Updates from December, 2011 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • livingdreamteam 7:41 pm on December 19, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Constipation and Fiber, , , , , , , What is holding you back, What's in your way   

    Welcome to Day 14 of the Holiday Challenge 

    You have made it!  We are in the home stretch of the 2011 Holiday Challenge and you are doing so well because…


    It’s Officially, Day  of the Holiday Challenge and you’re probably starting to see the results that you want. Many people reporting pounds and inches lost, as well as an increase in energy.  Don’t forget share your results with us today and you could win the next prize!

    If you are experiencing these changes and getting super results, great job! Keep Going, continue to Stick With It and please Share Your Stories with us!

    If you’re not noticing more energy and healthy weight loss, let’s figure out why.

    • Have you gotten rid of all of your tempting foods? If no, then are you allowing any of these foods to tempt you away from the system?
    • Are you getting enough fiber? If constipation is an issue, there are many natural solutions, like prunes or Isagenix FiberPro™.  Each are effective solution, which you can easily incorporate into your diet. Not only does Isagenix Fiber Pro include five types of plant fiber. IsaFlush® is another option and contains nutritious magnesium, which can help the colon relax and work more effectively.
    • Are all of the members of your support team helping you? Are any of them hurting you? Sometimes people don’t want loved ones to change out of fear. If there is a “problem person” on your support team, talk to them about really helping you succeed.
    • Is excessive stress a barrier to changing your health? Do you eat to comfort yourself? If yes, then find another way to alleviate stress, like running, walking, reading or meditating.
    • Are you following the Eat Right Plan or the Isagenxi 9 Day System as closely as you’re able? If you’re not, then commit to following the two remaining 4 days as closely as possible.
    • Are you getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and exercising every day.  If not, these are keys to improved health and weight loss.  Go get your smilie faces!
    • Journalling will also hep.  Write down every calorie that passes your lips. Keep in mind, our max is 1500 during the Challenge.

    Your health is worth the time and effort that you are investing. If you’re doing well on Holiday Challenge, GREAT! If not, then it’s never too late to change your habits and commit to greater health. You can absolutely do this!

    Good luck today!


  • livingdreamteam 3:45 pm on December 18, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , Isagenix Maintenance, , , , , You Can Do It!   

    Attitude Matters! 


    Of course you have heard and understand the the truth behind the statement, “You are what you eat!”  But, have you considered the possibility that, “You are what you think!”  When interviewed, every time WINNER in anything will tell you that they always new that they would get what they wanted.  They never allowed any other thoughts to enter their minds. This cute story exemplifies this beautifully:


    There once was a bunch of tiny frogs … who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants…

    The race began… No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: “Oh, WAY too difficult!!” “They will NEVER make it to the top.” The tiny frogs began collapsing. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up… …But ONE continued higher and higher and higher… This one wouldn’t give up! He was the only one who reached the top! All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?

    It turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!!

    The wisdom of this story:

    • Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. They take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you — the ones you have in your heart!
    • Always think of the power words have. Even our own.  Everything you hear and read will affect your actions!
    • BE POSITIVE! And above all, be DEAF when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!

    Keep your attitude in mind as you continue on your journey towards health and wellness with the Holiday Challenge, it’s important to stay focused on why you are doing this and how you can reach—and maintain—your goals.

    Did you know that nearly 95% of Dieter that lose weight, gain it back in a year!  This is because people follow diets and then stop when they reach their weight loss target.  They go off the diet and regain even more weight than they lost.  Now, is the time to start planning your maintenance program for life!  With the right attitude and the right plan you can achieve your goals and keep your results long after the Holiday Challenge is over.  YOU CAN DO IT!

    Eating Right and Nutritional Cleansing aren’t really diets,  they are both healthy was to live a long. And both can help you hold onto all of your Challenge Rewards—including weight loss.

    As you continue with Challenge, you may feel vitality returning to your body, see the pounds melting off and lean body mass building. When you complete Challenge, don’t abandon the changes you have made— embrace this NEW YOU!

    If you have more weight to lose, or want to continue to improve your health and fitness, Stick with IT!  If you are following the Isagenix 9 Day program it will be time to move on to the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System.  It is the ideal choice for those individuals who want to keep lose weight with a flexible program.

    If you have reached you weight loss goal, Stick with It, continue to make good choices, but have a little bit more flexibility.  If you are following an Isagenix program, move on to the Total Health and Wellness Program to help you maintain the health gains from the 9-Day or 30-Day System. This system helps you maintain higher energy, lean body mass and a healthier lifestyle.

    So, as you continue to reap the benefits of the Holiday Challenge, don’t worry about those frightening diet stats—you are not on a diet. You are being introduced to a lifestyle that will help you reach and maintain your long-term health goals!

    You’re doing great, so keep up the good work and remember that we will be reporting results tomorrow!


  • livingdreamteam 3:37 pm on December 18, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Best Body Cleanse Diet, Does Body Cleansing Work, , , Isagenix Medical Study, , , Lose Weight With Cleansing, Why Cleanse your body of Impurites   

    Day 12 of the Holiday Challenge 


    On the surface, you probably don’t look like you have changed much, but you have.  Think about how good you already feel.  Here are some of the reports we are hearing after just 4 1/2 days:

    “I was drinking a pot of coffee everyday and I GAVE UP Coffee!”

