Updates from April, 2010 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • livingdreamteam 4:31 pm on April 30, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , TTTS Foundation, Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome   

    Isagenix as a company is looking into ways to support important organizations like the TTTS Foundation 

    Isagenix is considering releasing a new pilot program to support important organizations like the Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation.  This a a cause that is close to our hearts because we have been personally effect of the devastating effects this disease. We are so proud to be associated with a company like Isagenix.  One that that offers it’s associates so much.  One that would help it’s associates support organization that save lives.

    Here is our consideration letter-  Where is yours?  What’s your cause?

    What is TTTS?
    -Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) that affects identical twin pregnancies.
    -TTTS affects identical twins (or higher multiple gestations) who share a common monochorionic placenta.
    -The shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels which connect the umbilical cord and circulations of the twins.
    -The common placenta may also be shared unequally by the twins
    -The events in pregnancy that lead to TTTS are all random.
    -TTTS is not hereditary or genetic, nor caused by anything the parents did or did not do.
    -TTTS can happen to anyone.

    It happened to us. On January 2, 2004, at 21 weeks, our world changed forever as we were told at a routine ultrasound, that “nothing could be done to save our twins” and that one option was to  “abort the pregnancy”.

    We did not listen.  Fortunately, we found the The Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation.  It is the first and only international 501c.3. nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing immediate and lifesaving educational, emotional and financial support to families, medical professionals and other caregivers before, during and after a diagnosis of twin to twin transfusion syndrome.The TTTS Foundation is dedicated to saving the babies, improving their future health and care, providing NICU, special needs and bereavement support, furthering medical research and keeping families together the way twins are meant to be.

    Because the foundation was there to educate us and our doctors, our twin boys Alex and Ben are with us today.  They are healthy and strong, sweet and cute.  Everything that two 6 year old boys should be.  We are grateful to the TTTS Foundation and would love an opportunity to support their effort to save babies, educate doctors and help families.

    We are so impressed that Isagenix as a company is looking into ways to support important organizations like the TTTS Foundation and would like to be considered as one of the first associates to  be involved in the pilot program.

    Thank you for your commitment, your products and your consideration,
    Gabby & Bryan

  • livingdreamteam 7:51 pm on April 14, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Isagenix D.C., , , Isagenix Scottsdale, Isagenix Washington   

    Isagenix in the News in Arizona 

    “Kathy Coover of ISAGENIX, a Scottsdale-based health company that does business all over the world, joined Tara Hitchcock in Washington, D.C. for today’s National Day of Hope event.”

    See the whole interview at http://www.azfamily.com/good-morning-arizona/Scottsdale-company-big-supporter-of-Childhelp-Day-of-Hope-90833994.html

  • livingdreamteam 7:26 pm on January 28, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: Art Williams, Business Motivation, , , ,   

    The Secret to Success in Business 

    This was recently posted by someone I admire very much in the business.  He is not from Isagenix, but I learn something new every time I come in to contact with him.  Here is what he said about the (link) Do It speech, by Art Williams.

    “This is the most inspiring video I have watched in years. I got so excited I was cheering while pumping my fist in the air. Art reveals the secret to success in business. This video was recorded in 1987 but how fitting for today.”-DV



  • detoxcleanse 6:49 pm on September 11, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: , Down Syndrome, Down Syndrome Diet, , , , , ,   


    Angela’s Transformation

    The amazing transformation of Angela, a beautiful young girl with Down Syndrome. If this doesn’t show you the POWER of Isagenix, nothing will!

    This is why we do this!

    Below you will find the transcript of an interview down with Angela, Her Mo and Caoch. It’s taken from from www.isagenixpodcast.com

    Well good evening everyone and welcome to our Tuesday real people real results,Isagenix. My name is Kjersti Cote, your host and it is so much fun to be here with all of you. I am jazzed about our guests tonight. We have a lot of guests on the line tonight that will be sharing a little bit with all of you that are listening in. And before I introduce and bring any of them on the line I would really like to just kind of preface the call with the fact that we just celebrated our seventh anniversary. We are seven years old now. I can’t believe it. That anniversary date was yesterday, March 23, obviously today being March 24, 2009.

    You know just from one person that obviously was involved in the very beginning it has been a joy watching this company grow and watching these products affect the health of 100’s of 1,000’s of people as well as you know people taking advantage of the business opportunity and setting themselves financially free. It’s been so much fun so happy birthday to all of you that have been a part of Isagenix for any time at all.

    Tonight as you listen in to these guests that will be sharing you need to keep in mind that Isagenix is such a blessing to all of us and as you will listen to these individuals share there’s been truly miracles happening in their lives and within their families and I would love to introduce, the first two guests that I’d like to introduce is Steve and Trish Lovelace. They are amazing individuals. They have a family and of course I would like for them to each individually share you know and take us back to how they even discovered Isagenix and how they’ve incorporated it into their family and then I know they’re going to bring on their very special daughter so Steve and Trish, did you make it on the line?

