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  • livingdreamteam 4:54 pm on November 23, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , Easy Diet, , , , , , ,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 18 CONGRATULATIONS 


    Congratulations! You did it! It’s the day after the Turkey Challenge and yeah it’s Thanksgiving too.  We know this will be a great day for you!  Enjoy it with your family and share your results!  Today will be a great day to Start talking. Share your triumph with your family, friends and  your support team. As people see the phenomenal changes taking place in you, more people will become aware of the life-changing benefits of Eating Healthy and or Following an Isagenix Program.  You could change their lives!

    Today, count your smilies, take your picture, weigh, figure out your BMI and measure yourself.   Compare your numbers today to your starting numbers and send us your results.  You’ve probably trimmed pounds and inches while increasing energy—NICE JOB!  You have all day to report!   We will announce the winner of the Turkey Challenge on FRIDAY.

    In the meantime, if you have more weight to lose, we suggest you Sticking With It!   You know what do!  You know what works!  And now you know you can do it!

    About your finances:  If you haven’t started your Isagenix business, this may be a great time. You may be fresh off your Isagenix 9 Day System, feeling confident about your accomplishment and others are probably seeing a positive change in you. If they ask what’s different, tell them your story. It’s that simple. Talk with the person who referred you to Isagenix and they’ll be able to help get you started or visit your Back Office Library for more information.

    Whatever you decide to do, we are so Thankful that you joined us for the Turkey Challenge.  Doing this together is so much more fun!  Again, congratulations—you should be proud of your outstanding accomplishment and don’t forget, WE Are Gearing Up To Do It All Again In Dec!

     The Holiday Challenge Starts DEC 13th!  Registration and Emails to help you get ready begin Dec. 7th

    If you know you want to participate again, just email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com and say Register Me For The Turkey Challenge!

  • livingdreamteam 2:24 pm on November 21, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Diet Snacks, Don't Eat, Drink Water for Weight Loss, , , , Isagenix Diet Results, , Water Diet,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 16 

    During the Turkey Challenge we have encouraged you drink at least 80 zo of water daily.  Althouth some people need more and some peple may need less, drinking water regulaerly throughout the day is a good habit.

    Water is amazing!  Water is a nutrient and also your body’s principal chemical component.  Water makes up about 65% of your bodies total weight. It is the major component of your most cells. It carries nutrients to your cells and takes away waste products.  Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs  Water carries nutrients to your cells and it provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.  See? Amazing!

    Everyday, your body is continually losing water through urine, bowel movements, sweat, and breathing.  Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.  Anybody ever feel ‘drained’ or ‘tiered’?  Next time, take a Drink!

    Drinking Water is a good habit!

    Here is another tip to get your weight-loss efforts back on track:

    Although negative emotions and boredom can trigger emotional eating, you can take steps to control cravings and reach your weight loss gaols. To help stop emotional eating, try these tips:

    • Tame your stress. Try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation and make sure that you are exercising regularly.
    • Have a hunger reality check. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don’t have a rumbling stomach, you’re probably not really hungry. Drink a glass of water, chew a piece of gum or go for walk. Give the craving a little time to pass.
    • Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you’re feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see a connection between mood and food.
    • Get support. Lean on family and friends.  Make a call, connect on facebook, text; reach out!
    • Fight boredom. Distract yourself. Take a walk, play a game, fold laundry, watch a movie, play with your pet, wash dishes, listen to music, read, research something on the internet or call a friend. Don’t snack!
    • Take away temptation. Clean out comfort foods from your home and keep them out. Nobody in your family needs nutritionally depleted foods with high caloric count and artificial everything.
    • Don’t deprive yourself.  Long term weight loss depends on your ability to STICK WITH IT! Making smart choices does not mean giving up everything you love.  Keep your daily diet flexable.  Let yourself enjoy an occasional treat and get plenty of variety in your diet to help curb cravings.
    • Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack or protein snacks such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, unbuttered popcorn, yogurt, nuts or a hard boiled egg.
    • Get enough sleep. If you’re constantly tired, you might snack to try to give yourself an energy boost. Drink a glass of water and then get to bed earlier instead.

    We are almost done! Tomorrow we cleanse! If you have gone off track during the Turkey Challenge, forgive yourself and start fresh today! Focus on the positive changes you’re making and give yourself credit for making changes that will lead to better health.  Try to learn from the experience and make a plan for the future!

    To help you:  We will be Hosting a HOLIDAY CHALLENGE  Starting DEC. 13th! Registration will begin Dec. 1st!

    Make this a day you are proud of!