    “I never make it to the gym this much.  I am lucky if I fit it in 2 or 3 times a week .  I have gone everyday so far.”

    “I got my wedding ring on again- no more puffy hands.”

    “I was making cookies with my kids and I accidentally licked the batter spoon and had to run to the trash to spit it out. lol This is great!”

    “I could button my pants today without jumping.”

    These are all good reasons to Stick with IT!  Today you are probably feeling like things are getting easier.  Today, is just another Day, but it’s really much more than that. It’s Official Day 6 of the Challenge (Remember that we took 6 Days to prepare.) and we are half way to our goal. If you are following an Isagenix Program it is a Shake Day.

    Today, you’re working on removing the barriers that have prevented you from experiencing good health in the past.

    Since you’ve been Eating Right or following the Isagenix 9 Day System, your body has been nourished with vital nutrients to strengthen your body from the inside out. You have also been giving your body enough rest, enough to drink and you have been exercising!  Congratulations!

    So, what else have you been doing?

    Think about this: Over-farming, pesticides and processed foods have created an incredible burden on our health. If a body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs, it will attempt to get more nutrients by triggering food cravings and hunger pangs. This can lead to overeating, which in turn contributes to obesity and poor health.

    The nutrients found in the Isagenix® products bridge the gap between the low level nutrition found in regular food and the high level necessary to attain optimum health. With each Shake and Cleanse Day, you are providing your body with nutrients designed to help you achieve the best health possible. You are retraining your body to be hungry only when it requires nutrition.

    Here’s a little bit more information:  Research shows that a reduced-calorie diet high in nutrients helps people lose weight and live longer and now recent studies show nutritional cleansing can also help.

    Want to know How and Why cleansing works?

    Check out the Medical Study Specific to Isagenix:  http://www.cleansemyself.com/medicalstudy.pdf

    Then Look at these RESULTS  Research and Science team presented scientific posters on Wednesday, April 28, on the findings of two clinical studies on Isagenix products in Anaheim, Calif., at Experimental Biology 2010.

    To read the company’s official news announcement, click here. To read the official press release with details on the findings of each study, please click here.

    Additionally, if you are interested in downloading the scientific information for the 28-day study or nine-day study directly in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), then click here or here, respectively.

    To see an abstract of the nine-day study, click here.  (Take a look at this! This is what is happening to you body during the challenge!)

    Both of the pilot trials showed positive results and attested to the efficacy of IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life for supporting adults with healthy weight loss, maintaining healthy lipid profiles, and feel better about their weight, health and energy levels.

    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.  Why didn’t these studies report measures other than those for healthy weight loss—body composition and lipid profiles?

    A. We chose to evaluate the impact of our programs on these parameters since these type of data would help provide Proof of Concept, or further substantiation of our efficacy as sought by the FDA and the FTC. Please be aware that successful weight management not only reduces risks of various disease by normalizaing plasma lipids and reducing abdominal fat, but also, with our products, alleviates both undernourishment and exposure to stored toxins. 

    As a person loses weight, toxins stored in adipose tissue are also released as the fat cell shrinks. These molecules must be transferred  to the liver where the detoxifying enzymes makes them water-soluble so they can be excreted in the urine or bile.


    Isagenix seeks to help solve weight management, undernourishment and toxicity with its programs—IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life are not only excellent for lowering caloric intake for weight management, but provides a tasty, nutrient-dense food  designed  to maximize nutrition and provide supportive botanicals that promote natural cleansing and detoxification in the body.

    Q. Both studies showed  significant decreases in plasma lipids, yet we are not allowed to claim “cholesterol lowering”. How come?

    A.  Scientists discuss results that were obtained. They are not marketing their results and, therefore, must describe the data they have. Companies selling dietary supplements are not allowed to say their products can “lower cholesterol” or affect other plasma lipid biomarkers because FDA deems those as drug claims.

    Q. Who funded these studies and where were they conducted?

    A. Isagenix funded both studies and each were conducted at New York Chiropractic College  where Dr. Balliett was the Principal Investigator and Dean of the Basic Sciences Department.  Isagenix proactively searched for a university who could conduct these studies according to Good Clinical Practice, get Institutional Review Board approval and have the clinical expertise to run a nutrition study on weight loss and body composition.

    Dr. Balliett became interested in Isagenix through her students and eventually was appointed to our Technical Advisory Board (TAB). As a member of the TAB, she remains an impartial resource who does not distribute Isagenix products.

    Q. Does Isagenix plan to perform more research with New York Chiropractic College and other universities?

    A. Yes, Isagenix is actively engaged in assessing the needs for more  clinical studies that may further support the efficacy and safety of our products.

    Q. Have there been any clinical studies performed by independent parties that have not been funded by Isagenix?

    A. We are not aware of any researchers who have studied our products in clinical trials. It is not typical for medical researchers to study products from private industry if not properly funded.

    Q. Why hasn’t Isagenix funded medical doctors to perform their research?

    A. Studies for dietary supplements and foods are best conducted by experts in the field. Sometimes that may be a professor with a medical degree, but most often these type of studies are best done with Ph.D.s at universities or contract research firms who have expertise in weight loss. Federally funded organizations such as National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, etc. do not necessarily wish to support research on products from private industry, particularly if  the studies are not mechanistic or related to diseases. Thus, it is up to individual companies to set aside research dollars to conduct third-party research. That is not to say we would not find a partner at a medical school to conduct research, but it would still have to be funded by us.

