The number one quality of being irresistible is CONFIDENCE. 

You know how sometimes you just get hit over the head with the exact thing you needed and you hadn’t even started looking for it yet?  Well, often times we miss these ‘messages’, but today….  I heard today’s message loud and clear and I wanted to share it with you.  It’s from a truly inspirational woman named Gigi Belmonico.  You have to go find her on facebook.  She will make your day and improve your business.

Here is what she wrote about CONFIDENCE:

“Yes, confidence. Not extreme beauty, or a perfect bod. It is feeling good about who you are enough to be present in your skin. Bombshell, that’s YOU!! Uh-oh. You aren’t feeling it? We gotta talk girlfriend. Right now. Just breathe.
So that confidence thing is not something you are feeling today? Well I have good news and I have good news about that! Confidence is not about a feeling. What?? Not a feeling?? Of course it is. Well my dear, we aren’t talking about the “I feel confident because I feel skinny today” kind of confidence here. We are talking about something much deeper and more meaningful.
I am talking about the “I LOVE ME” confidence that comes from within. The confidence that gives you the courage to call a girlfriend that recently got a scary diagnosis from the doctor even though you don’t know what to say. The confidence that comes from being authentic with your girlfriends about how everything is not so perfect but it is going to be okay because in time it always is okay. The confidence that no matter what comes your way, your inner joy is not affected. Isn’t that the confidence we all want? It is a much more powerful confidence than the passing confidence of feeling good on a skinny day (or at least an “I don’t feel too fat” day). That kind of confidence is fun and it makes you all the more Bombshell, but if all the confidence you have is about how you look and how you feel about how you look, you are missing out on a key component of Bombshell fabulosity!
So your assignment, if you dare to accept, is this:
1. Breathe. Deeply in, and deeply out.
2. Say thank you. Lots of times, every day. Out loud, to God, to yourself, everywhere you go. Be in a continuous state of gratitude at all times. Even when something happens that is dreadful or scary or maddening….just out loud with your hand on your heart say “thank you”. Try it~you will see for yourself that being in that state brings peace and a comforting confidence that you will make it.
3. Practice extraordinary compassion. Especially with yourself. You, and I , and everyone else on the planet is doing the best they can with what they know TODAY. No more putting yourself or other women down. Nope. Not even then.
Bombshell, there is nothing wrong with looking good and feeling good about looking good! Many lives are transformed when a woman changes her appearance and I love that part of my Bombshell program. BUT… do you want to be the Bombshell that walks around saying to everyone “I look good so look at me!” without the deeper inner confidence that brings meaningful connection, or do you want to be the Bombshell that has learned the outer tools about looking great and the inner confidence as well, and ALSO looks great, but instead says “You look great and I am SO happy you are here with me!!”
My next post will include some amazing Bombshell tips about how to exude confidence in your outer image. I can’t wait to hear your feedback!”
Gigi Belmonico
p.s. I would love to connect with you on twitter and Facebook! and please join our Bombshell posse at