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  • livingdreamteam 7:53 pm on April 13, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Help Isagenix, , Isagenix and the FDA, , ,   

    FDA Leaves You On Your Own to Figure Things Out 

    According to the CDC (the Center for Disease Control and Prevention), which is self acclaimed as ‘America’s Source for Credible Health Information’, over one-half of adults use supplements. So, how do all these Americans get access to scientific research on the health benefits of supplements and other natural food sources?  How do they get what they need for what they have?

    Well right now, only after a food, supplement or ingredient has gone  through the “New Drug Approval Process” can a manufacturer educate consumers about the potential of the supplements or foods to prevent or treat disease. This process can take years and can be quite expensive —and because food and dietary supplements, unlike drugs (Pharmaceuticals) are natural they cannot be patent protected, which means manufacturers can not have a monopoly or exclusivity and further that they could never hope to recoup the millions (sometimes billions) of dollars necessary to go through the NDA process. For most, this is not an option.

    For now, Food manufacturers and Supplement producers cannot even cite legitimate peer-reviewed science on their labels or website without being guilty of misbranding—and thus subject themselves to heavy fines and or up to ten years in prison.

    That being the case, let’s say for the sake of proving a point that there was a study done by researchers at Harvard University and that through diligent research that scientist found that the vitamins, nutrients and minerals in carrots when served daily, raw did improved eyesight in humans by 65% .  Wouldn’t you like to know about that for you and your family.

    Well consider this, in 1996, researchers from Harvard did study Cherries and they published in the Annals of Internal Medicine a report that suggested that cherries could reduce heart attack risk, America’s #1  cause of death (Ann Inter Med, 1996, Sept 1: 125 (5): 384-9). There were also a large number of other studies published in prestigious journals that indicated that the link between cherries and improved heart health was substantiated and further that cherries could also reduce pain and cancer incidences.  All that research and  the FDA has prohibited cherry producers, sellers, and food manufacturers to publicize this research because cherries have not gone through the “New Drug Approval Process”.

    It gets worse! The FDA sent a Cease and Desist letter to Cheery producers forbidding them to sight the research.  and in February 2008, the FDA went a step further and  obtained a court order to silence 29 cherry orchards for good. ‘The FDA held that any discussion of the health benefits of cherries automatically turned cherries into “unapproved” drugs. Moreover, the Agency says that any “claim” made for an “unapproved drug” is by definition false and legally actionable, even if the claim originates at the Harvard Medical School.’  It happened to walnuts too.

    That’s how information concerning natural foods and supplements is withheld from American’s right now and unfortunately the American people do not hear about relevant research. Current law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this information.  Food and supplement producers would like to tell us about this research, but the FDA rules prevent it and do not allow the circulation of relevant scientific information about food and supplement health benefits, leaving American’s to figure it out for themselves.

    That all can change!  Last year, the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), a nonprofit organization that works very hard to promote and protect freedom of health speech, came up with a very important piece of legislation called the Free Speech about Science Act(FSAS) that is designed to lift the restrictions on health speech and free natural food and supplement producers to share the scientific truth about their products.

    This year, Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.) introduced the bill before Congress.  If the bill gets passed, it has the power to will amend current law to allow growers and manufacturers to freely share honest information and research concerning foods and supplements with their consumers. While the bill will still allow the  FDA and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to go after companies that are actually making false claims, the agencies will no longer be able to oppress those companies that only want to share the facts found through diligent research with the public.

    To get the bill passed they need your help.  Contact your Congressmen and women and urge them to support  the bill right away.

    You can read the complete text of Bill HR 1364 here:

    For more info visit the ANH’s Action Alert page:

    To Learn More:http://www.naturalnews.com/032062_free_speech_science.html#ixzz1JQXYAXaT

    To gain access to Isagenix the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing and other Natural Supplements go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com


  • livingdreamteam 5:29 pm on March 30, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Distributors Wanted, , , , , , , Isagenix You tube   

    What’s a Product B 

    What if you had the opportunity to get involved with a revolutionary scientific breakthrough before most of the world even knew about it?

    You can and I am!  I don’t want to grow up and grow old! My 11 year old resently told me to ‘grow up’ because I was playing tag on the jungle gym at the park with our 6 year old twins.  This seems like a bad idea!  Grow up, sit down and age gracefully…. NO WAY!

