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  • livingdreamteam 5:11 pm on April 12, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: Build Your Team, , , , , , Isagenix Tony,   

    Day 3 Build Your Support Team Look For People That ALWAYS Lift You Up 

    OOPS Days are a fact of life!

    Get over the fact that some days you just won’t be able to “Stick To IT” and MOVE ON!

    Yesterday, our twins turned 8!  It was an exciting day and I – The Mom, was in charge of ALL the Food.  Pancake Breakfast, for class mates- 57 hand dipped chocolate bananas with sprinkles whipped cream and a cherry, Pizza Dinner, and Two Cakes with two different kinds of Ice Cream.  And yup, you bet, I had an Oops Day!

    The important thing to know about oops days is that they Do Not erase everything.  They Do Not mean that you failed and You DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE UP!  

    Just start again and try to plan for he next oops day so that you will be better prepared.

    Sticking to a routine is the best way to begin to make changes that will last.  When you stick to a routine, you get stuck, and that can be a good thing if you are trying to improve your health for the long term.  It’s your goal to make ALL of these good choices habits for life!  So, use your tracking sheets!  Make Sticking to the calorie count rule of 400-600 calories on a shake days your routine.

    The Facts: Keeping your calories in check is important. Here is an example: If your goal is to drop a pound, which is 3,500 calories, in one week, aim to eat 300 fewer calories every day (300 x 7 = 2,100) while burning 300 calories from 20 minutes of daily exercise five times a week (300 x 5 = 1,500).  

    Remember that this is the easy part.  We are still just easing in to the Total Transformation challenge and NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR ROUTINE Down.  Remember, that It Will be these Little Changes that will Change Everything!  Record ALL of those little changes on the Tracking Sheets.  So, if you haven’t done it already- PRINT THEM!  Email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com if you still need them.

    Tomorrow is Day 3 for most of us, but it also Day 1 if you are just joining us the 1st 9 Day Sprint. Thursday and Friday are shake days for everybody and Saturday and Sunday WE CLEANSE!

    Tomorrow’s Task: You’re going to build your support system. You’re going to spend time with people you care about and ask them to help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. Ask at least 3 people to be on your support team. These people should be people that you can count on. They should be people that when you are around them, they ALWAYS lift you up!

    To help you get started:

    First, make a list of all of the people who influence your behavior in Positive Ways—friends, family and co-workers.

    Second, if you haven’t told them about your plans to ‘get healthy’, share your plans with them today. Even though you will have the support of this contest, it’s easier when you have the people who care about you cheering you on too.

    Third, when you talk with your support team let them know:

    You are competing in a contest and that this represents your first step toward your a NEW- Healthier You.  Show them your Tracking Sheets and let them help you celebrate All the Smiles you have already collected!

    You want each person’s support to help keep you focused on your goals and honest, so ask them to check in with you regularly. If friends or family members have questions about what you doing, it might be helpful to show them the emails that you are receiving. As your support team gains understanding of the process, they’ll be better equipped to help you—and they may even decide to join you.

    Remember also that friends and family may not be enough.  You may need to reach out and get support.  You may find it here through these emails, on our Monday calls, through books or maybe you’ll take a look at youtube.  Here is one great example: Listen to the “Why  Guy”, Anthony Robbins. He has helped more than 3 Million people explore where they are today and to identify Why they are going to Make A Change Today! Here are two links, if you don’t click them ask yourself Why?

    1  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJcCxAD2V6s&feature=related

    2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH89Eka_MCM&feature=related


    Tony says, ”Successful people do what other people won’t!”  

    Joining the Total Transformation Challenge is was your first step towards success. By completing each task and ‘following the plan’, you will be ‘becoming successful’!  Congratulations on your continued commitment to your transformation! 

    Have a great time with tomorrows task.



    It’s not too late to jion us for this challenge.  Please share our email adress with anyone who is ready to start their own transformation – Gabby@CleanseMyself.com


    A few shares:

    I lost 20 pounds! “From the time I began, my outlook on life began to dramatically improve. I lost 20 pounds to a comfortable size 6.* My sugar cravings were gone. I began to sleep better – and the energy!”  – Debby E.

    “I have released 55 pounds, 53 inches and six sizes!* I have not consumed any desserts, candy or pasta of any kind since I started the program. The daily sugar cravings are gone!”- Marilyn T.


    Make this a day you are proud of!


