, don’t worry about those frightening diet stats—you are not on a diet. You are being introduced to a lifestyle that will help you reach and maintain your long-term health goals!

    You’re doing great, so keep up the good work and remember that we will be reporting results tomorrow!


  • livingdreamteam 2:48 am on November 16, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Friends Help Losing Weight, , , Isagenix Heart Healthy Diet, , , , ,   

    Turkey Cleanse Day 10 

    “I luv this it is so motivating!!!!!!” -Galli

    It is fun!  The Turkey Challenge is about making some good choices and getting support.  

    Support is an essential part of success.  With Friends around us we feel stronger, not so alone and like anything is possible.  

    Here is why we need Support:

    “I’ve talked to nearly 30,000 people on this show, and all 30,000 had one thing in common — they all wanted validation. … They want to know, do you hear me? Do you see me? Does what I say mean anything to you?” -Oprah Winfrey

    The best mirror is a friend’s eye.”-Unknown

    “It is important for people to know that no matter what lies in their past, they can overcome the dark side and press on the a brighter world.” — Dave Pelzer

    “A friend is one who walks in when others walk out.” –Walter Winchill

    Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”-Thomas J. Watson

    My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. –Henry Ford

    We are so glad for your friendship and we so excited to bring out the best in you!  We want to help you to “Stick to It!”

    “Stick to It”  means that You Gt Your Best Results during the Turkey Challenge by doing a few things, like Journal/Keep-Track/Write-Down your intake, following an Isagenix program (Today is a CLEANSE DAY) or by staying within 200-300 calories for breakfast 300-400 calories for lunch and 500-800 additional calories for the rest of your meals and snacks.

    BUT…. Why?  Why do we need to “Stick to It”?

    There are many things that factor in to weight loss, but a lot just has to do with #’s. The Why is ALL in the Numbers and Here is Why:  The number of calories the body needs to consumes in a day is different for every person and so are their caloric needs if they want to lose weight. You may notice on the nutritional labels of the foods you buy that the “percent daily values” are based on a 2,000 calorie diet — 2,000 calories is a rough average of what people eat in a day.

    But… your body might need more or less than 2,000. Height, weight, gender, age and activity level.  If you are following an Isagenix Program, you are consuming about 1200 calories on a shake day.  That is the minimum most nutritionist will recommend without Dr. supervision.  If your following the healthy eating program your consuming on average about the same amount. That will put most of you at a 800 calorie deficit and you will be losing weight!  Woot Woot!

    BUT… There is more!  According to the American Heart Association,

    “more than 140 million American adults are overweight. (Did you check your BMI? Are you one of them?)  Of these, nearly 66 million are obese. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke (and whole lot of other illness), even if they have no other risk factors. Obesity is unhealthy because excess weight puts more strain on your heart. (Your joint, and bones to) It can raise blood pressure and blood cholesterol and can lead to diabetes. Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart problems and other diseases. You can reduce your risk of heart disease by reaching and staying at your best weight.”

    That’s why!  It’s also why we are hoping that some of these changes with “Stick with You!”

    AND…  The WINNER is (We can’t tell you yet!!!!  Results aren’t due until Midnight EST)

    Congratulations!  You’ve won an IsaShaker™ with 4 tropical & 4 orange Want More Energy?® Sticks.  Please email us your address!


  • livingdreamteam 12:00 am on November 12, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: High Protein Diets, , , , , , WebMd Diet, , What is in an Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse   

    Turkey Challenge Day 6 


    Exciting! Your preparations have probably been done by now and the Turkey Challenge is about to begin!

    If you are following an Isagenix 9 Day Program (or 30 Day), unpack your products and don’t forget to read your System Guide. The System Guide offers important instructions, so review the meal plans and tips and keep your System Guide handy! You never know when you might need to refer to it.

    The products in the 9-Day System include:

    • Two bottles or containers of Cleanse for Life®, your Cleanse Day drink to help your body naturally release impurities.
    • IsaLean® Shake canister, which contains 14 meal replacements for Shake Days to replenish and revitalize your body.
    • Natural Accelerator™, 60 capsules, to help jumpstart your metabolism.
    • Isagenix Snacks! ™, 60 wafers, to help you ease hunger and regulate blood sugar during Cleanse Days.
    • 1 Cleanse and Replenish for Life Coaching System Audio CD -LISTEN TO IT!!!!