    I have done my research. I know that eating less processed food, pasta, cereals, sugar and eating more raw, fresh, vibrant veggies and fruits along with more protein like fish and chicken and plenty of clean water are all good for my body.  I put Isagenix supplements and shakes in my body everyday and Cleanse regularly with the Isagenix Cleanse for Life Drink, but I want more!  I want to look good, feel good and be illness free for a very long time.

    Here is how I am going to get more and so can you….

    Isagenix is about to release a new product:  Product B!   Thanks to some pretty formidable scientific minds Product B is much anticipated.  

    That is what is new at Isagenix. This sounds like science fiction, but really it’s the edge of scientifically reality and Isagenix will exclusively release this new product in August 2011.

    Our team is now taking applications for independent business partners world wide because we will not be able to handle all the business on our own once this hits the media. To request more information and to learn how to join on the fastest growing teams in Isagenix please email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com

    Gabby Gmyrek

    Isagenix Top Recruiter

    877 978 8266


  • livingdreamteam 1:11 am on October 10, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Isagenix Essential Nutrients, Isagenix Omegas, Isagenix Reservatrol, ,   

    Isagenix Vitamins for Adults 

    Ageless Essentials Daily Pack for Men & Women

    You can either spend all of your time hunting down the best supplements to take (Vitamins & Minerals, Omegas, Anti-Aging Supplements [Reservatrol] and Vitamin C) or you can make life easier for yourself, and save $31, with Ageless Essentials Daily Packs!

    Ageless Essentials Vitamins for Men and Women
    Isagenix Ageless Essentials Daily Pack
    Ageless Essentials Daily Pack Flyer PDF
    Ageless Essentials Daily Pack Flyer PDF
    Ageless Essentials Video
    Ageless Essentials Video

    Take your good health on the go! Forget about the multiple supplement bottles and bulky pillboxes, now you can get your daily dose of premium vitamins, minerals, antioxidants in individually-wrapped A.M. and P.M. packets. Ageless Essentials Daily Pack contains a synergistic blend of essential nutrients so you never have to worry about what to take and when. We do the work for you-by providing you with the right blend of supplements, you’ll get exactly what you need to look and feel your best every day. Check out the flyer for more info about the $31 savings.

    The Ageless Essentials Daily Pack Includes ALL FOUR of the Super Supplements Bellow!

    Isagenix C-Lyte
    Isagenix C-Lyte
    PDF Flyer for Isagenix C-Lyte
    Isagenix C-Lyte PDF Flyer

    With Isagenix C-Lyte you may experience:

    More well days
    Fewer cold and flu symptoms*
    Gives your immune system 24-hour support*
    No stomach upset
    Renewed energy
    Isagenix Ageless Actives w/Reservatrol
    Isagenix Ageless Actives w/Reservatrol


    [PDF Flyer for Ageless Actives] 

    PDF Flyer for Ageless Actives
    Isagenix Ageless Actives Flyer

    Benefits of Isagenix Ageless Actives

    * Helps restore levels of CoQ10 and Vitamin D levels to optimize health and performance
    * Helps maintain youthful energy levels in cells
    * Helps keep cells, tissues and organs functioning optimally
    * Contains adaptogens, which support the body’s resistance to stress and fatigue
    * Supports cardiovascular health
    * Helps protect cell integrity and guard cells against damage from free radicals
    * Promotes heart, brain, kidney, liver and muscle health
    Essentials for Men and Women
    Essentials for Men and Women
    Essentials for Men and Women PDF Flyer
    Essentials for Men and  Women PDF Flyer

    With Isagenix Essentials for Men and Women you may experience:

    Promotion of bone health
    Greater energy, endurance and stamina
    Balanced glandular and sexual health
    Stronger and Luminous skin, hair and nails
    Reduced monthly discomfort
    Greater overall health

    Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme Omega-3 Supplement

    Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme Omega-3 Supplement
    IsaOmega Supreme PDF Flyer
    IsaOmega Supreme PDF Flyer

    With Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme You may experience:

    Improved cardiovascular health*
    Supports healthy cholesterol*
    Promotes healthy brain development*
    Protects eye and joint health*
    Promotes healthy immune function*

    Isn’t it great that all four of the above awesome products are included in the Ageless Essentials Daily Pack?  It’s so much easier for me to remember to take all of the great vitamins that I need to look great and stay healthy with these convenient AM & PM packs!