    Gabby Gmyrek

    Isagenix Top Recruiter

    877 978 8266


  • livingdreamteam 2:24 pm on November 21, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Diet Snacks, Don't Eat, Drink Water for Weight Loss, , , , Isagenix Diet Results, , Water Diet,   

    Turkey Challenge Day 16 

    During the Turkey Challenge we have encouraged you drink at least 80 zo of water daily.  Althouth some people need more and some peple may need less, drinking water regulaerly throughout the day is a good habit.

    Water is amazing!  Water is a nutrient and also your body’s principal chemical component.  Water makes up about 65% of your bodies total weight. It is the major component of your most cells. It carries nutrients to your cells and takes away waste products.  Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs  Water carries nutrients to your cells and it provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.  See? Amazing!

    Everyday, your body is continually losing water through urine, bowel movements, sweat, and breathing.  Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.  Anybody ever feel ‘drained’ or ‘tiered’?  Next time, take a Drink!

    Drinking Water is a good habit!

    Here is another tip to get your weight-loss efforts back on track:

    Although negative emotions and boredom can trigger emotional eating, you can take steps to control cravings and reach your weight loss gaols. To help stop emotional eating, try these tips:

    • Tame your stress. Try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation and make sure that you are exercising regularly.
    • Have a hunger reality check. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don’t have a rumbling stomach, you’re probably not really hungry. Drink a glass of water, chew a piece of gum or go for walk. Give the craving a little time to pass.
    • Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you’re feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see a connection between mood and food.
    • Get support. Lean on family and friends.  Make a call, connect on facebook, text; reach out!
    • Fight boredom. Distract yourself. Take a walk, play a game, fold laundry, watch a movie, play with your pet, wash dishes, listen to music, read, research something on the internet or call a friend. Don’t snack!
    • Take away temptation. Clean out comfort foods from your home and keep them out. Nobody in your family needs nutritionally depleted foods with high caloric count and artificial everything.
    • Don’t deprive yourself.  Long term weight loss depends on your ability to STICK WITH IT! Making smart choices does not mean giving up everything you love.  Keep your daily diet flexable.  Let yourself enjoy an occasional treat and get plenty of variety in your diet to help curb cravings.
    • Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack or protein snacks such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, unbuttered popcorn, yogurt, nuts or a hard boiled egg.
    • Get enough sleep. If you’re constantly tired, you might snack to try to give yourself an energy boost. Drink a glass of water and then get to bed earlier instead.

    We are almost done! Tomorrow we cleanse! If you have gone off track during the Turkey Challenge, forgive yourself and start fresh today! Focus on the positive changes you’re making and give yourself credit for making changes that will lead to better health.  Try to learn from the experience and make a plan for the future!

    To help you:  We will be Hosting a HOLIDAY CHALLENGE  Starting DEC. 13th! Registration will begin Dec. 1st!

    Make this a day you are proud of!


  • livingdreamteam 6:49 pm on November 9, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Healthy Weight Loss, How to do an Isagenix 9 Day, , , , , , What's an Isagenix 9 Day   

    Turkey Challenge Day 3 

     Turkey Challenge Day 3

    We are still just getting ready for this contest officially to begin on Sunday, but there are a few things that we can do to ensure that we will be ready for great results!

    Today’s task: Today you’re going to build your support system. You’re going to spend time with people you care about and ask them to help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. Ask at least 3 people to be on your support team.

    To help you get started:

    First, make a list of all of the people who influence your behavior—friends, family and co-workers.

    Second, if you haven’t told them about your plans to ‘get healthy’, share your plans with them today. Even though you will have the support of this contest, it’s easier when you have the people who care about you cheering you on too.

    Third, when you talk with your support team let them know:

    • You are competing in a contest and that this represents your first step toward your a NEW- Healthier You.
    • If you are using Isagenix, tell them that Cleansing and Replenishing are the missing links to effective weight loss and improving health.
    • While competing in the Turkey Challenge, you’ll also be ridding your life of nutritionally deficient foods and adopting healthier and lasting habits like drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.
    • You want each person’s support to help keep you focused on your goals and honest, so ask them to check in you regularly.

    If friends or family members have questions about Isagenix, it might be helpful to show them the products and System Guide when they arrive. As your support team gains understanding of the process, they’ll be better equipped to help you—and, they may even decide to join you.  Remember registration well be open until Saturday November 12th.


    Congratulations on your continued preparation! Have a great time with today’s task.


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