    Success is all about believing in yourself and it’s easier when you can have belief in the products too!

    Have a great day!


  • livingdreamteam 2:14 pm on December 17, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Calorie, , , , Physical exercise, Weighing in, , , Why Diet?, Why Weigh?   

    Day 11 of the Holiday Challenge Let’s talk about taking your weight, measurements and BMI 

    YOU DID IT!   How do you feel so far?

    Congratulations, you made it through the first few days of the Holiday Challenge and if you are a cleanser your second Cleanse Day is behind you!   Because cleansing may have been a new experience, the second day may have be easier because you then knew what to expect.  You may have felt a little different.  Your body may be experiencing greater clarity as you expel more impurities.    🙂

    If things got tough, remember that you’re on this system to experience real success. In the past, you may have tried some diet or fitness plan that may have delivered benefits—but the results were probably short term. The reason why you’re not going back to those failed plans is because they didn’t work. You’re using Isagenix because you want to experience a better, lasting result.

    For an extra dose of motivation, when you need encouragement call one of the people that you know will support you. Share with a friend or family member what you are doing and why. Hearing other people cheer you on is always a great help!

    This is encouraging and although I’ve “cheated”, I haven’t given up….like I have before.”  -Emily H.

    Reports came in and the prize was given out.   The results were telling….

    The Holiday Challenge works!  After just a few days of eating, sleeting, drinking and exercising RIGHT, Amy J. is down 4.2 lbs and 4.75 inches and has 15 points!  Kelly. L is down 2 lbs and 3.50 inches and has 15 points!  Emily H. is down 4 lbs and 2 inches and has 13 points-ish!  She is not really counting points.  🙂

    How about you?  Did you send in your results late or not at all?  Don’t miss out in the next round!   Reporting is important not only to win the prizes but also to help you celebrate!  We want to to know 🙂  how you are doing? 

    It does work!   “So excited, I feel great already!” -Amy J. 

    After just few days on the Holiday Challenge,  it’s  working for Jim D.  He  has already lost 6.5 inches and released 5.2 lbs!  

    But… He did not win the first prize.  That’s because we want to reward you for making good choices.  Jim gets up early most mornings and has trouble getting in all 8 hours and had an “Ooops Day” and misses his calorie count once.  So, he missed out on some points.

    But…  His results are still something to be proud of!  Making  just a few changes can make a big difference in your total health.  We want to encourage you to make those changes during the Challenge in hopes that they will become a part of your new Healthy Life Style and will stick with you long after the contest is through.

    It’s also a great way to even out the playing field.  Have you ever noticed that men seem to lose weight faster then women?  Or that when you don’t have a lot to lose, losing seems to go a lot slower?  Well, in order to make sure that the challenge if fair, we chose to reward positive actions as well as big results because both will help you reach your goals.

    So, here is the Points Review:

    Stick to It: For Best Results-Journal/Keep-Track/Write-Down your intake.  Did you Stick to It today?  Did you stay on your Isagenix Program?  Shake Days- 2 Shakes and 600 calories. Cleanse Days- 4 Cleanse Drinks and min. of 200 additional snacking calories. (TODAY IS A CLEANSE DAY!) Or if you are not on Isagenix, did you stay within 200-300 calories for breakfast 300-400 calories for lunch and 500-800 additional calories for the rest of your meals and snacks?  If you did you get a 🙂

    H2O:  You need to Drink 80 oz of Water everyday!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Sleep:  You need 8 Hours of Sleep every night!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Exercise:  You need at least 20 Minutes of exercise everyday!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Weight:  You need to Weigh everyday at the same time!  If you did you get a  🙂

    🙂 = 1 Points    Points = Prizes     Prizes =  🙂


    There are a possible 100 Points.  Every Box that you fill in with a will give you and additional 1 point and there are bonus points too! (11 Days X 5 Challenges = 55 Points)

    Bonus Points:

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest for recording before and after measurements.

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest for taking before and after pictures.

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest if you improve your BMI.

    You will earn 5 bonus points each day that you report your results.  Results are due Ever Other Odd Day ONLY. (Day 3, 7, 11)


    Our next Day to Report will be Monday, December 19th and the Prize Winner will Be Announced Tuesday Dec. 20th.

    If you still need a tracking sheet, please email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com

    The Holiday Challenge has a goal of helping you create the habits that offer the best chance of reaching your goals and maintaining those results after the Challenge.

    Keep your smile today.  You have a lot of smile faces behind you !

    NOW, for some MORE encouraging!

    ALL 15 participants in this years Holiday Challenge are committed to change and it’s bound to be showing on your face and your hips!  Today officially, is Day 5.  If you are a cleanser it’s two shakes and 600 additional calories.  If you are follow the Eat Right Program, remember that every calorie counts.  Every time something passes your lips you have to count it.  Doing this for a short time (11 Days) will help you to become aware of bad habits and help you end those cravings for good.  So, Stick With IT!