    If you are not following an Isagenix Program, make sure that you have a plan to follow and you have the cooking supplies that you will need.  Now is the time to run out for last minute preparations.

    We will be starting tomorrow!  For those of you on Isagenix, Sunday will be a Shake, Shake, 600 calorie meal day. Monday will be a Shake Day too.  These two days are important because they help prepare your body for cleansing.

    If you are not using Isagenix it’s 200-300 calories for breakfast, 300-400 for lunch and 500-800 for the the rest of the days total intake.

    It’s a good idea to determine your snack and meal plan for the week now to reduce the opportunities to stray from the Challenge Guidelines.

    Yesterday we included some tips for Snacking, here are some things to think about when you prepare your meals:  High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight because emerging research has hinted that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.  WebMd says, “High-protein diets may help people lose weight — at least in the short term — because dieters tend to feel full longer when they eat more protein. This alone can cut down on snacking and lead to fairly rapid weight loss. Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular. Unfortunately, many people gain back the weight once the diet ends.”

    Good choices include:

    Nuts, Yogurt, Beans of any kind,  Lean Cuts of Red Meat, Eggs(Hard Boiled is Best), Chicken w/out skin, Tofu, Pork Tenderloin, Fish of ANY kind and of course IsaLean Shakes and Bars.

    When you wake up, drink 1–2 glasses of purified water. If you have Ionix Supreme now is the time for 1-2 oz and if you must 1 Cup Green Tea or other Tea is OK.  Coffee is not a great choice – sorry, but it’s only 11 days!

    Mix 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake with 8 oz. of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator™ capsule.  OR Prepare a 200-300 calorie meal.  This meal should include protein.

    Have a small snack.  Pick one option from the “Sensible Snack Ideas” chart in your Isagenix System Guide.  This snack should equal 100 calories or less whether or not you are on an Isagenix system.  You can also look back at yesterdays suggestions.

    Many people following an Isagenix Program eat their meal during lunch to help break up the two shakes. If you prefer, you can eat your meal for dinner. Eat a balanced meal of 400-600 calories (400 if you are having snacks, 600 if you are not).  Protein, veggies and whole grains are great food options. Skip the butter or fatty dressings.  For those not following an Isagenix Program, aim for a 300-400 calorie meal.  Good choices still apply.

    If you’re hungry, have a piece of fruit, 1 – 2 IsaDelight Plus, a few stalks of celery or unsalted almonds. Take one Natural Accelerator capsule with your snack or with water. 100 calorie max.

    If you are doing Isagenix you’ll either have your second shake or your meal for the day. If you are not following Isagenix, you should have about 600 calories left.  See above for good meal choices or check out these recipes -> Low-Cal Entrees CLICK HERE.

    REMEMBER:  Everybody needs to Drink 80 oz of Water, Sleep 8 Hours and Exercise for at least 20 Minutes every day of the TURKEY CHALLENGE!  EAT RIGHT, DRINK RIGHT,  SLEEP RIGHT, EXERCISE RIGHT and You Will FEEL RIGHT!

    Toady we are also going to Take a BEFOR PICTURE, TAKE MEASUREMENTS, RECORD WEIGHT and BMI.  If you need the tracking sheets, please email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com.

    We’re excited that we are ALL on the verge of discovering our body’s true potential for health and youthful vitality.  This is going to be so much fun!

    Have a fantastic day and mark your calendar.  The first Reporting Day is Day 3 – TUESDAY and the BIGGEST LOSER WINS!

    If  need to order Isagenix please go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 9:02 pm on November 11, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Diests that Work, , , , , , , , ,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 5 

    We’ve Got Your Isagenix TURKEY CHALLENGE Tracking Sheets!  🙂

    Email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com for you Tracking Sheets.  Then, print ALL three pages and post them on your fridge.  Start Tracking your progress Sunday Nov. 13th!

    Remember, this is your last chance to share this invite with friends! Registration for the Turkey Challenges Will Be Closed Sat. Nov. 12!

    Let’s face it, many of us have tried on our own and stopped and started many times with no lasting results.  That’s why we want to do it together this time!  There’s nothing like having a group of people surrounding you with a “proven” plan to help you get real results – finally!

    The Turkey Challenge will be fun and supportive!  It is geared toward giving support, encouragement and to help you make simple changes that will make a big difference!  Any Individual who want’s to make a few healthy changes can participated in the challenge!

