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  • 4aileen 4:56 pm on July 1, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , Organic Foods, Stay at Home Dad,   

    Undenatured Whey Protein Shakes important part of cleansing and weight loss 

    “Cleansing” is a hot topic now in the U.S.  especially where I live in Colorado.  So in vogue now,  that it can cause one to just do nothing because of the daunting task to find a safe, reliable, and affordable system.

    There are many products and companies touting that they have the magic juice or ingredient to “cleanse” our body. However, data supports the importance of having a full spectrum nutritional intake to support the body in cleansing using both phase one and phase two pathways.

    The body has 2 main pathways of detoxification called phase one and phase two. Thus, it is important to  support our bodies with a mulititude of ingredients so it utilizes both pathways and not over burden any of our bodies natural cleansing abilities.  No single ingredient or process can achieve this goal.

    One very important component of cleansing to look for is the quality of protein one takes.  Because  Amino acids in protein shakes support the phase two process it is vital to purchase a high quality protein shake that is has a complete amino acid profile and is highly bioavailable.

    Independent testing shows that  bioactive ingredients other than whey proteins are important components in a meal replacement shake.  Some are  Cysteine, and amino peptide factors and growth factors.   When whey is heated the bioavailability of the food is compromised. Having a large array of  ingredients in one system is also economical.

    Look for a source of whey that is not the by product of cheese production, as this can harm the whey because of the heating that is needed.

    As quoted from an article written by Robert Harrison:

    “When the milk goes through a heating process (approx. 163 F), chemical modification and pH regulation to produce cheese. Each of these steps denatures (damages) the whey proteins.”

    Let’s look at one amino acid in particular:  Cysteine vs. Cystine

    “Biologically active whey protein that contains naturally occurring Cysteine is optimal for the intracellular production of Glutathione. If Cysteine undergoes any heating or processing, as all conventional dairy and dairy by-products do, it is denatured and converted to Cystine.”

    Glutathione is produced within our bodies and is vital for supporting phase 2 of detoxification. It is imperative that the protein profile offers our bodies this nutrition for safe cleansing.

    The Isalean shakes are undenatured whey protein from grass fed cows in New Zealand and are processed using a low temperature process.  They have the full amino acid profile needed to support phase 2 of the detoxification pathway.  This makes it the perfect compliment to the “cleanse for life” juice drink which supports the “phase one” pathway.

    Preventative health is more than just eating well and exercising.  It is finding a safe way to help rid the body ofharmful impurties that we encounter everyday. I have found that incorporating a comprehensive cleansing program that is easy to follow into my daily life has taken my health to a new level and has helped me reach my ideal weight and keep me there!

    For more information, support, or to contact me please visit my web site:


  • livingdreamteam 9:04 am on May 28, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , , Resveratrol Benefits,   

    Resveratrol Good For Your Brain 

    Source: Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
    Resveratrol (found naturally in grapes) is not just good for the  heart, but the brain.Resveratrol (found naturally in grapes) is not just good for the heart, but also the brain.

    Resveratrol, which has previously been linked to cardiovascular health benefits and maintaining youthfulness, is now showing promise in supporting brain health.

    The compound, taken orally at high doses, helps improve cerebral blood flow according to a human clinical study from the United Kingdom published recently in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    In the randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial, UK researchers gave 22 healthy adults a placebo (sugar pill) and two doses of trans-resveratrol at 250 milligrams and at 500 milligrams. Forty five minutes after each administration,, the subjects performed cognitive tasks to activate the frontal cortex (the part of the brain that is associated with attention, planning and motivation) for 36 minutes.

    Although cognitive function wasn’t affected in this study, the trans-resveratrol resulted in a dose-dependent increase in cerebral blood flow, indexed by total concentrations of hemoglobin, during each of the tasks. Both doses of trans-resveratrol also suggested enhanced oxygen extraction, (which helps boost oxygen supply in the brain.

    Why all the focus on resveratrol

    Research into resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in grape skins and other plants, has primarily been fueled by early studies suggesting red wine has a role in creating the “French Paradox.” The paradox is that those living in France had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease despite a high-fat diet and smoking.

    More recently, in 2006, a study in Nature found resveratrol protected middle-aged mice against the detrimental health effects of a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Scientists have now learned that resveratrol supports increased mitochondria synthesis, increased insulin sensitivity and improved motor function in animals.

    Resveratrol as a way to obtain the benefits of eating less and exercising more is also an area of research. The compound appears to mimic the same effects on biochemical pathways as calorie restriction and increased activity with benefits clearly demonstrated with extended lifespan in rodents, fruit flies and worms.

    Understanding the processes influenced by resveratrol, including how it affects mitochondria and supports release of nitric oxide, can help create a greater understanding how these processes are regulated, and ultimately how better to take control of the aging process.

    How much should you get daily?

    Most people obtain only a few milligrams of resveratrol in their diets daily, mainly from red wine, grapes, chocolate and peanuts. The average content of resveratrol in a typical red wine bottle is about 4 milligrams per liter and in white wine less than 1 milligram per liter.

    Short-term safety studies suggest that resveratrol is well tolerated in amounts as high as 5 grams with no marked toxicity or serious adverse events.