  • livingdreamteam 3:07 pm on November 19, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Bad Friends Can Hurt Your Diet, Calorie Max on a Diet, , Fiber and Constipation, IIsaFlush, , , Isagenix Diet Tips, , , Why am I not losing weight   

    Turkey Challenge Day 14 


    It’s Officially, Day 6 of the Turkey Challenge and you’re probably starting to see the results that you want. Many people reported yesterday pounds and inches lost, as well as an increase in energy.

    If you are experiencing these changes, great job! Keep going and continue to Stick with It!

    If you’re not noticing more energy and healthy weight loss, let’s figure out why.

    • Have you gotten rid of all of your tempting foods? If no, then are you allowing any of these foods to tempt you away from the system?
    • Are you getting enough fiber? If constipation is an issue, there are many natural solutions, like prunes or Isagenix FiberPro™.  Each are effective solution, which you can easily incorporate into your diet. Not only does Isagenix Fiber Pro include five types of plant fiber. IsaFlush® is another option and contains nutritious magnesium, which can help the colon relax and work more effectively.
    • Are all of the members of your support team helping you? Are any of them hurting you? Sometimes people don’t want loved ones to change out of fear. If there is a “problem person” on your support team, talk to them about really helping you succeed.
    • Is excessive stress a barrier to changing your health? Do you eat to comfort yourself? If yes, then find another way to alleviate stress, like running, walking, reading or meditating.
    • Are you following the Eat Right Plan or the Isagenxi 9 Day System as closely as you’re able? If you’re not, then commit to following the two remaining 4 days as closely as possible.
    • Are you getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and exercising every day.  If not, these are keys to improved health and weight loss.  Go get your smilie faces!
    • Journalling will also hep.  Write down every calorie that passes your lips. Keep in mind, our max is 1500 during the Challenge.

    Your health is worth the time and effort that you are investing. If you’re doing well on Turkey Challenge, GREAT! If not, then it’s never too late to change your habits and commit to greater health. You can absolutely do this!

    Good luck today!


  • livingdreamteam 4:22 pm on November 18, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Attitude is Everything, , , , Isagenix 9 Day Program, Isagenix Total Health and Wellness Program, , Stay Focus on Weight loss Goals,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 13 


    Of course you have heard and understand the the truth behind the statement, “You are what you eat!”  But, have you considered the possibility that, “You are what you think!”  When interviewed, every time WINNER in anything will tell you that they always new that they would get what they wanted.  They never allowed any other thoughts to enter their minds. This cute story exemplifies this beautifully:


    There once was a bunch of tiny frogs … who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants…

    The race began… No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: “Oh, WAY too difficult!!” “They will NEVER make it to the top.” The tiny frogs began collapsing. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up… …But ONE continued higher and higher and higher… This one wouldn’t give up! He was the only one who reached the top! All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?

    It turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!!

    The wisdom of this story:

    • Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. They take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you — the ones you have in your heart!
    • Always think of the power words have. Even our own.  Everything you hear and read will affect your actions!
    • BE POSITIVE! And above all, be DEAF when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!

    Keep your attitude in mind as you continue on your journey towards health and wellness with the Turkey Challenge, it’s important to stay focused on why you are doing this and how you can reach—and maintain—your goals.

    Did you know that nearly 95% of Dieter that lose weight, gain it back in a year!  This is because people follow diets and then stop when they reach their weight loss target.  They go off the diet and regain even more weight than they lost.  Now, is the time to start planning your maintenance program for life!  With the right attitude and the right plan you can achieve your goals and keep your results long after the Turkey Challenge is over.  YOU CAN DO IT!

    Eating Right and Nutritional Cleansing aren’t really diets,  they are both healthy was to live a long. And both can help you hold onto all of your Challenge Rewards—including weight loss.

    As you continue with Challenge, you may feel vitality returning to your body, see the pounds melting off and lean body mass building. When you complete Challenge, don’t abandon the changes you have made— embrace this NEW YOU!

    If you have more weight to lose, or want to continue to improve your health and fitness, Stick with IT!  If you are following the Isagenix 9 Day program it will be time to move on to the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System.  It is the ideal choice for those individuals who want to keep lose weight with a flexible program.

    If you have reached you weight loss goal, Stick with It, continue to make good choices, but have a little bit more flexibility.  If you are following an Isagenix program, move on to the Total Health and Wellness Program to help you maintain the health gains from the 9-Day or 30-Day System. This system helps you maintain higher energy, lean body mass and a healthier lifestyle.

    So, as you continue to reap the benefits of the Turkey Challenge, don’t worry about those frightening diet stats—you are not on a diet. You are being introduced to a lifestyle that will help you reach and maintain your long-term health goals!

