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  • livingdreamteam 12:51 am on October 10, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: Can Kids use Isagenix?, Childers Viamins with no artificial Sweeteners, , , Isagenix Viamins for Children, , IsaKids, Kids Vitamins with no artificial colors   

    Isagenix Children’s Vitamins 

    Not too long ago Dr Bill Wheeler was interviewed about  the Isagenix Children’s vitamins:

    Here’s are the highlights-

    “IsaKids meets the recommended daily allowance for over 11 essential vitamins and minerals. Now you would think that all the competitive products would too, but they don’t. Some will meet the recommended daily allowance for 2, 3… I think the most I’ve seen has been 5 essential vitamins and minerals. We have over 11 meeting the daily requirements of children which is really the way it should be. We don’t have any artificial sweeteners, no dyes, no contaminants.

    We use a natural flavor system. We use a natural orange. We use a natural orange color. So everything is as natural as you can get in the IsaKids and as you well know the taste is phenomenal. Now I tell a lot of moms who buy their children’s vitamins in the grocery store or in the pharmacy, all these cute kid shapes of these others and they say “Well, my kids won’t eat them.” And I’ll say “Well have you ever tried to eat one of them yourself?” And they’ll try one of these competitive products out there and the leading children’s chewable tastes horrible. It has a very metallic taste plus it has over 2 grams of straight sugar in it versus the IsaKids which is all natural, a pleasant flavor, the kids love them and adults do too and it doesn’t have any of that sugar in there for the kids. What I’ll also say is that IsaKids contains an ingredient called Xylitol. And the importance of Xylitol is it’s been shown through over 20 different clinical studies primarily from Sweden, that Xylitol significantly reduces the number of ear infections and cavities in children. So that’s just one ingredient now. I know when my kids were growing up, ear infections were a big problem. And the Xylitol in the children’s chewable has been shown to reduce ear infections – also reduce cavities – to the point where the government of Sweden actually puts Xylitol in chewing gum for preschoolers. It makes them healthier. So that’s another benefit of it.

    >> Wow.

    >> Dr. William E. Wheeler: So it’s a great product, meets the requirements for over 11 essential vitamins and minerals, no artificial colors, no artificial sweeteners, all natural, great taste, fabulous taste. Some people who taste them and kids who taste them don’t think that they’re vitamins. They think they’re just a sweet healthy candy, but they’re not a candy. They’re a great multivitamin for kids.

    To read the ingredient list or to order IsaKids please visit http://myweightloss.isagenix.com/us/en/isakids.dhtml

  • drannettecartaxo 6:05 am on September 4, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Childhood Obesity, Children Diet, Dr. Barnard, High-frutose corn syrup Children, , , Lack of Exercise Children,   

    Childhood Obesity Linked to Fast Foods 

    The President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard, stated that the blame of  the increasing rate of childhood obesity seems to be linked to the increase in unhealthy foods  rather than  decreased exercise.

    Dr. Barnard analyzed food availability data from 1909 to 2007 and found that during that period of time the food availability increased  from 35 to 87 lbs per person per year of oils, from 124 to 200 lbs per person per year of meat, from 4 to 33 lbs per person per year of cheese and from 1.5 to 25 lbs per person per year of frozen dairy products.

    Also from 1970 to 2007 the availability of sweeteners increased from 119 to 136 lbs per  person per year.  This increase in caloric sweeteners reflects the increase in high-fructure corn syrup, which in part may be related to the sharp availability of carbonated beverages which increased by 15 gallons per person per year when comparing data from 2007 to 1980.

    Lets stop and think about this  for a minute. This increase alone in sweeteners i.e. mostly high-fructose corn syrup in the last 27 years has had a dramatic impact on rather new childhood illnesses  such as  diabetes, obesity and not to mention ADHD?!

    Do you think a growing child with a growing brain should be bathed in so much sugar?!

    The consumption of bad fats is what is increasing so we must educate ourselves on the good fats.  Overall I believe Dr. Barnard is stating that we eat too much and so it follows that our children do the same.  To quote Dr. Barnard, “Our analysis of USDA figures shows that the big increases over the last century have been in the amount of meat, cheese, oil, and frozen desserts that people are consuming.  While people tend to blame a lack of exercise, it appears that meaty, cheesy diets are largely to blame.”

    Annette Cartaxo, MD

    Please visit me at http://www.cartaxo.isagenix.com

  • livingdreamteam 7:52 pm on July 6, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , Isagenix Reveiws, Isagenix Trenton, Overweight Kids   

    Fighting childhood obesity in greater Trenton, New Jersey 

    Isagenix is in the News again!

    I Love Isagenix so much!  The Isagenix products are amazing.  I can tell you that they worked for me when nothing else did and I tried everything.

    Isagenix products are changing and improving the lives of both the old and the young.  With childhood obesity on the rise concerned parents are looking for healthy was to give their children the good nutrition they need to grow.

    Recently, Isagenix was in the News locally in New Jersey helping to both Moms and kids get healthy and lose weight!