    This study’s effects were found at doses of 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams, and suggest even greater effects in the brain at doses as high as 1,000 or 5,000 milligrams daily.

    Previous studies have shown that trans-resveratrol at levels of around 125 milligrams to 250 milligrams has demonstrated cardio-protective action as well as potential protection against inflammation in the body.

    Because the typical North American diet does not contribute nearly enough to obtain these levels (although drinking more red wine and eating more chocolate may appeal to some) supplementation is ultimately necessary to take advantage of resveratrol’s full range of benefits.

    Study reference: Kennedy DO, Wightman EL, Reay JL et al. Effects of resveratrol on cerebral blood flow variables and cognitive performance in humans: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover investigation. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1590-7.

    For more information about Isagenix products containing RESVERATROL please visit http://www.isagenix.com/agelessactives

    For more information and buy Isagenix Products go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 8:17 pm on March 2, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , ,   

    Chelation and Blood sugar question Answered by John Anderson Founder of Isagenix 

    Chelation is done in several ways;
    IV targeting the blood directly and in nutrition, using botanicals and types and or forms of ions attracting metals etc for collection and elimination from the body.

    An example of this is Di-Benzo-Alpha-Pyrones, a small molecules (a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction), that can attract and collect heavy metals from blood, then causing chelation to occur. This is a component of Shilajit in the Ionix Supreme.

    Disglycemic tendencies;
    (abnormal blood sugar regula- tion). Disglycemia can show up as an elevated fasting blood sugar (above 100) or an abnormal rise in blood sugar after ingesting something sweet (higher than 150 after a meal). Disglycemic blood sugar may indicate a tendency toward diabetes or insulin resistance.

    This may be caused by being over weight, but can be controlled in this case by reducing the body fat in a safe and nutritionally supported way.

    Hope this will help
    John Anderson

  • livingdreamteam 7:51 pm on March 2, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , ,   

    Tips From John Anderson Master Formulator and Creator of Isagenix Products 

    Diabetics can reap the benefits of Isagenix too; A few tips for you!

    Normally, the shakes should be cut in 1/2 servings more often. This will spread out the carbs hitting the system all at once.

    You should always start Isagenix doing daily cleansing by adding 2 to 4 ounces in your daily drinking water. I have hundreds of reported testimonies stating that just doing the daily cleanse (4 oz daily) lowers blood sugars by 40 points on average.

    Deep Cleansing;
    This is not recommended because its hard to set a plan that works for every diabetic. Everyone is so different. Regulating blood sugars are a balancing act, If you reduct your carb intake and not adjust your insulin, you will have an insulin reaction.
    Deep cleansing must be regulated and monitored by your doctor or health care provider.

    Fiber is important for diabetics, it slows the carbs greatly and helps stabilize blood sugar. Adding the FiberPro and eating Slim Cakes will help

    Mens / Women’s Vitamins;
    Its always a benefit to add the necessary B vitamins to your regime, they help as well

    Very important for helping in insulin receptors making your body recognize insulin better.

    There are many added ingredients in Isagenix system for helping stabilize blood suagrs too;

    Alpha Lipoic Acid, Blood glucose
    Chromium, improves glucose tolerance
    Fiber, slows and helps control blood sugar
    Minerals, most important for reducing blood sugars
    Vitamin E, may improve glucose tolerance
    Vitamin B6, helps neuropathy
    Vitamin B1, helps reduce blood sugar levels
    CoEnzymeQ10, cardio-protection risks from diabetes
    Niacin, blood circulation
    Zinc, great in type 1 for blood sugars reduction
    Vitamin D, for blood levels normalization
    Inositol, nerve function for neuropathy
    Taurine, type 1 for the blood
    Omegas, for glucose tolerance and cholesterol levels
    Cayenne, blood circulation
    Psyllium, for blood sugar levels
    Cinnamon, for blood sugar levels control

    Maybe reading and understanding these ingredients will help you understand the importance of good nutrition when your body is under abnormal conditions.

    The need for diabetic nutrition is a must for everyone regardless of type or stage you are in. I am diabetic since my spider bite. I am type 2 and doing very well controlling it. My cholesterol is 85!

    John Anderon

  • 4aileen 5:57 pm on February 27, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , Potassium Bromate, Thyriod, Thyroid Disfunction, Undenatured Whey, Unfermented SOY   

    Do you know anyone with thyroid problems? 

    Something as common as a dough conditioner, potassium bromate, used in commercial bakery products has been associated with thyroid dysfunction. This ingredient may be used even in whole grain breads.

    Another major contributor to thyroid dysfunction  is unfermented soy. Soy isoflavones can wreak havoc on your thyroid.

    Read your labels. Keep yourself informed.

    Isagenix protein meal replacement shakes are made from the highest grade organic undenatured whey, not soy. You can read all the ingredients in the Isagenix product line on my home page: http://www.AileenHanson.com

  • livingdreamteam 4:01 pm on February 26, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , Digestive Health, Heart Health, , , Isagenix Fiber, , , Prebiotics, Probiotics   

    Who Needs Fiber? 