    >>Yes we did

    >>Excellent well good, great to have you. I know you guys are from Arkansas. You have five beautiful children and I’m super excited. Take us back you know how did you discover Isagenix? Who told you about Isagenix?

    >>Well I get a subscription to a gardening magazine and I was looking through it one day and seen an advertisement that had ran and that’s how I actually seen it. Of course I was skeptical but then I was compelled to call it and thank God I made that call. [laughter]

    >>And so what was life like for the both of you prior to getting started on Isagenix and really moving from that into the impact that it’s had on your health, your well being, your financial aspect in your life?

    >>It’s totally transformed our lives completely. I mean the health wise and it’s starting to help us financially so it is really made a difference in our lives for sure.

    >>Steve, what do you have to say?

    >>Oh I think this is a God send, I’ll just be truthful with you. We were struggling with our health like a lot of people on the call tonight and like I said, Trish was going through the magazine and saw the ad and called it and actually got to talk to Peter. And Peter introduced us to the product, Isagenix and it has definitely changed our lives as we knew it and our lives are changed forever now. I mean we understand about our health. We understand how to be in control of our health now whereas before we were struggling with that.

    >>Uh huh, now you have five children. What are the ages of your kids?

    >>29, 26, 18, Angela’s 19 fixen to be 20 and then our son is 14.

    >>Excellent, ok and so I know you have Angela on the line, your 19 year old daughter soon to be 20 and I am so excited for Angela to be able to share her story. Obviously, Steve and Trish, when you discovered Isagenix you chose to put Angela on D1 oppressive. You know anything or share something before we actually introduce Angela?

    >>Well Angela’s little story is I mean she said that she seen us, her mom and dad, doing the product and she wanted to you know she wanted to do it. That’s really kinda what got her started in it. I mean that’s the best way I can describe it, that I can give it a precipice here is to say that she saw what we were doing and it definitely peaked an interest in her that she would like to do it.

    >>Well like he said, the doctors told me, I’d struggled for five years to try to get her, to help her to lose weight. I mean I’ve been pretty health conscious myself trying to exercise and watching what I eat and I’ve struggled with her for about five years because once she hit puberty she started really putting on the weight and gaining it fast. And I talked to the doctor’s about it and they quote unquote told me that due to the Down Syndrome that I just need to more or less accept the weight. And I didn’t give up on her but then again you know I thought well the doctor’s knew what they were talking about. So then when Steven got on it and had such success with it I thought well you know surely, surely it wouldn’t hurt to try her on it and I put her on it and I mean life has never been the same. [laughter] I mean she is just improving every day.

    >>I know, you know what I’ve seen your before and after, Angela, and I am just absolutely thrilled. The first time I heard your story, Angela, I’ve got to tell you I got goose bumps. And so Angela I know you’re on the line. Why don’t you share with everybody that’s listening in tonight a little bit about your story and what has happened since you’ve decided to incorporate Isagenix into your life.

    >>It changed my life. I’m glad I’m doing this and I glad I and the product and I’m glad that I’m doing it. And I told everybody about the shakes and all that. I tell them I do shake for breakfast and super meal for lunch and you do like salads, fish, broccoli, green beans and grilled chicken, grilled fish, steaks and you can have a shake for dinner in two days. And then cleanse in two days and do your snack and do almonds and drink the water every day and you cannot have sugar period. I tell them you cannot have sugar because the diet cannot have sugar period. [laughter] Like the sugar have lots of [inaudible] and I told them that. And I have to say this, I’m glad I’m doing this because of John Anderson actually he sells the products and I’m glad John Anderson’s doing this to me and I’m glad. He’s the one doing the pills and doing shakes and meals replacement and I’m glad he’s doing it.

    >>I know, I know you are so grateful for my dad and for these amazing products that he has brought to the world and especially to you, Angela, so let me just recap. So Angela you said that you go on shakes. You sound like you eat really healthy, grilled chicken, grilled fish, broccoli, all kinds of yummy things, the spinach of course doing a shake in the morning and a shake for night. Can you share with everybody about how much weight you’ve released?

    >>Fifty seven

    >>Fifty seven pounds. Woo hoo, I’m excited. And tell everybody what size of pants you wear now.

    >>I wear a size zero

    >>A size zero. That is so cool. Oh my goodness. And so I’ve heard that there’s so many changes that have taken place in your life, Angela I mean obviously. Do you feel more energy or are you sleeping better?

    >>Oh yes I am

    >>Wow and what do you think? What does your family think? What do your siblings think?  You know your brothers and your sisters about the change that’s taken place in your life? Are they excited for you?