    For more information or to order Isagenix Vitamins for adults please visit http://myweightloss.isagenix.com/us/en/ageless_essentials_daily_pack.dhtml


  • livingdreamteam 7:03 pm on September 14, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , Isagenix Fitness Trainer, , , ,   

    Isagenix For Athletes 

    On race day nothing else matters. Not your job, the weather, your social life, the chores you need to do, nothing. All that matters is that you show up and do what you intended to do.”

    “I was a skeptic – I wasn’t even looking for something.  That isn’t to say I knew it all, I just didn’t have a big belief in the supplementation industry.  I was a high school and college athlete, I tried to gain weight and tried supplementation and it didn’t work for me. Going on being an athlete my whole life, I realized that it was all about my food so I was all about living from the Earth.  Really eating good healthy food and that is also what I was taught in school in how to help our clients to live a healthy lifestyle.  So supplementation was almost a bad  word to me because I just didn’t feel it was something that we needed.

    When Isagenix was presented to me from a family friend, a very close family friend I said no.  Actually I didn’t even say no, they mailed me a whole package of Isagenix stuff.  I opened it up and saw a lot of pamphlets, CD’s all kinds of stuff and just went  huh, wow and put it on the way side.  I mean it was just how bad sounded to me.

    After about 3 months, my beautiful wife and I have 4 kids (all within 5 1/2 years) so my wife and I were really struggling to find a good nutrition program that would work for her.  You can image what women go through after having four baby’s or even one.  What hormones balance is like with them and what their body goes through.  So I was trying everything out there and that same family friend came back to me and said we really want you to look at this again and see if it is something that you might invest a little more information. They didn’t even want me  to do it or sign up or anything, they just said “Tell us what you think” and I said you know what I am interested in trying it but not for myself, but I want my wife to try it because she needs something.  She was really wanting to find something that would work for her, I was frustrated, this is what I do on a daily basis so for me being not able to help her was very frustrating.

    That was the miracle in our life.  She did it, had phenomenal results, and I was smart enough to say somethings here and I need to look into it, this is pretty awesome in what it did for her in such a short amount of time.

    So I started doing my research, started looking at the web sites, ingredients, who was involved.  That was really big to me because credibility is such a big thing in our industry and I wanted to see what it was coming from.  If these people really had the credentials in their background that I could you know that could possibly say that “Yea this is something good”.  Because so many people in the supplementation industry just don’t put in what they say they are going to put in their products. That is a bad part of our industry.  That was really  a big factor for me, then I had to try it myself,  I met with Jim Rhoades and we had a face to face meeting for over two hours before I even thought about doing the program. Which was phenomenal, he is just a great, great guy.  In fact he was here in Dallas, TX just 2 days ago and we had such a day, it was so great to get a chance to see him again.  Any how that was when the transformation in myself. The over all leanness and total body appearance and lean muscle mass development and keeping my strength and everything.

    People noticed on me and I thought wow if people noticed on me just think what this could do for my clients.  I mean the average  individual needs to lose somewhere between 15 – 25 pounds and gosh, it could help so many people so the light bulb went off in my head and here we are some 2 1/2 years later.”

    Shane Freels – Professional fitness trainer – triple certified working out of the Cooper Institute in Dallas Texas.  Has a degree in exercise physiology and biology.   Shane Couches football  and trains professional athletes (NFL, NBA and NHL).  Featured on ESPN Sports Center on his training of high level professional athletes and has coached 22 players with the Isagenix program.

    To Learn More or to Order Isagenix please visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 9:04 am on May 28, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , , Resveratrol Benefits,   

    Resveratrol Good For Your Brain 

    Source: Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
    Resveratrol (found naturally in grapes) is not just good for the  heart, but the brain.Resveratrol (found naturally in grapes) is not just good for the heart, but also the brain.

    Resveratrol, which has previously been linked to cardiovascular health benefits and maintaining youthfulness, is now showing promise in supporting brain health.

    The compound, taken orally at high doses, helps improve cerebral blood flow according to a human clinical study from the United Kingdom published recently in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    In the randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial, UK researchers gave 22 healthy adults a placebo (sugar pill) and two doses of trans-resveratrol at 250 milligrams and at 500 milligrams. Forty five minutes after each administration,, the subjects performed cognitive tasks to activate the frontal cortex (the part of the brain that is associated with attention, planning and motivation) for 36 minutes.

    Although cognitive function wasn’t affected in this study, the trans-resveratrol resulted in a dose-dependent increase in cerebral blood flow, indexed by total concentrations of hemoglobin, during each of the tasks. Both doses of trans-resveratrol also suggested enhanced oxygen extraction, (which helps boost oxygen supply in the brain.