    See the whole article here:  Isagenix products ahttp://www.trentonian.com/articles/2010/07/03/news/doc4c2ff51df03c2948320808.txt

    Here is what you will read-

    Health and weight loss are both business and personal for Marilyn Ganges, who started a business selling cleansing and fat-burning products that have helped her lose weight.

    “I lost 20 pounds my first month. I know that there are so many programs out there and people are confused, but I truly believe this is the best one for most people,” Ganges said.

    “Kids love this stuff. You can add fruits like strawberries, bananas or blueberries to make great tasting shakes. Children won’t even know that they are eating healthy.”

    If you are interested in learning more about Isagenix and finding out how it works, please visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com.

  • livingdreamteam 9:05 pm on April 16, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: Best Kids Vitamins, Health Diets for Kids, , , , , , , , Raising Healthy Children   

    Raising Healthy Children 

    Adults can act as role models to encourage children to eat healthy  and stay active.  Adults can act as role models to encourage children to eat right and stay active.

    Childhood obesity continues to be a major health problem and is increasing at an alarming rate. A few decades ago it was uncommon to see an overweight or obese child, whereas today, it is much more common  and becoming more so every year.

    According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly one out of every seven children, or 15 percent of children in the U.S., are overweight or obese. In fact, over the last three decades, the rate of obesity has more than doubled for preschool children and adolescents, and more than tripled for elementary school-age children.

    Tips for Keeping Kids On the Move

    Children who are inactive are more likely to become overweight because they are not burning extra calories like children who are physically active. When calories consumed become greater than calories burned, the result is weight gain. Television and video games may also play a large role in kids leading a sedentary lifestyle and becoming overweight. Here are a few ways to help encourage lifestyle habits that keep children active.

    • Make physical activity fun! Encourage outdoor activities that kids like such as bicycling, skating, or swimming. Get them involved in sports they enjoy, whether it’s a team sport or individual sport. The important thing is that they enjoy it. If they find it fun, they will be more likely to do it.
    • Be sure to get involved with your children, picking activities that the whole family can enjoy together. Plan outings as a family—bike rides, nature walks, scavenger hunts, and play games like Red Rover that encourage fitness. Let them witness you enjoying the activity along with them. Making time for outdoor play is important because often a child’s entire schedule can become dominated with sedentary, indoor activities.
    • Have children help with daily chores, whether it’s sweeping, vacuuming, gardening, anything that gets them moving. Not only will they be helping out, but they will also be getting some physical activity at the same time.

    Tips to Keep Kids Eating Right

    In addition to not expending much energy, kids who participate in sedentary activities often practice unhealthy snacking, which further contributes to weight gain. Other than physical activity, the best method to help control weight is to eat nutritious meals regularly. Here are a few ways to help children healthy by encouraging them to eat right.

    • Enjoy family meals prepared at home. Studies show that children who eat meals frequently at home and with their families have better nutritional intake and a reduced risk for obesity. Once again, as adult role models, when we allow children to assist us in preparing meals at home and eating with us, it invites them to learn healthy traditions that can stay with them the rest of their lives.
    • When children are on the run, don’t let them head straight for ready-to-eat processed foods that are high in calories, sugar, fat and sodium. Cut out fast food or, if you must, encourage them to choose healthy alternatives—apples over fries, sweet potato fries over regular fries. Encourage whole fruits for snacks instead of chips, milk or water instead of soda.
    • Fill in nutritional gaps with Isagenix products. Too many children in the U.S. are overfed, but undernourished. The products can help children to grow and develop strong bones, muscles and minds. Here are products that children are sure to enjoy and can help promote their long-term health.
      • As part of a nutritious breakfast, children can enjoy a quick-and-easy IsaLean® Shake, which is high in protein, contains balanced amounts of carbohydrates and “good” fats, is low in sodium, and contain a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Children also enjoy taking IsaLean Bars to school as afternoon snacks.
      • Replace sugary sodas and drinks with IsaFruits®, a drink powder mix that provides children with the antioxidant equivalent of having consumed more than 30 different fruits consuming all the sugar.
      • Gain peace of mind with chewable IsaKids® Essentials, which can help cover daily requirements for many vitamins and minerals. For example, the dietary supplement contains vitamins A, C and E, folic acid, iodine and zinc. And, unlike other children’s vitamins, it is sweetened with xylitol to help fight cavities.

    Keeping Kids Motivated

    Rewarding healthy behaviors can help keep kids motivated. Don’t focus on the number of pounds they lost, but rather on making healthy changes. Activities they enjoy, such as taking them to the movies or a trip to the park, make fantastic rewards.

    As parents and responsible adult role models, it is truly our responsibility to not only set good examples, but also to reinforce positive habits like eating right and staying active. Every child deserves a bright and healthy future. We can each do our part to help combat the childhood obesity epidemic.

    This article was original posted by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

    Thanks Isagenix!   You are awesome!

    To learn more about Isagenix please visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com

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