    Now, let’s talk about taking your weight, measurements and BMI. Write those numbers down on your tracking sheet.  Even if you did not do it on Day 1, get it done! Comparing your new numbers to the ones that you started with will hopefully encourage you—do you see a difference? Now, tell someone what you’ve accomplished and how great you feel!  It will motivate you to Stick With It!

    Why is knowing your weight important?

    1. It will allow you to know for sure that what you are doing is working and that your body is doing what it should be doing (losing weight, maintaining weight, etc.)
    2. There is no better motivator than your own progress.

    Why is taking your measurements important?

    1.  The same answers above apply.

    2. Also, sometimes you will be losing inches instead of pounds.  You may be losing fat pounds and also replacing a percentage of those pounds with lean muscle.  Muscle weighs more than fat so you’ll fit better in your jeans, but it may not be showing up on the scale.

    Why do I need to know my BMI?

    1.  BMI. It is used by both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The World Health Organization as a way to help define obesity.  It’s good to know where you stand on this chart; underweight, normal, over weight or obese.

    2.  Knowing your BMI is important because your weight alone doesn’t tell the whole story. If your BMI is too high, you may be at an increased risk for many chronic health problems and nobody wants that!

    Well, now you know and now you are nearly one-third of the way through the Holiday Challenge. Keep going—you’re on your way to greater health and a New Dress size for New Years!


  • livingdreamteam 1:20 pm on December 17, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , Losing Weight, ,   

    Day 10 The Holiday Challenge is about making some good choices and getting support 

    “I luv this! It is so motivating!!!!!!” -Galli

    It is fun!  The Holiday Challenge is about making some good choices and getting support.  

    Support is an essential part of success.  With Friends around us we feel stronger, not so alone and like anything is possible.  

    Here is why we need Support:

                                            “It is important for people to know that no matter what lies in their past, they can overcome 

                                                               the dark side and press on the a brighter world.” — Dave Pelzer 

                                                             “A friend is one who walks in when others walk out.” –Walter Winchill

                            Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”-Thomas J. Watson

                                                   My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. –Henry Ford

    Overcoming Challenges is not easy!  No matter what your challenges may be having the support of your family and friends will make the journey easier.  These people are like Angels in your life who can keep you on track when you can’t do it alone!

                                 ‘Angels remind me to count to ten, take deep breaths and start again.’

                        ‘Let us be grateful to Angelic friends who make us happy; they are the charming 

                                                  gardeners who make our souls blossom.’

    We are so glad for your friendship and we are so excited to bring out the best in you!  We want to help you to “Stick to It!”

    “Sticking to It”  means that You Get Your Best Results during the Holiday Challenge by doing a few things, like Journal/Keep-Track/Write-Down your intake, following an Isagenix program (Today is a CLEANSE DAY) or by staying within 200-300 calories for breakfast 300-400 calories for lunch and 500-800 additional calories for the rest of your meals and snacks.

    BUT…. Why?  Why do we need to “Stick to It”?

    There are many things that factor in to weight loss, but a lot just has to do with #’s. In fact, the Why is ALL in the Numbers and Here is Why:

    The number of calories the body needs to consumes in a day is different for every person and so are their caloric needs if they want to lose weight. You may notice on the nutritional labels of the foods you buy that the “percent daily values” are based on a 2,000 calorie diet — 2,000 calories is a rough average of what people eat in a day.

    But… your body might need more or less than 2,000. Height, weight, gender, age and activity level.  If you are following an Isagenix Program, you are consuming about 1200 calories on a shake day.  That is the minimum most nutritionist will recommend without Dr. supervision.  If your following the healthy eating program your consuming on average about the same amount. That will put most of you at a 800 calorie deficit and you will be losing weight!  Woot Woot!

    BUT… There is more!  According to the American Heart Association,

    “more than 140 million American adults are overweight. (Did you check your BMI? Are you one of them?)  Of these, nearly 66 million are obese. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke (and whole lot of other illness), even if they have no other risk factors. Obesity is unhealthy because excess weight puts more strain on your heart. (Your joint, and bones to) It can raise blood pressure and blood cholesterol and can lead to diabetes. Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart problems and other diseases. You can reduce your risk of heart disease by reaching and staying at your best weight.”

    That’s why!  It’s also why we are hoping that some of these changes with “Stick with You!”

    AND…  The WINNER is Amy J who has 

    15 smiley faces

    released 4.2 lbs

    lost 4.75 inches

    Congratulations!  Please email us your address!

    Congratulation to all of you that have made it to the Official 4th Day of the Holiday Challenge!  That’s right, we have only been at this for 3 days!  

    If your are an Isagenix Cleanser, TODAY IS A CLEANSE DAY!  STICK TO IT!  NO Snacking!

    Remember to STICK WITH IT!  We can and we will do this!!!!!

    Gabby Gmyrek

    Isagenix Top Recruiter

    877 978 8266


  • livingdreamteam 4:59 pm on December 14, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Cleanse Day Instructions, , , , , , , ,   

    Day 9 Of The Holiday Challenge 

    Officially The Holiday Challenge is only 11 Days long!  

    How Much Will We Accomplish in those 11 Days?