    You’re doing great, so keep up the good work and remember that we will be reporting results tomorrow!


  • livingdreamteam 8:14 pm on November 17, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Detox Diet Research, , Isagenix Isagenix Cleansing, , , , Nutrition Research, Weight Loss Scientific Study   

    Turkey Challenge Day 12 


    On the surface, you probably don’t look like you have changed much, but you have.  Think about how good you already feel.  Here are some of the reports we are hearing after just 4 1/2 days:

    “I was drinking a pot of coffee everyday and I GAVE UP Coffee!”

    “I never make it to the gym this much.  I am lucky if I fit it in 2 or 3 times a week .  I have gone everyday so far.”

    “I got my wedding ring on again- no more puffy hands.”

    “I was making cookies with my kids and I accidentally licked the batter spoon and had to run to the trash to spit it out. lol This is great!”

    “I could button my pants today without jumping.”

    These are all good reasons to Stick with IT!  Today you are probably feeling like things are getting easier.  Today, is just another Day, but it’s really much more than that. It’s Official Day 6 of the Challenge (Remember that we took 6 Days to prepare.) and we are half way to our goal. If you are following an Isagenix Program it is a Shake Day.

    Today, you’re working on removing the barriers that have prevented you from experiencing good health in the past.

    Since you’ve been Eating Right or following the Isagenix 9 Day System, your body has been nourished with vital nutrients to strengthen your body from the inside out. You have also been giving your body enough rest, enough to drink and you have been exercising!  Congratulations!

    So, what else have you been doing?
    Think about this: Over-farming, pesticides and processed foods have created an incredible burden on our health. If a body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs, it will attempt to get more nutrients by triggering food cravings and hunger pangs. This can lead to overeating, which in turn contributes to obesity and poor health.

    The nutrients found in the Isagenix® products bridge the gap between the low level nutrition found in regular food and the high level necessary to attain optimum health. With each Shake and Cleanse Day, you are providing your body with nutrients designed to help you achieve the best health possible. You are retraining your body to be hungry only when it requires nutrition.

    Here’s a little bit more information:  Research shows that a reduced-calorie diet high in nutrients helps people lose weight and live longer and now recent studies show nutritional cleansing can also help.

    Want to know How and Why cleansing works?

    Check out the Medical Study Specific to Isagenix:  http://www.cleansemyself.com/medicalstudy.pdf

    Then Look at these RESULTS  Research and Science team presented scientific posters on Wednesday, April 28, on the findings of two clinical studies on Isagenix products in Anaheim, Calif., at Experimental Biology 2010.

    To read the company’s official news announcement, click here. To read the official press release with details on the findings of each study, please click here.

    Additionally, if you are interested in downloading the scientific information for the 28-day study or nine-day study directly in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), then click here or here, respectively.

    To see an abstract of the nine-day study, click here.  (Take a look at this! This is what is happening to you body during the challenge!)

    Both of the pilot trials showed positive results and attested to the efficacy of IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life for supporting adults with healthy weight loss, maintaining healthy lipid profiles, and feel better about their weight, health and energy levels.

    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.  Why didn’t these studies report measures other than those for healthy weight loss—body composition and lipid profiles?

    A. We chose to evaluate the impact of our programs on these parameters since these type of data would help provide Proof of Concept, or further substantiation of our efficacy as sought by the FDA and the FTC. Please be aware that successful weight management not only reduces risks of various disease by normalizaing plasma lipids and reducing abdominal fat, but also, with our products, alleviates both undernourishment and exposure to stored toxins. 

    As a person loses weight, toxins stored in adipose tissue are also released as the fat cell shrinks. These molecules must be transferred  to the liver where the detoxifying enzymes makes them water-soluble so they can be excreted in the urine or bile.


    Isagenix seeks to help solve weight management, undernourishment and toxicity with its programs—IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life are not only excellent for lowering caloric intake for weight management, but provides a tasty, nutrient-dense food  designed  to maximize nutrition and provide supportive botanicals that promote natural cleansing and detoxification in the body.

    Q. Both studies showed  significant decreases in plasma lipids, yet we are not allowed to claim “cholesterol lowering”. How come?

    A.  Scientists discuss results that were obtained. They are not marketing their results and, therefore, must describe the data they have. Companies selling dietary supplements are not allowed to say their products can “lower cholesterol” or affect other plasma lipid biomarkers because FDA deems those as drug claims.

    Q. Who funded these studies and where were they conducted?

    A. Isagenix funded both studies and each were conducted at New York Chiropractic College  where Dr. Balliett was the Principal Investigator and Dean of the Basic Sciences Department.  Isagenix proactively searched for a university who could conduct these studies according to Good Clinical Practice, get Institutional Review Board approval and have the clinical expertise to run a nutrition study on weight loss and body composition.