    Why all the focus on resveratrol

    Research into resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in grape skins and other plants, has primarily been fueled by early studies suggesting red wine has a role in creating the “French Paradox.” The paradox is that those living in France had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease despite a high-fat diet and smoking.

    More recently, in 2006, a study in Nature found resveratrol protected middle-aged mice against the detrimental health effects of a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Scientists have now learned that resveratrol supports increased mitochondria synthesis, increased insulin sensitivity and improved motor function in animals.

    Resveratrol as a way to obtain the benefits of eating less and exercising more is also an area of research. The compound appears to mimic the same effects on biochemical pathways as calorie restriction and increased activity with benefits clearly demonstrated with extended lifespan in rodents, fruit flies and worms.

    Understanding the processes influenced by resveratrol, including how it affects mitochondria and supports release of nitric oxide, can help create a greater understanding how these processes are regulated, and ultimately how better to take control of the aging process.

    How much should you get daily?

    Most people obtain only a few milligrams of resveratrol in their diets daily, mainly from red wine, grapes, chocolate and peanuts. The average content of resveratrol in a typical red wine bottle is about 4 milligrams per liter and in white wine less than 1 milligram per liter.

    Short-term safety studies suggest that resveratrol is well tolerated in amounts as high as 5 grams with no marked toxicity or serious adverse events.

    This study’s effects were found at doses of 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams, and suggest even greater effects in the brain at doses as high as 1,000 or 5,000 milligrams daily.

    Previous studies have shown that trans-resveratrol at levels of around 125 milligrams to 250 milligrams has demonstrated cardio-protective action as well as potential protection against inflammation in the body.

    Because the typical North American diet does not contribute nearly enough to obtain these levels (although drinking more red wine and eating more chocolate may appeal to some) supplementation is ultimately necessary to take advantage of resveratrol’s full range of benefits.

    Study reference: Kennedy DO, Wightman EL, Reay JL et al. Effects of resveratrol on cerebral blood flow variables and cognitive performance in humans: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover investigation. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1590-7.

    For more information about Isagenix products containing RESVERATROL please visit http://www.isagenix.com/agelessactives

    For more information and buy Isagenix Products go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • livingdreamteam 5:37 pm on April 20, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , , ,   

    You’re looking for the RIGHT home based business/carreer for YOU. 

    Isagenix is different from other Network Marketing companies; it’s better.
    I’m not going to just tell you this I’m going to prove it.
    The images may take a while to load but they’re worth it because they’ll help you see how Isagenix is reinventing Network Marketing and how you can be part of it and profit.
    Please visit our business site or call toll free (877) 978-8266 if you have questions or are ready to take the next step.
    See You At The Top,
    The Living Dream Team
  • livingdreamteam 2:24 pm on April 3, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Isagenix for Muscle, , , , ,   

    Isagenix for Athletes 

    When winning is on the line, make sure nutrition is on your side. Athletes faced with the pressure of regular workouts and performance have increased nutritional needs, especially when it comes to protein.

    With Isagenix products, athletes can gain an edge. These step-by-step guidelines are full-proof for helping strength and endurance athletes meet performance goals.

    Step 1: Get enough protein daily with help from high-protein IsaLean® Shakes, Bars and Soups

    Protein is major in sports performance. Without enough protein intake, athletic potential can be seriously hampered. This is because the body doesn’t store protein well. Continual replenishment is needed for repairing muscle breakdown and building new muscle tissue.

    The average adult needs about 0.6-0.8 grams protein per kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) daily. Active adults should keep protein up to about 0.8 grams per kilogram daily. How much do athletes need? It can depend on exercise intensity and type of training. Studies on endurance athletes and strength training athletes suggest they can gain most from intake of 1.4 grams to 1.8 grams per kilogram daily, respectively.

    Athletes can make sure they’re getting enough protein daily with IsaLean Shakes, Bars and Soups. These meal-replacements are high in protein and are balanced with healthy amounts of carbs and fats as well as a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

    Step 2: Maximize muscle gains by drinking IsaLean® Shake in the morning and spacing protein intake throughout the day

    Protein intake daily is less important than time of intake. Studies show the biggest muscle gains come from regular protein intake throughout the day. Consistent increases in plasma levels of amino acids support muscle recovery and growth.