    Well, we are about to find out.  🙂

    Here’s How We Will Earn Points:

    Stick to It: For Best Results-Journal/Keep-Track/Write-Down your intake.  Did you Stick to It today?  Did you stay on your Isagenix Program?  Shake Days- 2 Shakes and 600 calories.  Cleanse Days- 4 Cleanse Drinks and min. of 200 additional snacking calories. Or if you are not on Isagenix, did you stay within 200-300 calories for breakfast 300-400 calories for lunch and 500-800 additional calories for the rest of your meals and snacks?   If you did you get a 🙂

    H2O:  You need to Drink 80 oz of Water everyday!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Sleep:  You need 8 Hours of Sleep every night!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Exercise:  You need at least 20 Minutes of exercise everyday!  If you did you get a 🙂

    Weight:  You need to Weigh everyday at the same time!  If you did you get a 🙂

    🙂 = 1 Points    Points = Prizes     Prizes = 🙂


    There are a possible 100 Points.  Every Box that you fill in with a 🙂 will give you and additional 1 point and there are bonus points too! (11 Days X 5 Challenges = 55 Points)

    Bonus Points:

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest for recording before and after measurements.

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest for taking before and after pictures.

    You will earn 10 bonus points at the end of the contest if you improve your BMI.

    You will earn 5 bonus points each day that you report your results.  Results are due Ever Other Odd Day ONLY. (Day 3, 7, 11)

    Today is the Official Day 3 of the Holiday Challenge and so far you may have earned 15 points:

    1 Point for each of the 5 Categories X 2 Days and 5 Bonus Points for reporting today!  Did you report today?

    To earn the 5 Bonus Points all you need to do is email your results so far TODAY by midnight EST.  

    Here is What we want  to know:

    How many smiles you’ve earned

    lbs lost

    inches lost

    The the one with the most points wins!  Ties will be decided by adding up lbs and inches lost.

    Day 4 Prize:  

    For those of you following an Isagenix program,WELCOME TO YOUR FIRST CLEANSE DAY!

    Cleansing is an ancient health tradition, which Isagenix® has improved with our exclusive nutritional systems designed to help accelerate the release of potentially harmful impurities. Our formulas simultaneously infuse the body with vitamins, minerals and botanicals so you can enjoy optimal health and wellness. Thousands of people just like you have experienced increased energy, youthful vitality and safe weight loss after embracing the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing lifestyle.

    Here we go! Remember to keep the times flexible and make them work for you.

    Drink 4 oz. of Cleanse for Life® liquid or mix two scoops of Cleanse for Life powder with 4–8 oz. of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator™ capsule to help jump-start your metabolism.

    Eat 1-2 Isagenix Snacks!™ and drink 1–2 glasses of purified water.

    Drink 4 oz. of Cleanse for Life liquid or mix two scoops of Cleanse for Life powder with 4–8 oz. of purified water.

    Eat 1-2 Isagenix Snacks! and drink 1–2 glasses of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator capsule.

    Drink 4 oz. of Cleanse for Life liquid or mix two scoops of Cleanse for Life powder with 4–8 oz. of purified water.

    Eat 1-2 Isagenix Snacks! and drink 1–2 glasses of purified water.

    Drink 4 oz. of Cleanse for Life liquid or mix two scoops of Cleanse for Life powder with 4–8 oz. of purified water.
    Remember to believe in your goals and commit to doing the best for your body. Focus on your success and you’ll be able to complete your first Cleanse Day with ease.

    Here’s a little bit more info:

    On a Cleanse Day:

    1/2 Cup Cleanse 4 life X 4

    *Sprinkle Cleanse for Life with Want More Energy

    *Drink lots of Water.  You can add Want More Energy if you need it.

    AM 1/2 1 – 2 ounces Ionix Supreme (Not included in the 9 day)

    8:00 cup Cleanse for Life and Nat. Accelerator

    10:00 Isagenix Snack

    11:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life

    12:00 Isagenix Snack

    1:00 Isagenix Snack and Nat Accelerator

    2:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life

    3:00 Isagenix Snack

    5:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life

    6:00 Isagenix Snack

    7:00 Isagenix Snack

    9:00 IsaFlush (Not included in the 9 day)

    Cleanse Day Support Options:  The less snaking the better but if you have to cheat here are a few options-

      • 1 to 2 IsaDelight Plus can be taken twice daily 30 minutes before eating Isagenix Snacks! or two hours after.
        Important: the amino acids in IsaDelight Plus encourage natural production of mood-elevating brain chemicals which can help satisfy appetite. Amino acids found in protein from foods can interfere, so IsaDelight Plus should be consumed on an empty stomach.
      • For a boost of energy or to manage blood sugar, eat ¼ apple or pear.
      • 2 Raw almonds every 2 hours taste great with the IsaSnacks.
      • Try a hard boiled egg wrapped in a lettuce leaf if you really feel like you ‘can’t make it

    Good Luck and here’s some motivation:

    Reports are already coming in and the results so far are telling….

    The Holiday Challenge works!  After just 2 days of eating, sleeting, drinking and exercising RIGHT, Kelly L is down .5 lbs and 2 inches and has 15 points!  Jim D. is down 2 lbs and 3.50 inches and has 15 points!  Gabby G. is down 2.5 lbs and 1.5 inches and has 12 points!

    How about you?