    And Win The Prizes!

    That’s right you do NOT have to be using Isagenix products to participate or to WIN.

    How To Get Ready To Win
    To participate you must:

    1. Bring a great attitude!

    2. Be a member or friend of the LVDT.  (Friendship is easy just email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com or to Join go to http://www.CleansMyself.com)

    3. Be ready.  If you are following an Isagenix program, make sure that you have all the Isagenix products on hand that you will need to complete the 9 Day Cleanse or to continue on the 30 Day Program.

    4. Send an email to Gabby@CleanseMyself.com letting us know you want to participate.  

    Email deadline- 11~11~11~ TODAY!

    5. Make a Plan. We have outlined the plan for you. PRINT the attached Pages!

    6. Track Your Progress: See the attached Tracking Charts.  We will be keeping a running tally of total pounds and inches released by both individuals and the group and prizes will be awarded to the biggest losers of course.

    How Will the Turkey Challenge Work

    During the Turkey Challenge you will be encouraged to Sleep, Eat, Drink and Exercise “Right”!  All things that we know we should do, but often we don’t.  During the Turkey Challenge WE WILL!

    TODAYS TASK:   It’s Time! Go on a SHOPPING SPREE!

    Let’s go through our list of things you need to do before starting the Challenge. Do you have everything you will need for the challenge? How are you doing at cutting back on unhealthy foods? Have you talked with friends and family about supporting you through your exciting transformation? If you said yes, GREAT JOB! If you have not yet completed these tasks, then get on it!

    Today, let’s go food shopping. Shop for the foods that you placed on your list that first day and remove tempting, unhealthy foods from your home. Before you hit the market, give away or throw out unhealthy foods that may lead you to stray from the Challenge.

    OK! Let’s go shopping for fresh, whole foods and produce—organic is preferred.

    Have fun with this shopping experience. Try new fruits and vegetables on your Shake Days. On Cleanse Days, unsalted almonds, fruits and vegetables that are low on the glycemic scale are a must: Think apples, berries, pears, broccoli and celery.

    Here’s what you will need durring the Turkey Challenge:


    Essential for All Days: 

    80 oz of Pure water (bottled or purified with a filter) EVERY DAY 

    20 Minutes or more of Exercise EVERYDAY



    Meals Ideas:

    Lean protein, fish or organic tofu


    Eggs (Free-range, omega-rich eggs preferred)


    Organic vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, lettuce and tomatoes


    Whole grains, such as brown rice and barley 


    Frozen Dinners by Kashi or Amy’s Organics


    Snack Ideas:   Losing weight is not easy.  It takes effort and commitment.  To ward off the hungries on Shake Days, having fresh and easy snacks that are low cal and healthy is essential.  Try these yummy favorite:

    • 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt topped with 1 Tbsp. IsaCrunch
      ½ cup 1% fat cottage cheese topped with 1 Tbsp.  3 slivered raw almonds or 4 cherry tomatoes
      1 hard boiled egg with no salt
      10 raw almonds soaked in water in the fridge over night
      Whole wheat sesame flat bread  topped with ½ Tbsp. all-natural peanut butter
      3 oz. tuna or salmon, packed in water, served with 1 sliced plum tomato and drizzled with fresh lemon juice
      ½ cup steel-cut oats topped with ½ cup fresh berries
      1 cup blueberries, strawberries or raspberries and 1 brown rice cake
      ½ cup red and yellow pepper, celery, or carrot strips dipped into  4 Tbsp. humus
      1 cup mixed melon balls (cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew) topped with 1/4 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt
      1 brown rice cake topped with ½ Tbsp. raw almond butter
      ½ a sliced apple or pear with 5 walnut halves
      1 navel orange with ½ cup nonfat plain yogurt
      Also try IsaDelights and Isagenix Slim Cake Cookies!

    Cleanse Day Support Options:  The less snaking the better but if you have to here are a few options-


      • 1 to 2 IsaDelight Plus can be taken twice daily 30 minutes before eating Isagenix Snacks! or two hours after.
        Important: the amino acids in IsaDelight Plus encourage natural production of mood-elevating brain chemicals which can help satisfy appetite. Amino acids found in protein from foods can interfere, so IsaDelight Plus should be consumed on an empty stomach.
      • For a boost of energy or to manage blood sugar, eat ¼ apple or pear.
      • 2 Raw almonds every 2 hours taste great with the IsaSnacks.
      • Try a hard boiled egg wrapped in a letus leaf if you really feel like you ‘can’t make it’.