    >>Yeah and when do you turn 20?

    >>On my birthday. [laughter]

    >>And when is your birthday?

    >>On April 22

    >>April 22, wow that is so exciting. Now before we bring on our next guest Angela now Nick, we’ve got Nick on the line and we also have Patrick that’s going to be with us here too to share what they’ve seen you know changed within you but let’s go back to Steve and Trish. You know what are some of the things that you can share with us, Steve and Trish, with Angela’s transformation as she’s used these products?

    >>It’s almost like saying you know it’s literally like she’s come out of a coma. It’s like the caterpillar turned into a butterfly. She has definitely transformed. I mean this nutrition has definitely transformed her life and we can say that wholeheartedly from John. It’s just awesome. Our daughter has definitely, it’s like she’s come alive. This is exactly what she needed, the proper nutrition.

    >>The schools told me you know that she would never learn to read and I have to tell everybody tonight, she is reading now.

    >>Oh that is so great. Oh my goodness, Angela. Are you excited about this? Now let me just you know again I know that you had mentioned that she was diagnosed with Down Syndrome after being born and you know what are some of the other things that you’re seeing as far as a change with you know being on Isagenix, what are some of the other things that you’re seeing within her day to day activities?

    >>Well you know right now she has so much energy whereas before you know it was such a dredge to try to get her to even get out of bed in the morning and get her to exercise. Now she gets up by herself. She makes her own shake in the morning by herself.


    >>I mean she’s on a program where they have to come out and evaluate her ever so often and the last time the lady was here she told me she said, man I am just blown away at the progress she has made. She started laughing. She goes, before long she’s not even gonna need our services anymore. [laughter]

    >>I love that.

    >>I mean that’s like

    >>Yeah now Angela what is your favorite Isagenix product that you use?

    >>I love the whopper energy drink and

    >>I love the whopper energy drink. What was that last thing, Angela?

    >>Chocolate, dark chocolate

    >>Oh the chocolates, yeah. [laughter] I know. Oh my goodness, talk about chocolate lover. I love the chocolates too. Well now Angela I know that you were coached through the first 45 days of your program by a wonderful young gentleman by the name of Nick Jacobs. Nick did you make it on the line?

    >>Yes I am here.

    >>Nick, share with us, I mean what was it like for you to be a part of Angela’s transformation and helping to coach her for the first 45 days as she went through the program and what differences have you seen in Angela?

    >>Well it really starts with Steven. I mean if you’re going to ask that I really have to go back Steven and Trish, both of them. Because we got them on the products as stated before and Steven actually lost 70 pounds.

    >>Seventy pounds? Steven you left that part out. [laughter]

    >>Yeah so that’s really what started everything and Trish was doing the product at the same time and unbeknownst to me they had started Angela on the products before they’d even told me that they had really started. And once they started seeing results in Angela that’s when they kind of came out about it that they were coaching their daughter who had Down Syndrome. So that’s when I really got involved in Angela’s life.

    As everybody can tell on this call, I mean you can see her charisma and energy and everything. I mean she has done, Steven isn’t joking, a complete transformation. And I’m talking like people said she would not read and now she calls me everyday now singing songs to me everyday that she’s memorized to music. She’ll play on her CD player and I hope she doesn’t get mad at me for telling that, but she’ll call me and sing songs and she’ll also read to me. Do, you know, simple addition. I mean it’s unbelievable what’s going on with this girl. And I mean her just energy and outlook on life have just really changed and obviously you see that with her parents. And just I mean and that’s one of a million miracles but hers is obviously by far the most impacted that I’ve seen.

    So it’s such a big deal to me to see her go through all these transformations so to speak and her family as well. I mean like they say, it’s not just Angela. She has changed that whole town as far as I’m concerned. I mean they’ll back me up. I mean people know her. She famous and that’s unbelievable. I couldn’t be more happy about that. So seeing that, Steve and I were talking about this morning, just really makes me happy.

    >>Wow that’s amazing. I know, I was told by Patrick Greenlaw, Patrick I’m going to bring you on next because I know you have some pretty special stories to share with everybody in regards to Angela but you know I mean it’s amazing for me to really take a look at the whole entire picture and you know see what Angela’s life was like prior. To know that she comprehends you know things that she did not comprehend prior to going on this program. And again you know I just want to emphasize, Angela is doing two days of cleanse, five days of shakes, you know two days of cleanse, lots of shake days, lots of cleanse days and following it to an exact tee and how she just absolutely embraces it. She loves it. And Nick before we introduce Patrick you know what’s your story? Give us a brief 30 second blip on you. How did you find

    >>Let me tell you one thing I was just going to add, which is funny to me. She knows, like you said, to the tee. She could put someone on the product or sell somebody on the product better than I can and I love that about her. That’s like my favorite thing. I will stand her up in a room of 100 people before I would any day of the week because she will practically explain to them without even a hint of nervousness. Her public speaking ability is unbelievable.