    Will you send in your results today to get the 5 Bonus Points?  We want to to know:  How many smiles you’ve earned, lbs lost and inches lost.  The One With The Most Points WINS!To track your progress and keep track of your points, print out the tracking sheets.  Please email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com if you still need them! And don’t worry, there are still two more prizes to go!  If you have not started yet or if you got off to a slow start, there’s still time!  🙂

    The Winner Will Be Announced Tomorrow!

    Good Luck and Happy Cleansing!

  • livingdreamteam 11:40 pm on December 13, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Calorie Count, , , Holiday Support, , Isagenix System Guide, Tracking Sheets,   

    Holiday Challenge Day 8 


    It’s our second official day of the Holiday Challenge!   Did you get some  🙂  yesterday?  Don’t forget to track your progress on the tracking sheets.  If you still need tracking sheets, please email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com

    Remember, to get the best results possible, stay as true to the plan as you can. Follow the rules!  If you are following the Isagenix 9-Day System, today is you second Shake Day and Tomorrow We Cleanse!

    Keep your Holiday Challenge Tracking Sheets and Directions handy and don’t forget to visit http://www.IsaProduct.com for recipes, coaching, product information and much, much more!

    If you are ‘Doing your own thing’, remember to stay true to the calorie count rules!

    If you are following Isagenix, Tomorrow is your first Cleanse Day!

    It’s important to prepare for your first Cleanse Day by making sure you have the right snacks in your house, such as organic apples and unsalted almonds. Another tip: You may want to limit your exercise tomorrow; instead just relax a little and allow your body to be fully engaged in cleansing.

    Focus on victory

    Today, when your thoughts turn toward the challenges you face, think about success. Keep in mind that thousands of people have have made a decision to change their lives, break bad habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle.  You are following in the footsteps of people just like you, that were ready to commit and they Stuck To It!. Listen to stories of real people who have experinced incredible health benefits. Click here.

    Additional resources

    If you have questions that are not answered in these mails, by http://www.IsaDiary.com or in your system guide, please email us or fb Gabby Gmyrek.  We want to help you get great results.

    Success is yours! Go Get it!


  • livingdreamteam 6:27 pm on December 12, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Healthy Diets that work, , , , , , ,   

    Day 7 The Official 1st Day of the Holiday Challenge 

    WELCOME TO The First Official Day of the Holiday Challenge!

    We call this Day 7 because we have taken 6 days to prepare for this Journey towards Transformation and today (Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 2011) It Begins!

    Today, is the first official day of the HOLIDAY CHALLENGE and of an exciting process that will help you regain optimum health and maintain a healthy, long term weight loss.  Let’s get started!  Print out the following Question and Answer Section.

    Let’s start with your ‘Why’?  What do you want to happen?

    I joined the Holiday Challenge to __________________________________________________________________

    My goal is to reach my target weight of _______________ and lose ________________ lbs by the end of Holiday Challenge.

    I want to improve my current level of wellness in this/these areas:

    Exercise     Stress    Sleep   Lean Muscle Mass    Bad Habits   Energy Level   Relationships    Other _____________________

    NOW, if you haven’t followed these steps already, weigh yourself, take your measurements, figure out your BMI and take your picture.  Bikinis are a Favorite! By taking these steps, you will be creating a starting point to track your progress. You will need them to compare to the New You at the end of the Challenge. Record your numbers on the tracking sheets (email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com if you still need them) and don’t forget to journal your daily caloric intake and record totals under “Stick To It”.  Then put away your scale and tape measure for 2 days.

    DAY 1  Meals:  

    If you are following a Healthy Eating Program, 

    today is the first of 11 that will help you break old habits, end cravings and get you on the road to a lifestyle that you can stick to. Remember to stay within the Challenge Guidelines- 200-300 calories for breakfast, 300-400 calories for lunch and 500-800 additional calories for the rest of your meals and snacks. Look back at Day 5 and 6 if you need help planning your meals and snacks.


    If you are following an Isagenix Program, Today and Tomorrow are Shake Days.

    Pre Cleanse/Shake Days-

    You’ll drink two IsaLean® Shakes, eat one 400 – 600 calorie meal and you can have up to two healthy snacks.  The idea is to stay below 600 calories total.  So, you can one 600 calorie meal or one 400 calorie meal and two 100 calorie snacks.  This is a great way to break up the day and is recommended for athletes especially.

    AM 1 -2 ounces Ionix Supreme (not included in a 9 day cleanse)

    8:00  Shake and Nat. Accelerator

    12:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional) and Nat. Accelerator (Or 50 Calorie Healthy Snack)

    1:30  400 – 600 Calorie Meal (Split these calories up if you like)

    4:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional) (Or 100 Calorie Healthy Snack)

    6:00  Shake

    8:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional) (Or 50 Calorie Healthy Snack)

    9:00  1-2 Isa Flush (not included in a 9 day cleanse)


    For Everybody:  Give yourself  a   🙂   on the tracking sheet for the following accomplishments!


    Make sure you drink the proper amount of water for you. A general rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. A person who weighs 180 pounds should drink 90 ounces of water. We are only asking for 80 oz.


    Moderate exercise (20 – 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise) is recommended. Walking, bike-riding, running or swimming are great options. If you are not a regular exerciser, this may the best time to begin—Don’t wait!