    Athletes on a typical Western-style diet may find their protein intake varies too much throughout the day. An athlete needing 90 grams of protein intake daily, for example, may eat breakfast of just an egg, toast and coffee (approximately 10 grams of protein), then a chicken sandwich for lunch (approximately 20 grams of protein), and, to make up the difference, steak for dinner (approximately 60 grams of protein).


    Best advice for these athletes to make the biggest impact on muscle gains is to switch to a diet that provides quality sources of protein throughout the day. Athletes needing 90 grams of protein per day should have the same level of protein at breakfast, lunch and dinner at approximately 30 grams (see graph below). To help cover protein requirements in the morning, athletes should drink an IsaLean Shake for breakfast or with breakfast.


    Plus, the combination of proteins in the shake can make a profound difference. Dairy whey is quickly absorbed protein giving athletes a large increase in amino acids. Casein is more slowly absorbed providing a sustained increase in plasma amino acids.

    Step 3: Never end workouts without IsaPro® whey protein mixed into a IsaLean Shake

    The one- to two-hour period right after a workout is prime time for muscle anabolism. It’s this time when you need protein most. The body is craving nutrients for muscle recovery and protein is highest on the list, especially if the protein is high in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).

    Whey protein is rich in all the BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine, valine. Research studies show that extra fast-absorbing whey protein after workouts boosts muscle growth in active adults and athletes.

    Enter IsaPro® unflavored whey protein: one scoop of IsaPro to one and a half scoops of IsaLean Shake provides a whopping 35 grams of protein per serving. The extra protein along with the extra nutrients from the shake makes for best muscle recovery.

    And don’t think it wrong to add in some fruit to your ultra-high protein shake after exercise. Studies show that some sugar during and after workouts induces an insulin response that helps drive protein synthesis along with helping to replenish muscle glycogen (carbs stored in your muscle for quick energy).

    Other Isagenix products for athletes?

    • Athletes can take advantage of Ionix Supreme® for its content of “adaptogens” for powering performance while under stress.
    • Workouts are always easier with Want More Energy?® to replenish carbs and B vitamins that are depleted during exercise.
    • Never eat another one of your meals without Multi-Enzyme Complex. The digestive enzymes supplement boosts break down of protein and increases absorption of amino acids. It can also help endurance athletes gain lasting energy by helping to break down complex carbs.
    • Everyone knows they should be on fish oil for cardiovascular health, but what athletes may not know is that fish oil reduces inflammation supporting joint health too. IsaOmega Supreme™ is best suited for athletes because of high potency and because its purity is guaranteed.
    • With exercise comes increased oxidative stress from free radicals, which makes antioxidants more important than ever for the body. Athletes can be sure they’re getting a broad variety of antioxidants with plenty of fruits and vegetables in their diet along with supplements such as Cleanse for Life™, Antioxidants™, IsaFruits® and IsaDelight™.
    • Lastly, there’s no body function possible without adequate amounts of water. Athletes can be sure they’re getting the best water for their body with IsaWater™ Alkalized Concentrate, which delivers a high negative Oxidation Reduction Potential to neutralize free radicals in water.

    Success Comes with Consistency

    Staying on top of nutrition, particularly protein intake, isn’t always easy. Athletes should be sure to have plenty of Isagenix products on hand for when they’re needed most. IsaLean Shake, IsaLean Soups and IsaPro should always be available in easy reach at home and at the office. IsaLean Bars are travel-friendly for those on-the-go athletes. Consistency brings consistent recovery and consistent muscle gains, which leads to top-level form performance.




    ISAGENIX Health

    Note: The material on this Web site and in our e-mail responses are intended as educational and to support, and not replace, your relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication have a medical condition, or are beginning a weight control program, please consult your medical doctor before using dietary supplements or making other dietary changes.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    About Us

    Isagenix® is the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing. We are dedicated to developing revolutionary products to impact world health to free people from physical and financial pain.

    Since its founding in 2002, Isagenix has created a perfect combination of innovation, experience and vision that has made it one of the fastest growing companies in North America!

    • Revolutionary Products
    • Innovative and Inclusive Product Systems
    • Experienced Leadership
    • Generous business compensation plan

    “With its “no-compromise” approach to quality, Isagenix is changing the lives of people dramatically—and blazing a trail to rapid growth.”

    Your Business at Home, October 2006ˆ

    To learn more please visit our Independent Isagenix website at http://www.CleanseMyself.com

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