    Dr. Balliett became interested in Isagenix through her students and eventually was appointed to our Technical Advisory Board (TAB). As a member of the TAB, she remains an impartial resource who does not distribute Isagenix products.

    Q. Does Isagenix plan to perform more research with New York Chiropractic College and other universities?

    A. Yes, Isagenix is actively engaged in assessing the needs for more  clinical studies that may further support the efficacy and safety of our products.

    Q. Have there been any clinical studies performed by independent parties that have not been funded by Isagenix?

    A. We are not aware of any researchers who have studied our products in clinical trials. It is not typical for medical researchers to study products from private industry if not properly funded.

    Q. Why hasn’t Isagenix funded medical doctors to perform their research?

    A. Studies for dietary supplements and foods are best conducted by experts in the field. Sometimes that may be a professor with a medical degree, but most often these type of studies are best done with Ph.D.s at universities or contract research firms who have expertise in weight loss. Federally funded organizations such as National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, etc. do not necessarily wish to support research on products from private industry, particularly if  the studies are not mechanistic or related to diseases. Thus, it is up to individual companies to set aside research dollars to conduct third-party research. That is not to say we would not find a partner at a medical school to conduct research, but it would still have to be funded by us.

    Success is all about believing in yourself and it’s easier when you can have belief in the products too!

    Have a great day!


  • livingdreamteam 8:31 pm on August 24, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: How to Make a Commitment to Yourself, , , Isagenix Interest, , , Weight Loss Results   

    Results Don’t Come Easy 


    R U Ready To Commit?

    Getting results is what we say we all want but like with so many things our actions speak louder than our words.  Getting results in our business efforts, our health, our relationships – whatever, it all takes more than just an interest.

    Results require commitment!

    Interest is ‘the state of wanting to know or learn more about something’.  It’s when it sounds like a good idea to you but it’s ‘not really high on the priority list right now’.   Things that draw our interest usually include our career, finances, health and happiness.  We are all interested in these things, but very few of us are really committed to achieve our dream in anyone one of them.

    Commitment implies sacrifice.  Saying that you are committed to something suggest that you are putting other things aside to make this thing hold a place of high importance on your ‘Things to Do” list and that results are inevitable!


    People that are committed work when others won’t work.

    People that are committed set examples and lead by example every day.

    People that are committed to achieving a goal don’t complain.

    people that are committed to something don’t find excuses.

    People that are committed keep their eye on their reward at all times and never allow others to take them out of their game.

    It’s your life, your health, you business, your future…     Step up, get results and commit to the things that are important to you!

    It will change everything!!!

  • fullbodycleanse 8:35 pm on December 10, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Heart Rate, , Isagenix Body, Isagenix Heart, ,   

    Heart Health and Isagenix® 

    What is the number one factor in determining your physical fitness?  Why, it’s your heart rate of course.  This knowledge can actually help you to maximize your weight loss during physical activity.  Coupled with one of the many Isagenix® systems you can improve your overall health and fitness by simply tracking your heart rate.

    There is a very simple formula by which you can determine the most effective heart rate for you to lose weight and get fit.  Broken down into basic terms your heart is a large pump that pushes oxygenated blood from your lungs to the rest of your body.  Your muscles depend on this oxygenated blood to perform like God intended them to.  In addition, your heart rate not only tells you how hard you are working, but also whether or not your workout is effective in your efforts to lose weight.

    If you would like to learn more about how knowing your heart can help you to lose weight you can visit our site below. If you would like to get more information about Isagenix systems, products and paks and how they can work in tandem with a solid workout regimen to help you to reach  your fitness and weight loss goals, then you can either call us toll free at 1-866-982-DIET (3438) or you can visit our website at http://www.cleansebenefits.com.

  • livingdreamteam 7:51 pm on October 12, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Healthy Weight, How to lose weight, , , , ,   

    Maintaining A Healthy Weight Is A Balancing Act 

    How to get to a Healthy Weight and Stay There:

    Achieving and maintaing a healthy weight really is all about balancing highly nutritious food intake with physical activity but what else is missing?

    Regular Cleansing is what most diets are missing and why they don’t work for the long term.  Regular Cleansing can help tip the scales in your favor!!!

    Regular Cleansing, includes fasting and drinking herbal remedies, which has been practiced throughout history and around the world.  Cleansing gives the body the chance to rest, regenerate and assist in its natural ability to remove toxins and impurities to promote long-term wellness. However, Nutritional Cleansing improves upon this ancient practice with a system that cleanses, replenishes and revitalizes the body with essential nutrients. Fasting helps to remove impurities from the body, but Nutritional Cleansing speeds up this process by infusing the body with healthy nutrients.