    When you’ve stocked your kitchen with healthy foods that will enhance your cleansing lifestyle, you’re positioning yourself for success.


    • PRIZES!!! 
    • Prizes will be given out to those that have the Most Points Every Other Even Day!
      Day 4 Prize: IsaShaker™ with 4 tropical & 4 orange Want More Energy?® Sticks

      Day 8 Prize: IsaDelight Plus™ – The green tea-infused dark chocolates.

      Day 12 Prize:  The Perfect Gift Bag- IsaDermix®
      Refreshing Body Wash & Ultra Hydrating Hand & Body Cream

      Good Luck!

  • livingdreamteam 6:49 pm on November 9, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Healthy Weight Loss, How to do an Isagenix 9 Day, , , , , , What's an Isagenix 9 Day   

    Turkey Challenge Day 3 

     Turkey Challenge Day 3

    We are still just getting ready for this contest officially to begin on Sunday, but there are a few things that we can do to ensure that we will be ready for great results!

    Today’s task: Today you’re going to build your support system. You’re going to spend time with people you care about and ask them to help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. Ask at least 3 people to be on your support team.

    To help you get started:

    First, make a list of all of the people who influence your behavior—friends, family and co-workers.

    Second, if you haven’t told them about your plans to ‘get healthy’, share your plans with them today. Even though you will have the support of this contest, it’s easier when you have the people who care about you cheering you on too.

    Third, when you talk with your support team let them know:

    • You are competing in a contest and that this represents your first step toward your a NEW- Healthier You.
    • If you are using Isagenix, tell them that Cleansing and Replenishing are the missing links to effective weight loss and improving health.
    • While competing in the Turkey Challenge, you’ll also be ridding your life of nutritionally deficient foods and adopting healthier and lasting habits like drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.
    • You want each person’s support to help keep you focused on your goals and honest, so ask them to check in you regularly.

    If friends or family members have questions about Isagenix, it might be helpful to show them the products and System Guide when they arrive. As your support team gains understanding of the process, they’ll be better equipped to help you—and, they may even decide to join you.  Remember registration well be open until Saturday November 12th.


    Congratulations on your continued preparation! Have a great time with today’s task.


  • livingdreamteam 7:17 pm on September 10, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Detox Diet, , , , Isagenix Detoxification, ,   

    21 Reasons to Cleanse and Replenish With Isagenix 

    21 Reasons to Cleanse and Replenish With Isagenix

    Total Body Internal Cleansing is hot topic, and for good reason. We live in a very toxic world. Herbicides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, food additives and synthetic drugs can have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs and state of health. 20 million pounds of antibiotics were injected into our farm animals last year alone. There are so many insecticides and pesticides on our fruits and vegetables that these noxious chemicals seem to have become part of our food pyramid. We are chronically exposed to harmful substances.

    Because our soils are poisoned with chemicals and pollution and are continually stripped of their nutrient base many of our foods are not supplying our bodies with the necessary nutrients – primarily minerals – to perform optimally. The nutritionally bankrupt body is an invitation to illness and disease.

    America is in a true health crisis and preventable diseases are out of control. Cardiovascular disease is epidemic, 44 million people suffer from arthritis, 18 million have diabetes, 17 million suffer from asthma, 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer and 18 million children are obese. For the first time in history we are actually seeing a decline in the American life-span.

    According to the Journal of American Medical Association, obesity, poor physical activity and the resultant associated illnesses are overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in this country. Obesity cost America $117 Billion in 2000 according to the Surgeon General. Obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:

    • Heart Disease and Stroke

    • Type II Diabetes

    • High Blood Pressure

    • Osteoarthritis

    • Gallbladder Stones and Dysfunction • Sleep Apnea

    • High Cholesterol

    • Chronic Back Pain

    • Bladder Control Problems Such as Stress Incontinence

    • Complications of Pregnancy

    • Severe Depression

    • Cancer (Uterine, Cervical, Ovarian, Breast, Liver, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Colon and Prostate)

    “Visceral” fat (fat carried in the abdominal area) poses an even higher risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Supporting our body’s natural cleansing abilities helps combat this problem.

