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  • livingdreamteam 7:46 pm on May 11, 2011 Permalink
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    HCG vs Isagenix Is HCG a Health Diet? 

    Today was so great. Got a car wash, then off the the market.  Stopped at the pet store and the book store.  Then back home. A quick run, shower and then a little work.
    Well, what I call work…
    First I checked facebook.  R U 1 of those that need  to check in at least once a day?  Me too.  I love it.  Sent a Happy Birthday out to an old friend that I truly miss from high school. Congratulated an old work buddy.  Cheered on a team member and got the daily headlines. I was just about to move on to email when I noticed this exchange:
    Michael O. said,  A colleague just shared that two of her friends were on the HCG diet… one of whom ended up in the ER with horrible inflammation! The ER doctor told one of them that the HCG diet was not a safe way to lose weight (no surprise to me!) Then BOTH started using the same nutritional program I’m using! So if you’re using human pregnancy hormone to release weight, please reconsider… 
  • livingdreamteam 5:26 pm on March 2, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , Isagenix High Blood Pressure, Isagenix Risks, Isagenix Type 2 diabetes   

    Can I Use Isagenix If I Have High Blood Pressure or Type 2 Diabetes 

    The most important thing to be aware of if you have type 2 diabetes and or  high blood pressure, is that both can be avoided!  By leading a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet low in fat and calories, as well as physical activity can go a long way in reducing your chances of developing diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Here’s some information that Isagenix Shared on their Blog resently:

    “In a recent study published in The Lancet and reported in HealthDay News, once again confirmed that diet and exercise were successful in reducing risk for those most in jeopardy of developing type 2 diabetes.

    The study, which lasted a decade and included more than 3,000 overweight and obese adults, showed that those who lost weight through reducing caloric intake and increasing physical activity cut their risk of getting diabetes by one-third, compared to those with no intervention.

    So if you are ready, better health can be achieved through lifestyle choices that includes a diet lower in fat and calories, exercising regularly and Isagenix. These efforts will not only help you achieve your weight loss goals, but also reduce the risk of developing other life treating conditions in the long run.”

    Here is what Isagenix can offer:

    Isagenix is for every “BODY”.  Isagenix has products that are both safe and effective for every age group.  It is never too late!  You are never too old for Isagenix!

    Isagenix Advice:

    “If you have Type 2 diabetes there are a few things of which you should be aware if deciding to use the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

    Type 2 diabetes

    Monitor your glucose levels closely since it’s easy to have low levels while on the program. Isagenix Doctors recommend to their diabetics that they cut their medications in half if they are going to start on the 9-Day Program and if they are using insulin to only use the shorter-acting insulins. Please consult your doctor before adjusting medication.  However, the 9 Day Program is disciplined and the 30 Day may be be better place to start.  Results will not be as dramatic but it will be something you can stick to.

    Isagenix Doctors say that a temporary glucose rise would be OK since it’s better than you falling into a hypoglycemic state, which is more dangerous than a hyperglycemic state. What is generally seen is a reduction of both medication and glucose levels with this program. The Shake Days may very well show an increase in the glucose levels but as your weight goes down this generally is self-correcting. If this rise is too great for you then you can switch to just the IsaPro or you can use ½ a shake 4 times a day or reduce the amount to just ½ a shake 2 times a day.

    Many Isagenix say that their patients no longer require any type of medication for diabetes, but individual differences doesn’t make this the case for everyone.* At the very least you should see a reduction in your weight and a reduction in the amount of medication that you are using.”

    High Blood Pressure

    “Being overweight is also a risk factor for high blood pressure because it increases the volume of blood flowing through your vessels, causing an increase in pressure on artery walls. If overweight, losing a few pounds can help to lower high blood pressure and help you feel better. 🙂

    The Isagenix® Cleansing and Fat Burning System is an excellent program for weight loss. This system includes nutritional cleansing and replacing meals with high-protein shakes. If you are on high-blood pressure medication, however, please be advised that you should check with your doctor before starting the system or any other weight-loss program.  Just because it is always best to have your Dr on board. Also, lowering calories or “deep cleansing” can potentially lower blood pressure too quickly if you are on medication, it is important for your doctor to monitor you and make medication adjustments as appropriate.”

    Here is what a day with Isagenix looks like:

    Remember, Isagenix can be flexible – Make it fit your schedule.

    Isagenix offers something for every”body”.

    On a 9 Day you will have enough product to have 2 Pre Cleanse Days (which are the same as Shake Days), 4 Cleanse Days and 5 Shake Days.  You’ll start with the 2 Pre Cleanse Days.  Follow with 2 Cleanse Days.  Than 5 Shake Days.  Finish up with 2 more Cleanse Days.

    On a 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse you will start with 2 Pre Cleanse Days(which are the same as shake days), then 1 Cleanse Day.  Follow with 6 Shake Days and repeat the Cleanse Day.  Repeat 6 Shake Days/1 Cleanse.  That’s it.  On a 30 Day Cleanse you will only cleanse one day a week.  The rest are all Shake Days.

    On the Total Wellness Plan you’ll cleanse two days a month.  The rest are 1 shake and two meals.

