Motherhood Changes Everything 

Motherhood really does change everything right down to who we are now that we are “MOM”.  Every women is different, but the reality is that we are never again the same as the people that we were before the birth of our first child. .

It’s a little like amnesia.  Parts of our past life get left behind and the new us emerges and there are new opportunities. The path that we might have been on may have change and certainly our ideas about who we are and what is really important to us has.

Here’s few Tips to help you Understand and Enjoy  the New You:

#1 Give yourself a Break.  At first it’s OK to just concentrate on Survival.

#2 Give-in to new urges.  Follow your new interests.   They may lead you to your next step.

#3 Take some Baby Steps. Set new priories and begin working toward your new goals.

The key is to accept where you are now. Start where you are and then nurture and grow into the new you.  It’s important to follow your interests.  Discovering yourself again and who you have become is about recognizing your new passion.

After the birth of  our first son.  My whole identity shifted and I found out that all of a sudden hated my job and that I wanted to stay home with my son.  It was more important than any of my career goals I had held in the past.  Fun how things change. lol

Four years later after the birth of our twins I found that I wanted to “get out” and “have my own identity”.  I still wanted to be a stay at home Mom but I wanted something that was my own.  I wanted to talk with adults.  Things changed again and I went back to work part time.

Two years later I found myself over worked and under paid and with a choice to make….  Go back to work full time and get paid what I’m worth but have no time for my family or I could continue to work part time, get paid hourly, make almost nothing and be frustrated by the incompetence of the full time person above me.

Things changed again and I opted out!  I opted not to work and have my own Identity too.  Here’s how it happened:

I quit working for some one else and started working for me. I entered Network Marketing.  It was more by accident at first then by conscious choice but soon it became obvious that I could make a lot more $ in Network marketing that in trading $ for Hours as  a personal trainer at the gym and maybe even more that I could if went back full time to run the place.

This was a huge revelation for me.  I learned that I could set my own hours, earn the income my family needed and be there for our kids.  With Network Marketing I have found what I was searching for as a mother and as a women.

You can too!  Go to