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  • livingdreamteam 7:17 pm on September 10, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Detox Diet, , , , Isagenix Detoxification, ,   

    21 Reasons to Cleanse and Replenish With Isagenix 

    21 Reasons to Cleanse and Replenish With Isagenix

    Total Body Internal Cleansing is hot topic, and for good reason. We live in a very toxic world. Herbicides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, food additives and synthetic drugs can have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs and state of health. 20 million pounds of antibiotics were injected into our farm animals last year alone. There are so many insecticides and pesticides on our fruits and vegetables that these noxious chemicals seem to have become part of our food pyramid. We are chronically exposed to harmful substances.

    Because our soils are poisoned with chemicals and pollution and are continually stripped of their nutrient base many of our foods are not supplying our bodies with the necessary nutrients – primarily minerals – to perform optimally. The nutritionally bankrupt body is an invitation to illness and disease.

    America is in a true health crisis and preventable diseases are out of control. Cardiovascular disease is epidemic, 44 million people suffer from arthritis, 18 million have diabetes, 17 million suffer from asthma, 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer and 18 million children are obese. For the first time in history we are actually seeing a decline in the American life-span.

    According to the Journal of American Medical Association, obesity, poor physical activity and the resultant associated illnesses are overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in this country. Obesity cost America $117 Billion in 2000 according to the Surgeon General. Obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:

    • Heart Disease and Stroke

    • Type II Diabetes

    • High Blood Pressure

    • Osteoarthritis

    • Gallbladder Stones and Dysfunction • Sleep Apnea

    • High Cholesterol

    • Chronic Back Pain

    • Bladder Control Problems Such as Stress Incontinence

    • Complications of Pregnancy

    • Severe Depression

    • Cancer (Uterine, Cervical, Ovarian, Breast, Liver, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Colon and Prostate)

    “Visceral” fat (fat carried in the abdominal area) poses an even higher risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Supporting our body’s natural cleansing abilities helps combat this problem.

    Since 1976, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been engaged in the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS). In this study, adipose (fat) samples were taken from cadavers and elective surgeries from all regions of the country and the levels of toxins were measured. Twenty toxic compounds were found in 76% or more of all samples! These ongoing assessments have shown quite clearly that it is not a question of if we are carrying too many toxic compounds, but how much and how do they harm us. The ever increasing illness and disease in this country are indicative of how vital it is to cleanse and replenish NOW!

    [1] Strengthen The Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high grade essential nutrients supports the immune system. Some studies indicate that a healthy dose of high grade, absorbable protein may strengthen your immune system by as much as 500%.

    [2] Love Your liver. A clean, healthy liver supports metabolism and burns fat. A healthy

    liver promotes normal thyroid function and when the thyroid is healthy, your metabolism and energy levels escalate.

    [3] Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. When 3 your body can effectively absorb and digest fats and protein, it converts these nutrients into healthy brain chemicals. When your brain chemistry is aligned, you will make healthier food selections.

    [4] Restore Antioxidants. Toxic compounds create “free radicals” that have the potential

    to damage cellular DNA. Antioxidants are substances that block free radical formation and destroy already formed free radicals.

    [5] Free yourself from stress. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are used to help the body

    “adapt” to imbalances that stress the body externally or internally. Replenishing the body’s needed adaptogens assists in the body’s own self-regulatory systems, thus reducing stress.,

    [6] Maximize Absorption Of Essential Nutrients. Maximizing absorption of nutrients helps to fuel the internal body to support all major organ systems including the circulatory, musculoskeletal and neurological systems.

    [7] Aid Digestion. Herbs such as suma, peppermint, fennel seed and licorice have been used

    in many cultures to support and aid in digestion. Peppermint is a nontoxic digestive remedy that can provide relief from gas, bloating, nausea and gastric upset. Peppermint has a calming effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and is felt to promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small bowel, thus aiding in the digestion of fats.

    [8] Rejuvenate Your Cells With Ionic Minerals. Minerals are the key to enzyme activation in

    our digestive tract. When minerals are present, our intestines allow for ultimate absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Ionic (charged) minerals are the most easily absorbed by our body.

    [9] Support Your Vital Organs. If your body is overwhelmed with impurities, gentle cleansing herbs and essential nutrients can allow it to eliminate impurities through the liver (the major detoxifying organ of the body), colon, urinary tract, sweat glands, skin pores and the lymphatic system much more effectively.

    [10] Lose Weight And Feel Great. Studies have shown that fat cells can provide the perfect environment for holding onto impurities. This is our body’s natural mechanism for protecting itself from dangerous, possibly deadly impurities. Cleansing aids in the body’s ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.

    [11] Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings. The healthy body will crave healthy things. The unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to create an environment that craves good, nutritious food.

    [12] Enhance Cellular Communication. Our cells want two things: good nutrients and a clean environment in which to communicate. Cleansing provides our cells with both.

    [13] Build Muscle. Cleansing and then replenishing with natural organic whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for the development of lean, dense muscle.

    [14] Restore Normal Sugar Levels. Abnormal sugar levels have been linked to serious health challenges and are often the result of weight gain. Effective weight loss and fueling of the body can aid in the body’s ability to restore normal sugar levels.

    [15] Beautify the Skin. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Cleansing and replenishing rejuvenates our skin, making us appear younger and more supple.

    [16] Create Abundant Energy. Better sleep cycles may be achieved through cleansing to provide the body with stamina, energy and mental clarity throughout the waking hours.