    In simple terms, Nutritional Cleansing can be compared to changing the oil in your car. We regularly change the oil in our cars because it gets dirty and clogged by pollutants. We drain the dirty oil and replace it with clean oil, which helps our cars to run more efficiently. The same can be said for our bodies. We are regularly exposed to pollutants in our environment, impurities in our diets and stress that is often created by our hectic lifestyles. Nutritional Cleansing helps the body and organs to do what they are designed to do naturally and remove impurities.

    Nutritional Cleansing is complete systems that can help to promote optimum health, help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss for life!!!  It’s a complete approach to greater health and wellness.

    What is Nutritional Cleansing with Isagenix?

    Cleanse Days are a period of low-calorie intake, with no meals and only suggested snacks, accompanied by our Cleanse for Life™ liquid nutritional supplement, which replenishes the body with essentials vitamins and minerals.

    Shake Days are when you follow a low calorie meal routine, where one to two meals are replaced with nutrient-rich IsaLean® Shakes, Bars or Soups. The third meal is a suggested low-calorie, nutrient-dense meal.

    The final component of the Nutritional Cleansing Isagenix system is an infusion of essential nutrients, which includes daily supplements taken that provide essential vitamins and minerals to optimize health along with a minimum daily 20 minute exercise routine .

    The Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing system is not a “quick-fix” or a diet.  It about creating a healthy, manageable lifestyle.

    The benefits of Nutritional Cleansing, combined with the convenience of a complete wellness system, has given people the ability to change their lives in remarkable ways and has created greater health and safe, lasting weight loss for hundreds of thousands of people.

    Remember that small steps add up. Slow, steady weight loss is more likely to last than dramatic weight changes. 

    If you want to reach or maintain a healthy weight, the best path is a lifelong combination of eating smarter, moving more and cleansing regularly. For a personalized plan tailored to your lifestyle consult one of Team Cleansing Coaches with both a personal story with Isagenix and expertise in weight management at http://www.CleanseMyself.com.

    Healthy Weight 


  • drannettecartaxo 6:05 am on September 4, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Childhood Obesity, Children Diet, Dr. Barnard, High-frutose corn syrup Children, , , Lack of Exercise Children,   

    Childhood Obesity Linked to Fast Foods 

    The President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard, stated that the blame of  the increasing rate of childhood obesity seems to be linked to the increase in unhealthy foods  rather than  decreased exercise.

    Dr. Barnard analyzed food availability data from 1909 to 2007 and found that during that period of time the food availability increased  from 35 to 87 lbs per person per year of oils, from 124 to 200 lbs per person per year of meat, from 4 to 33 lbs per person per year of cheese and from 1.5 to 25 lbs per person per year of frozen dairy products.

    Also from 1970 to 2007 the availability of sweeteners increased from 119 to 136 lbs per  person per year.  This increase in caloric sweeteners reflects the increase in high-fructure corn syrup, which in part may be related to the sharp availability of carbonated beverages which increased by 15 gallons per person per year when comparing data from 2007 to 1980.

    Lets stop and think about this  for a minute. This increase alone in sweeteners i.e. mostly high-fructose corn syrup in the last 27 years has had a dramatic impact on rather new childhood illnesses  such as  diabetes, obesity and not to mention ADHD?!

    Do you think a growing child with a growing brain should be bathed in so much sugar?!

    The consumption of bad fats is what is increasing so we must educate ourselves on the good fats.  Overall I believe Dr. Barnard is stating that we eat too much and so it follows that our children do the same.  To quote Dr. Barnard, “Our analysis of USDA figures shows that the big increases over the last century have been in the amount of meat, cheese, oil, and frozen desserts that people are consuming.  While people tend to blame a lack of exercise, it appears that meaty, cheesy diets are largely to blame.”

    Annette Cartaxo, MD

    Please visit me at http://www.cartaxo.isagenix.com

  • livingdreamteam 4:49 pm on July 5, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , Dieting Tips, , , , , Isagenix Deep Body Cleanse,   

    5 Tips for Deep Body Cleansing 

    “When new restrictive eating patterns are combined with increased physical activity routines it is a recipe for failure for most people. This is because these changes are very different than what an individual has been accustom to.  The solution to this is to first of all be realistic about what you are willing to do to begin with, come up with a workable plan, and develop the proper mental mind set to carry it out.”

    Get 5 Tips for Deep Body Cleansing and Body Cleanse Secrets:

    Mental Preparation For Body Cleanse Success by visiting-


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