    GET TO SLEEP- We are aiming for 8 hours of sleep a night.  Research shows that 8 hours provides the best weight loss results and reduces stress. Plan to get to bed early for the next few days.

    Notes for Isagenix Cleansers: It is important to follow the precleanse schedule.

    These two days are necessary and will help prepare your body for your Cleanse Days.

    The two Pre-Cleanse Days are an especially good time to reduce your caffeine, alcohol,

    salt and sugar consumption.

     TO ALL:  Congratulations on investing in yourself and improving the quality of your health and life!


  • livingdreamteam 4:15 am on December 12, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Healthy Meal Ideas, Healthy Snack Ideas, , , , , , Snacks for Dieting   

    Holiday Challenge Prep Day 6 

    The Official Start of The Holiday Challenge is just around the corner!  Are you ready for Tuesday?  Have you invited your friends   Remember, ALL it takes is an email to Gabby@CleanseMyself.com

    Yesterday you received your tracking sheets.  Make sure that you have printed ALL of these sheets and we suggest that you post them on your fridge.  Also, if you have not done so already, take your before and after pictures, take your measurements and figure out your BMI.

    During the Holiday Challenge you will be encouraged to Sleep, Eat, Drink and Exercise “Right”!  All things that we know we should do, but often we don’t.  During the Holiday Challenge WE WILL!  

    TODAYS TASK:   It’s Time! Go on a SHOPPING SPREE!  Let’s go through the list of things you need to do before starting the Challenge Starts.

    Do you have everything you will need for the challenge?

    How are you doing at cutting back on unhealthy foods?

    Have you talked with friends and family about supporting you through your exciting transformation?

    If you said yes, GREAT JOB! If you have not yet completed these tasks, then get on it!   

    Today, let’s go food shopping. Shop for the foods that you placed on your list that first day and remove tempting, unhealthy foods from your home. Before you hit the market, give away or throw out unhealthy foods that may lead you to stray from the Challenge.

    OK! Let’s go shopping for fresh, whole foods and produce—organic is preferred.  Have fun with this shopping experience. Try new fruits and vegetables on your Shake Days. On Cleanse Days, unsalted almonds, fruits and vegetables that are low on the glycemic scale are a must: Think apples, berries, pears, broccoli and celery.

    Here’s what you will need during the Holiday Challenge:

    Essential for All Days: 

    80 oz of Pure water (bottled or purified with a filter) EVERY DAY 

    20 Minutes or more of Exercise EVERYDAY

    8 HOURS of Sleep EVERY NIGHT

    Meals Ideas: 

    Lean protein, fish or organic tofu

    Eggs (Free-range, omega-rich eggs preferred)

    Organic vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, lettuce and tomatoes

    Whole grains, such as brown rice and barley 

    Frozen Dinners by Kashi or Amy’s Organics

    Snack Ideas:   Losing weight is not easy.  It takes effort and commitment.  To ward off the hungries on Shake Days, having fresh and easy snacks that are low cal and healthy is essential.  Try these yummy favorite:

    • 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt topped with 1 Tbsp. IsaCrunch
    • ½ cup 1% fat cottage cheese topped with 1 Tbsp.  3 slivered raw almonds or 4 cherry tomatoes
    • 1 hard boiled egg with no salt
    • 10 raw almonds soaked in water in the fridge over night
    • Whole wheat sesame flat bread  topped with ½ Tbsp. all-natural peanut butter
    • 3 oz. tuna or salmon, packed in water, served with 1 sliced plum tomato and drizzled with fresh lemon juice
    • ½ cup steel-cut oats topped with ½ cup fresh berries
    • 1 cup blueberries, strawberries or raspberries and 1 brown rice cake
    • ½ cup red and yellow pepper, celery, or carrot strips dipped into  4 Tbsp. humus
    • 1 cup mixed melon balls (cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew) topped with 1/4 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt
    • 1 brown rice cake topped with ½ Tbsp. raw almond butter
    • ½ a sliced apple or pear with 5 walnut halves
    • 1 navel orange with ½ cup nonfat plain yogurt
    • Also try IsaDelights, Isagenix Fiber Snacks and Isagenix Slim Cake Cookies!
    Cleanse Day Support Options:  The less snaking the better but if you have to here are a few options-
    • 1 to 2 IsaDelight Plus can be taken twice daily 30 minutes before eating Isagenix Snacks! or two hours after.
    • Important: the amino acids in IsaDelight Plus encourage natural production of mood-elevating brain chemicals which can help satisfy appetite. Amino acids found in protein from foods can interfere, so IsaDelight Plus should be consumed on an empty stomach.
    • For a boost of energy or to manage blood sugar, eat ¼ apple or pear.
    • 2 Raw almonds every 2 hours taste great with the IsaSnacks.
    • Try a hard boiled egg wrapped in a letus leaf if you really feel like you ‘can’t make it

    When you’ve stocked your kitchen with healthy foods that will enhance your NEW YOU lifestyle, you’re positioning yourself for success. 

    NOW!  BE INSPIRED BY THE PRIZES!  Did you checkout the Prizes Attached Yesterday with the Recording Sheets?  This is going to be FUN!   Prizes will be given out to those that have the Most Points Every Other Even Day!