    Since 1976, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been engaged in the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS). In this study, adipose (fat) samples were taken from cadavers and elective surgeries from all regions of the country and the levels of toxins were measured. Twenty toxic compounds were found in 76% or more of all samples! These ongoing assessments have shown quite clearly that it is not a question of if we are carrying too many toxic compounds, but how much and how do they harm us. The ever increasing illness and disease in this country are indicative of how vital it is to cleanse and replenish NOW!

    [1] Strengthen The Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high grade essential nutrients supports the immune system. Some studies indicate that a healthy dose of high grade, absorbable protein may strengthen your immune system by as much as 500%.

    [2] Love Your liver. A clean, healthy liver supports metabolism and burns fat. A healthy

    liver promotes normal thyroid function and when the thyroid is healthy, your metabolism and energy levels escalate.

    [3] Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. When 3 your body can effectively absorb and digest fats and protein, it converts these nutrients into healthy brain chemicals. When your brain chemistry is aligned, you will make healthier food selections.

    [4] Restore Antioxidants. Toxic compounds create “free radicals” that have the potential

    to damage cellular DNA. Antioxidants are substances that block free radical formation and destroy already formed free radicals.

    [5] Free yourself from stress. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are used to help the body

    “adapt” to imbalances that stress the body externally or internally. Replenishing the body’s needed adaptogens assists in the body’s own self-regulatory systems, thus reducing stress.,

    [6] Maximize Absorption Of Essential Nutrients. Maximizing absorption of nutrients helps to fuel the internal body to support all major organ systems including the circulatory, musculoskeletal and neurological systems.

    [7] Aid Digestion. Herbs such as suma, peppermint, fennel seed and licorice have been used

    in many cultures to support and aid in digestion. Peppermint is a nontoxic digestive remedy that can provide relief from gas, bloating, nausea and gastric upset. Peppermint has a calming effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and is felt to promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small bowel, thus aiding in the digestion of fats.

    [8] Rejuvenate Your Cells With Ionic Minerals. Minerals are the key to enzyme activation in

    our digestive tract. When minerals are present, our intestines allow for ultimate absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Ionic (charged) minerals are the most easily absorbed by our body.

    [9] Support Your Vital Organs. If your body is overwhelmed with impurities, gentle cleansing herbs and essential nutrients can allow it to eliminate impurities through the liver (the major detoxifying organ of the body), colon, urinary tract, sweat glands, skin pores and the lymphatic system much more effectively.

    [10] Lose Weight And Feel Great. Studies have shown that fat cells can provide the perfect environment for holding onto impurities. This is our body’s natural mechanism for protecting itself from dangerous, possibly deadly impurities. Cleansing aids in the body’s ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.

    [11] Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings. The healthy body will crave healthy things. The unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to create an environment that craves good, nutritious food.

    [12] Enhance Cellular Communication. Our cells want two things: good nutrients and a clean environment in which to communicate. Cleansing provides our cells with both.

    [13] Build Muscle. Cleansing and then replenishing with natural organic whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for the development of lean, dense muscle.

    [14] Restore Normal Sugar Levels. Abnormal sugar levels have been linked to serious health challenges and are often the result of weight gain. Effective weight loss and fueling of the body can aid in the body’s ability to restore normal sugar levels.

    [15] Beautify the Skin. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Cleansing and replenishing rejuvenates our skin, making us appear younger and more supple.

    [16] Create Abundant Energy. Better sleep cycles may be achieved through cleansing to provide the body with stamina, energy and mental clarity throughout the waking hours.

    [17] Balance Your Hormonal System. Cleansing and replenishing can balance hormone levels and lead to a feeling of constant well being, increased stamina and increased sexual desire.

    [18] Slow the Effects of Aging. Toxins and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging

    on an internal and external level. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attack the affects of aging head on. A younger appearance along with incredible energy is often the result!

    [19] Renewed Desire To Exercise. Often times when you cleanse and replenish the body with high grade essential nutrients you have a renewed sense to start an exercise program The health benefits of exercise are endless.

    [20] Enhance Elimination. Refined. processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, lack of exercise,

    dehydration and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to an irritable bowel and to sluggish elimination from the intestinal tract. Cellular cleansing and replenishing with fiber rich nutrients allows for better colonic elimination of impurities and is essential in the prevention of intestinal disorders.