    You’ll do great!  You are going to Love how you feel!

    All of this info will be in you program guide book that you will receive with you first shipment.  During my first 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse I found it helpful to follow a written plan.  I picked the times because they worked for me.  You can change or rotate anything you like.

    Pre Cleanse/Shake Days

    AM 1 -2 ounces Ionix Supreme (not included in a 9 day cleanse)

    8:00  Shake and Nat. Accelerator

    12:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional) and Nat. Accelerator

    1:30  400 – 600 Calorie Meal

    4:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional)

    6:00  Shake

    8:00  Isagenix Snack (Optional)

    9:00  1-2 Isa Flush (not included in a 9 day cleanse)

    Cleanse Days

    1/2 Cup Cleanse 4 life X 4

    *Sprinkle Cleanse for Life with Want More Energy

    *Drink lots of Water.  You can add Want More Energy if you need it.

    AM 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Nat. Accelerator

    8:00 Isagenix Snack

    11:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Isagenix Snack

    12:00 1 – 2 ounces Ionix Supreme

    1:00 Isagenix Snack

    2:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life

    3:00 Isagenix Snack

    5:00 1/2 cup Cleanse for Life and Isagenix Snack

    7:00 Isagenix Snack
    9:00 Isa Flush (Not in a 9 day or Total Health and Wellness)

    When you’re ready to order please visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com. Click “sign up and save” and find out how to receive wholesale prices on all your orders for the next year.  Ordering can be tricky, so please call if you have questions.  877 978 8266

    We want you to have a great product experience with Isagenix so, please let us know if you have any questions or need any support.


    More Info From Isageix:

    10 Diet and Nutrition Tips for People with Diabetes:

    1. If overweight, lose weight. Modest weight loss improves insulin resistance and blood sugar control.
    2. Decrease your intake of saturated and trans fat, and intake of sodium. Choose low-fat, low-sodium dairy foods and lean proteins.
    3. Decrease your carbohydrate intake, especially simple sugars. Reduced carbohydrate, reduced calorie meal plans can be effective in weight loss and blood sugar management. Monitoring carbohydrates is a key strategy in achieving blood sugar control.
    4. Consume balanced meals. Eat a minimum of three times per day and include high-quality protein and carbohydrate at each meal.
    5. Try meal replacements. Use of a quality, nutritious meal replacement shake or bars high in protein once or twice daily can help control the amount of protein and carbohydrate in the diet.
    6. Practice smart snacking. Snacks that emphasize fiber and protein can help stave off hunger. Avoid “junk foods” high in sugar, fat and sodium.
    7. Eat a fiber-rich diet. Strive to consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily from fruits, vegetables, legumes, bran, whole oats and other whole grains.
    8. Use a low-sugar fiber supplement if needed to increase fiber intake. Start low and slowly add to diet.
    9. Consume more mono- and polyunsaturated fats  from fish, olive oil, walnuts, almonds, and flax seed. Increase consumption of fish oil. Studies have shown that long-chain omega-3s from fish are especially beneficial in promoting heart health (hear thealth is an important factor in diabetes).
    10. Get enough of the “sunshine vitamin.” Recent studies show that vitamin D is helpful for optimal heart health.


  • livingdreamteam 8:19 pm on October 18, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Isagenix CA, , , , , Isagenix Salinas,   

    With Isagenix I was able to lose the weight without dieting or sacrificing 

    Doctors often are asked to help their patients lose weight but often they do not have the tools to really give their patients what they need to get great results.  Isagenix gives that to doctors and their patients.

    Here is what they are saying about Isagenix, “Isagenix is positively changing the health and well being of people one person at a time. Our patient’s are saying “I have more energy”, “ I feel less stress”, “I can go to work, and don’t feel exhausted when I go home”, “With Isagenix, I was able to lose the weight without dieting or sacrificing my level of comfort”, “ I look forward to my shakes every day, they are delicious!”.

    Comment, after comment our patient’s have only positive feedback on how Isagenix is helping them feel terrific and regain their health.Although, it has been a short period of time since we introduced Isagenix, the word is spreading so fast, that patient’s are calling to buy the products for family members outside our hometown and referring new patient’s to the clinic who live in town.

    Isagenix has been an amazing answer for each individual to achieve their health goals. It is no wonder that it has become the World’s Largest Company in Nutritional Cleansing.” -Back, Neck Pain and Headache Relief Center in Salinas, CA

    To begin your Isagenix Success Story, please go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 8:03 pm on October 18, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: Do Doctor's recommend Isagenix, , , Isagenix Jack Canfield, Isagenix John Gray, ,   

    Do Doctor’s Recommend Isagenix? 


    “The last 4 years I’ve been recommending and encouraging my patients to use the Isagenix Internal Cleansing Program & meal protein replacement shake. There have been fabulous results over the last 4 years, and I can see why successful people like Mark Victor Hanson, Jack Canfield, and Dr. John Gray endorse and use Isagenix.

    Also, Isagenix is consistent with supporting good health and states the miracle isn’t their product but the body’s ability to heal itself.”

    Dr. Robert M., DC

    To learn more visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com

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