    Have fun shopping today and remember to include things that you will look forward to.  You are beginning a lifestyle FOR Life!  The habits that you are incorporating during the Holiday Challenge should be easy enough to stick with that you will be able to continue to follow then long after the Challenge is over.  We want you to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

    Tomorrow will be last day to join us for the Holiday Challenge, so don’t forget to let your supporters know what you are doing and invite them to join you – THE MORE THE MERRIER THIS TIME OF YEAR!

  • livingdreamteam 2:26 pm on December 10, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , Health Meal Ideas, , Healthy Eating Program, , , How many Calories, , ,   

    Holiday Challenge Prep Day 5 

    It is Sunday and the BIG DAY IS ALMOST HERE!

    Exciting! You are probably finishing up with the preparations by now and the Holiday Challenge is about to begin!

    If you are following an Isagenix 9 Day Program (or 30 Day), unpack your products and don’t forget to read your System Guide. The System Guide offers important instructions, so review the meal plans and tips and keep your System Guide handy! You never know when you might need to refer to it.

    The products in the 9-Day System include:

    • Two bottles or containers of Cleanse for Life®, your Cleanse Day drink to help your body naturally release impurities.
    • IsaLean® Shake canister, which contains 14 meal replacements for Shake Days to replenish and revitalize your body.
    • Natural Accelerator™, 60 capsules, to help jumpstart your metabolism.
    • Isagenix Snacks! ™, 60 wafers, to help you ease hunger and regulate blood sugar during Cleanse Days.
    • 1 Cleanse and Replenish for Life Coaching System Audio CD -LISTEN TO IT!!!!

    If you are not following an Isagenix Program, make sure that you have a plan to follow and you have the cooking supplies that you will need.  Now is the time to run out for meal and snack preparations.

    We will be starting the Holiday Challenge OFFICIALLY on Tuesday!  For those of you on Isagenix, Tuesday will be a Shake, Shake, 600 calorie meal day. Wednesday will be a Shake Day too.  These two days are important because they help prepare your body for cleansing.

    If you are following a health eating program, here are the Challenge Guidelines:   It’s 200-300 calories for breakfast, 300-400 for lunch and 500-800 for the the rest of the days total intake.

    It’s a good idea to determine your snack and meal plan for the week now to reduce the opportunities to stray from the Challenge Guidelines.

    Tomorrow we included some tips for Snacking, here are some things to think about when you prepare your meals:

    High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight because emerging research has hinted that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.  WebMd says, “High-protein diets may help people lose weight — at least in the short term — because dieters tend to feel full longer when they eat more protein. This alone can cut down on snacking and lead to fairly rapid weight loss. Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular. Unfortunately, many people gain back the weight once the diet ends.”

    Good choices include:

    Nuts, Yogurt, Beans of any kind,  Lean Cuts of Red Meat, Eggs(Hard Boiled is Best), Chicken w/out skin, Tofu, Pork Tenderloin, Fish of ANY kind and of course IsaLean Shakes and Bars.



    When you wake up, drink 1–2 glasses of purified water. If you have Ionix Supreme now is the time for 1-2 oz and if you must 1 Cup Green Tea or other Tea is OK.  Coffee is not a great choice – sorry, but it’s only 11 days!


    Mix 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake with 8 oz. of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator™ capsule.  OR Prepare a 200-300 calorie meal.  This meal should include protein.


    Have a small snack.  Pick one option from the “Sensible Snack Ideas” chart in your Isagenix System Guide or from th Tips section that will be included in tomorrows email.  This snack should equal 100 calories or less whether or not you are on an Isagenix system.


    Many people following an Isagenix Program eat their meal during lunch to help break up the two shakes. If you prefer, you can eat your meal for dinner. Eat a balanced meal of 400-600 calories (400 if you are having snacks, 600 if you are not).  Protein, veggies and whole grains are great food options. Skip the butter or fatty dressings.  For those not following an Isagenix Program, aim for a 300-400 calorie meal.  Good choices still apply.


    If you’re hungry, have a piece of fruit, cucumber slices, 1 IsaDelight Plus, a few stalks of celery or a few unsalted raw almonds. Take one Natural Accelerator capsule with your snack or with water if you are following the Isagenix Program. 100 calorie max.


    If you are doing Isagenix you’ll either have your second shake or your meal for the day. If you are following a Healthy Eating Program, you should have about 600 calories left.  See above for good meal choices or check out these recipes -> Low-Cal Entrees CLICK HERE.

    REMEMBER:  Everybody needs to Drink 80 oz of Water, Sleep 8 Hours and Exercise for at least 20 Minutes every day of the HOLIDAY CHALLENGE!  EAT RIGHT, DRINK RIGHT,  SLEEP RIGHT, EXERCISE RIGHT and You Will FEEL RIGHT!

    Monday might be a busy day, so you may want to get a few things out of the way:





    Email us for the recording sheets to help you get a jump start!  Gabby@CleanseMyself.com and let us know if you have any questions.

    We’re excited that we are ALL on the verge of discovering our body’s true potential for health and youthful vitality.  This is going to be so much fun!

    Have a fantastic day and mark your calendar.  The first Official Day of the Holiday Challenge and Any body can win!  Will it be you?

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