    There is a good chance you and your family are not getting enough fiber.

    Most of us just don’t eat enough of the right kinds of foods and as a result, less than 10 percent of Americans get their recommended daily intake of fiber. Most doctors agree that  adults and even children need more Fiber to promoting digestive and heart health.

    Why Is Fiber Important?

    A daily intake of 25 to 35 grams of fiber is recommended to provide long-term support for internal health.  Yet none of us are coming close to meeting that recommendation.  Todays foods lack the necessary fiber to move the food through our digestive tracts and through our stomach quickly.  As a result food is sitting in the stomach and bowels for a longer amount of time, causing a host of  problems in these parts of the body. People who eat too much processed foods instead of wholegrain, fruits and vegetables may be at risk of suffering from obesity and other disorders too.

    What Makes Isagenix FiberPro Unique?
    According to Isagenix, it is the combination of multiple fiber sources-including prebiotic fiber-along with six strains of probiotics and citrus bioflavonoids that makes FiberPro unlike any other fiber supplement on the market today. Additionally, because FiberPro is fully soluble and flavorless, this advanced formula is easy to incorporate into the things you and your kids already eat. It will dissolve into any liquid and you can cook with it! FiberPro is the perfect supplement to help fill the gap between the amount of fiber you and family are getting and what you should be getting.

    What Benefits Does FiberPro Provide?
    Isagenix states that, FiberPro encourages regularity with insoluble fiber that gently cleanses the digestive tract and colon, and soluble fiber that absorbs and eliminates impurities.
    The probiotics in FiberPro repopulate the colon with healthy bacteria and help reduce the number of unhealthy bacteria for improved digestion.*
    The prebiotic fiber in FiberPro feeds the healthy bacteria and helps it to grow, which aids in nutrient absorption.
    The soluble fiber in FiberPro supports cardiovascular health.*

    Weight Management Support
    FiberPro adds an additional 5 grams of fiber per serving for a greater feeling of fullness, which helps to curb appetite.
    The fiber in FiberPro helps regulate blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates.*

    With an increase in fiber, FiberPro supports prostate health.*

    So what is Ionic Alfalfa™?
    It combines alfalfa with more than 70 organic trace minerals that are ionized for accelerated delivery. This combination greatly enhances the superior overall health benefits of minerals for improved well-being so of course Isagenix included it in FiberPro.

    If you would like to leaarn more about the Isagenix products and see pricing please visit http://www.CleansMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 9:55 pm on February 25, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: Caffeine, Green Tea, , , , Isagenix Physician's, , ,   

    Isagenix does not add stimulants to their products! 

    There may be ingredients which naturally contain small amounts of caffeine, such as the green tea in Natural Accelerators, or the chocolate in IsaDelight.

    Those sensitive to ginseng may also need to avoid Natural Accelerator and Ionix.

    Isagenix encourages anyone with a medical condition to contact their doctor before using any Isagenix product or other dietary supplement or weight control regimen.

    All of the Isagenix ingredients and nutrition facts are available at http://www.CleanseMyself.com for the physician’s review.


  • livingdreamteam 6:46 pm on February 11, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , Water pH level   

    Alkalized Water Instead of Acidic Water 

    Isagenix IsaWATER Alkalized Concentrate raises the pH level of your water

    so you’re drinking alkalized water instead of acidic water,

    which can be harmful to your health.

    So what are you waiting for?

    Come to http://www.CleanseMyself.com to learn more!

  • fullbodycleanse 2:09 am on February 9, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , Licithin, Soy Licithin   

    Why is Soy Lecithin Used in Isagenix Prodcuts? 

    I am often asked, Can I use Isagenix products if I am allergic to soy?  The answer to this question is yes in most cases.  The reasons for this are explained in the article below.  In the article, you will learn about lecithin, the type of soy that Isagenix uses in its products.

    September 18, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

    milk_shake_chocolateLecithin is found in many foods such as ice cream, milk shakes and chocolates. As a natural emulsifier, it helps to keep fats and water from separating to produce smoothness.

    Lecithin is also found naturally in foods and is especially high in egg yolks. The phospholipid is an integral component of cell membranes and is also synthesized to accompany excretion of bile and enzymes in the small intestine.

    Dietary lecithin is good for you because it’s completely metabolized and provides the main source of choline in the diet. Choline is a precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitters in the brain, and is vital for proper metabolism of fats in the liver.

    For these reasons, you may see lecithin available as a supplement in natural health stores.

    Commercial lecithin is derived from soya and sunflower oils. Isagenix products use soy lecithin because of its ease of application. It is only used if ultra-purified to be free of proteins or contaminants.

    Note: Although the lecithin is derived from soya oil, it does not contribute any amount of soy protein or soy isoflavones (phytoestrogens). These are eliminated through purification of the lecithin and should not present a concern to those needing to avoid them.

    Lecithin is used in place of other emulsifiers—such as chemical emulsifiers—for its healthful nature in IsaLean Shake, IsaDelight and IsaFruits. Isagenix uses only lecithin derived from non-GMO soybeans.

    For more information on Isagenix visit http://www.cleansebenefits.com

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