    [17] Balance Your Hormonal System. Cleansing and replenishing can balance hormone levels and lead to a feeling of constant well being, increased stamina and increased sexual desire.

    [18] Slow the Effects of Aging. Toxins and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging

    on an internal and external level. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attack the affects of aging head on. A younger appearance along with incredible energy is often the result!

    [19] Renewed Desire To Exercise. Often times when you cleanse and replenish the body with high grade essential nutrients you have a renewed sense to start an exercise program The health benefits of exercise are endless.

    [20] Enhance Elimination. Refined. processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, lack of exercise,

    dehydration and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to an irritable bowel and to sluggish elimination from the intestinal tract. Cellular cleansing and replenishing with fiber rich nutrients allows for better colonic elimination of impurities and is essential in the prevention of intestinal disorders.

    [21] Ultimate Quality of Life!! Cleansing and refueling the body is a revolutionary approach to optimal health and weight management. “Traditional Diets” are often imbalanced and neither strengthen the immune system nor rid the body of toxins. Imbalanced diets rob the body of essential nutrients and only offer temporary results, Why not embrace a program that gives your body the right nutrients, the right balance and the ability to once and for all chronically defend itself against the battle of the bulge?

    Getting Healthy has never felt so good!  Ready to learn more about Isagenix?  Visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com

  • 4aileen 11:19 pm on August 8, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,   

    First person to release 400 POUNDS using Isagenix needs support 

    As a part of a fabulous team of national cleanse and lifestyle coaches a touching and powerful story has been brought to my attention.  For about 2 years I have followed the story of a young lady who came home from the hospital with d/c orders which read something like this “die with dignity”.  Dana was weighing in close to 800# with multiple medical problems and in the last 2 years has turned her life around.  This link is regarding her current quest and reach for support.  I hope you find this story uplifting and possibly you too can provide her a little support in her quest to travel to San Diego to receive an award.   www.aileenhanson.com

    src=”http://widget.chipin.com/widget/id/74aad4b7aa87c2c2″ flashVars=”event_title=trail%20blazer&event_desc=quest%20to%20be%20healthy” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowScriptAccess=”always” wmode=”transparent” width=”250″ height=”250″>

  • 4aileen 7:25 pm on March 7, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , IsaFruit, , ,   

    Why chase the latest healthy berry? 

    Almost daily information comes out that educates us on how to maximize our health.  Often we hear about super fruits and berries;  which studies linking `to their health benefits of consuming them.

    Instead of chasing the next latest berry or fruit or even vegetable why not use a supplement that contains 30 of the most health promoting fruits/veges?  Today I read an article, it mentions how when you add a pro-biotic with the consumption of blueberries that there is a “greater reduction of the inflammatory producing bacteria in the intestine at the same time that the number of health-promoting lactobacilla increased”.

    We have had this effective combination in many Isagenix products.  John Anderson, the master formulator and his associates knew this and that is why when you read the ingredients in  Isafruits you will see a wide array of super fruits and pro-biotics.

    To see a full line of amazing super foods including Isafruits check out:  http://www.AileenHanson.com and go into the product tab.

  • 4aileen 10:34 pm on February 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Cleanse Impurities, Dense Nutrition, Eat Organic, , , Organic Food Production,   

    Pesticides in your child’s water and food. 

    Recent reports inform us that the average American child consumes over 5 pounds of pesticides from their food and water each day.

    Support organic food production and supplements with dense nutrition to help cleanse impurities.

    My family and  I use a simple and safe system to help boost our health along with regular exercise and eating organic when possible.

    To learn about dense nutrition to help support healthy cells visit  http://www.aileenhanson.com


  • livingdreamteam 5:38 pm on May 5, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Allergies, , Coronary Heart Disease, EFAs, , GMOs, , Hyperactivity, , , , , , Toxic Chemicals in our food   

    The Nutrition and Health Facts about Organic Foods 

    Sometimes I wonder if I am wasting my money buying organic foods for my family.

    I’ll see an ‘organic’ apple at the store and it’s obvious it’s ‘waxed’ or I’ll hear that, ‘any organic foods coming into the US are treated at the border with pestecides’ and I’ll have to rethink why am I spending more? Am I really getting less.

    So, I go back an do my research and I remember why I’m trying to make these choices for my family.

    Below is a summary of an article published in “Coronary and Diabetic Care in the UK 2004” by the Association of Primary Care Groups and Trusts (UK). It was written by James Cleeton, Policy Projects Co-ordinator at the Soil Association.

    The article concluded that a predominantly organic diet:

    • reduces the amount of toxic chemicals ingested;
    • totally avoids GMOs [genetically modified organisms];
    • reduces the amount of food additives and colourings;
    • increases the amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals, EFAs [essential fatty acids] and antioxidants consumed;
    • appears to have the potential to lower the incidence of common conditions such as cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies and hyperactivity in children.

    To read more of the artcle visit http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/10587.php

    And to learn more about how your whole family can adopt a healthy Isagenix nutritional cleansing lifestyle,

    please visit http://www.cleansemyself.com/

    • Katherine 6:53 pm on May 5, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      I agree with you that a truly organic diet can make a difference in our health. But you have a valid concern – “organic” regulation stops at the farm, and the foods we trust to be pesticide free have often been waxed, sprayed or otherwise treated while on their way to the produce aisle. It’s tough to trust any label that tells you something is organic – in the U.S., regulations are incomplete and easy to work around. Buying produce from local farms whenever possible is a surefire way to decrease the risks that organics bring. I ranted a bit about organics in my blog today, too: http://envirocation.wordpress.com/. Thanks!

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