    [21] Ultimate Quality of Life!! Cleansing and refueling the body is a revolutionary approach to optimal health and weight management. “Traditional Diets” are often imbalanced and neither strengthen the immune system nor rid the body of toxins. Imbalanced diets rob the body of essential nutrients and only offer temporary results, Why not embrace a program that gives your body the right nutrients, the right balance and the ability to once and for all chronically defend itself against the battle of the bulge?

    Getting Healthy has never felt so good!  Ready to learn more about Isagenix?  Visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • 4aileen 11:19 pm on August 8, 2011 Permalink
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    First person to release 400 POUNDS using Isagenix needs support 

    As a part of a fabulous team of national cleanse and lifestyle coaches a touching and powerful story has been brought to my attention.  For about 2 years I have followed the story of a young lady who came home from the hospital with d/c orders which read something like this “die with dignity”.  Dana was weighing in close to 800# with multiple medical problems and in the last 2 years has turned her life around.  This link is regarding her current quest and reach for support.  I hope you find this story uplifting and possibly you too can provide her a little support in her quest to travel to San Diego to receive an award.   www.aileenhanson.com

    src=”http://widget.chipin.com/widget/id/74aad4b7aa87c2c2″ flashVars=”event_title=trail%20blazer&event_desc=quest%20to%20be%20healthy” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowScriptAccess=”always” wmode=”transparent” width=”250″ height=”250″>

  • livingdreamteam 5:26 pm on March 2, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , Isagenix High Blood Pressure, Isagenix Risks, Isagenix Type 2 diabetes   

    Can I Use Isagenix If I Have High Blood Pressure or Type 2 Diabetes 

    The most important thing to be aware of if you have type 2 diabetes and or  high blood pressure, is that both can be avoided!  By leading a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet low in fat and calories, as well as physical activity can go a long way in reducing your chances of developing diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Here’s some information that Isagenix Shared on their Blog resently:

    “In a recent study published in The Lancet and reported in HealthDay News, once again confirmed that diet and exercise were successful in reducing risk for those most in jeopardy of developing type 2 diabetes.

    The study, which lasted a decade and included more than 3,000 overweight and obese adults, showed that those who lost weight through reducing caloric intake and increasing physical activity cut their risk of getting diabetes by one-third, compared to those with no intervention.

    So if you are ready, better health can be achieved through lifestyle choices that includes a diet lower in fat and calories, exercising regularly and Isagenix. These efforts will not only help you achieve your weight loss goals, but also reduce the risk of developing other life treating conditions in the long run.”

    Here is what Isagenix can offer:

    Isagenix is for every “BODY”.  Isagenix has products that are both safe and effective for every age group.  It is never too late!  You are never too old for Isagenix!

    Isagenix Advice:

    “If you have Type 2 diabetes there are a few things of which you should be aware if deciding to use the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

    Type 2 diabetes

    Monitor your glucose levels closely since it’s easy to have low levels while on the program. Isagenix Doctors recommend to their diabetics that they cut their medications in half if they are going to start on the 9-Day Program and if they are using insulin to only use the shorter-acting insulins. Please consult your doctor before adjusting medication.  However, the 9 Day Program is disciplined and the 30 Day may be be better place to start.  Results will not be as dramatic but it will be something you can stick to.

    Isagenix Doctors say that a temporary glucose rise would be OK since it’s better than you falling into a hypoglycemic state, which is more dangerous than a hyperglycemic state. What is generally seen is a reduction of both medication and glucose levels with this program. The Shake Days may very well show an increase in the glucose levels but as your weight goes down this generally is self-correcting. If this rise is too great for you then you can switch to just the IsaPro or you can use ½ a shake 4 times a day or reduce the amount to just ½ a shake 2 times a day.

    Many Isagenix say that their patients no longer require any type of medication for diabetes, but individual differences doesn’t make this the case for everyone.* At the very least you should see a reduction in your weight and a reduction in the amount of medication that you are using.”

    High Blood Pressure

    “Being overweight is also a risk factor for high blood pressure because it increases the volume of blood flowing through your vessels, causing an increase in pressure on artery walls. If overweight, losing a few pounds can help to lower high blood pressure and help you feel better. 🙂

    The Isagenix® Cleansing and Fat Burning System is an excellent program for weight loss. This system includes nutritional cleansing and replacing meals with high-protein shakes. If you are on high-blood pressure medication, however, please be advised that you should check with your doctor before starting the system or any other weight-loss program.  Just because it is always best to have your Dr on board. Also, lowering calories or “deep cleansing” can potentially lower blood pressure too quickly if you are on medication, it is important for your doctor to monitor you and make medication adjustments as appropriate.”

    Here is what a day with Isagenix looks like:

    Remember, Isagenix can be flexible – Make it fit your schedule.

    Isagenix offers something for every”body”.

    On a 9 Day you will have enough product to have 2 Pre Cleanse Days (which are the same as Shake Days), 4 Cleanse Days and 5 Shake Days.  You’ll start with the 2 Pre Cleanse Days.  Follow with 2 Cleanse Days.  Than 5 Shake Days.  Finish up with 2 more Cleanse Days.

    On a 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse you will start with 2 Pre Cleanse Days(which are the same as shake days), then 1 Cleanse Day.  Follow with 6 Shake Days and repeat the Cleanse Day.  Repeat 6 Shake Days/1 Cleanse.  That’s it.  On a 30 Day Cleanse you will only cleanse one day a week.  The rest are all Shake Days.

    On the Total Wellness Plan you’ll cleanse two days a month.  The rest are 1 shake and two meals.

    You’ll do great!  You are going to Love how you feel!

    All of this info will be in you program guide book that you will receive with you first shipment.  During my first 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse I found it helpful to follow a written plan.  I picked the times because they worked for me.  You can change or rotate anything you like.

    Pre Cleanse/Shake Days

    AM 1 -2 ounces Ionix Supreme (not included in a 9 day cleanse)

    8:00  Shake and Nat. Accelerator

    12:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional) and Nat. Accelerator

    1:30  400 – 600 Calorie Meal

    4:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional)

    6:00  Shake

    8:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional)

    9:00  1-2 Isa Flush (not included in a 9 day cleanse)

    Cleanse Days

    1/2 Cup Cleanse 4 life X 4

    *Sprinkle Cleanse for Life with Want More Energy

    *Drink lots of Water.  You can add Want More Energy if you need it.

    AM 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Nat. Accelerator

    8:00 Isagenix Snack

    11:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Isagenix Snack

    12:00 1 – 2 ounces Ionix Supreme

    1:00 Isagenix Snack

    2:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life

    3:00 Isagenix Snack

    5:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Isagenix Snack

    7:00 Isagenix Snack
    9:00 Isa Flush (Not in a 9 day or Total Health and Wellness)

    When you’re ready to order please visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com. Click “sign up and save” and find out how to receive wholesale prices on all your orders for the next year.  Ordering can be tricky, so please call if you have questions.  877 978 8266

    We want you to have a great product experience with Isagenix so, please let us know if you have any questions or need any support.


    More Info From Isageix:

    10 Diet and Nutrition Tips for People with Diabetes:

    1. If overweight, lose weight. Modest weight loss improves insulin resistance and blood sugar control.
    2. Decrease your intake of saturated and trans fat, and intake of sodium. Choose low-fat, low-sodium dairy foods and lean proteins.
    3. Decrease your carbohydrate intake, especially simple sugars. Reduced carbohydrate, reduced calorie meal plans can be effective in weight loss and blood sugar management. Monitoring carbohydrates is a key strategy in achieving blood sugar control.
    4. Consume balanced meals. Eat a minimum of three times per day and include high-quality protein and carbohydrate at each meal.
    5. Try meal replacements. Use of a quality, nutritious meal replacement shake or bars high in protein once or twice daily can help control the amount of protein and carbohydrate in the diet.
    6. Practice smart snacking. Snacks that emphasize fiber and protein can help stave off hunger. Avoid “junk foods” high in sugar, fat and sodium.
    7. Eat a fiber-rich diet. Strive to consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily from fruits, vegetables, legumes, bran, whole oats and other whole grains.
    8. Use a low-sugar fiber supplement if needed to increase fiber intake. Start low and slowly add to diet.
    9. Consume more mono- and polyunsaturated fats  from fish, olive oil, walnuts, almonds, and flax seed. Increase consumption of fish oil. Studies have shown that long-chain omega-3s from fish are especially beneficial in promoting heart health (hear thealth is an important factor in diabetes).
    10. Get enough of the “sunshine vitamin.” Recent studies show that vitamin D is helpful for optimal heart health.


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