    But a little bit about me is I went to CU Boulder. I’m from Denver, Colorado. I graduated from CU with a finance degree, did the whole corporate thing. Oh that’s my way, I was stubborn even though I had known about Isagenix midway through college and I mean like I said my best friends calling me. We ended up living together after college and noticing that we’ve been on the product for years. We’re like, what are we doing, you know? I’m in the corporate world we’re both, he’s running a kitchen cabinet business calling and we’re not happy. We want to do something that will make us you know happy, healthy. So I’m waking up everyday going wow, I mean are you kidding me? I’m pinching myself. Am I really doing this for a living, helping people everyday? So I mean that’s pretty much like my [laughter] story. That’s where I’m at right now, you know.

    >>And Nick you’re a three star golden circle which is a beautiful six figure income annually and you went from you know what am I doing to taking action and generating a substantial amount of income which is really excited. Alright so I want to move on to Patrick. Patrick I know that you have been in touch with Nick and the lovely Susan. And Patrick Greenwall I got to tell everybody he is a big celebrity within our company. He used to be an anchorman on CNN for many, many years. And I truly love you Patrick just like I would my Uncle and just like family. I mean I really truly mean that, you and Peter, of course your brother. I just love you guys. Patrick take it back, I mean, tell us what do you think about the transformation of Angela and these amazing products?

    >>Well first of all Kjersti thank you for that praise. I’m not sure I’m worthy of that but I’m very flattered. As I’m listening to, hi Angela. How are you?

    >>Good, how are you?

    >>How are you doing? I speak to Angela like that two and three times a week. And she calls me and she leaves me messages and as I was thinking about it tonight as she was speaking there the fact that she could even talk about chicken and broccoli and fish and carrots and all of those things, she couldn’t do that six months ago. And your father was on the call with me, my call that we do you know the three hours, the coaching training call that we do and Angela was on there a couple of times initially and anybody that knows that, and I want to just give a heads up to Mark Weber who’s you know lost more weight than anybody in the history of Isagenix and he calls Angela his angel from Arkansas and his greatest motivator. But as I was listening to her tonight the fact that she could even do this is so phenomenal from where she was six short months ago. I mean cognitively she’s like a different person.

    As I said, I had the pleasure of talking to her three or four times a week on the phone. She’ll call me and say hey you haven’t called me today or you haven’t called me. [laughter] But she couldn’t comprehend that before. And I’ll tell you one quick anecdote and I don’t want to, well anyway one time, Nick’s one of my dear, I respect Nick immensely because he’s 25 years old and he would take time to coach Angela and obviously this tremendous result and success in her whole family. But one time I said to her I said, hey Angela, how’s Nick? And I called him a B head, a butt head, I guess I can, I said that, I’m sorry. And we don’t have a seven second delay so I said has that butt head called you from Colorado today? She said Patrick I’ll come down to Dallas and wash your mouth out with soap. And Trish Lovelace was on this call and we were laughing so hard cause she was there listening and she said, oh my God. I can’t believe that she could put that into context. And when you listen to her tonight as she reacted to Kjersti’s question think how extemporaneous that was and if you’d only heard her and I know so many people on this call have heard her tonight, she couldn’t she just couldn’t do that. Like this, hey Angela whatever, are you gonna call me tomorrow?

    >>Yes and Nick

    >>Hey what’s up babe?

    >>So I mean that’s what I’m saying. It’s just, and we all wonder why we might do this and if you have any questions about it, I mean this is the most remarkable transformation of any person that I’ve ever seen many years as a journalist, not only the weight loss I mean she’s gone from an 18 to a Zero 1 and all those pounds that she’s retired or released. But most importantly it’s what it’s done, like her father said, she’s come out of like a coma in his words. So I mean I am just so blessed to even know her and she’s become one of my dearest friends and makes my day every time she calls me. And that’s the beauty of Angela is that her self esteem, her self confidence is so remarkably, remarkably different today than it was just a few short months ago. There’s just no question about it.

    >>That’s amazing to me and I think that the big picture you know that we’ve painted here tonight is obviously Steven and Trish you know to see the difference in Angela. And Angela I know that you, you know, see the difference in yourself. To go to a size 18 to a size zero, I just love that. And by the way, I saw your after photo and you’ve got a little pose goin on there. [laughter] You’re a beautiful girl. And you know for Nick and for Patrick to be involved and to watch this transformation take place it’s just so absolutely touching. When asking my dad you know because I know that Angela you and my dad, John and myself and of course you were with Peter Greenlaw and we were all talking to you and after we got off the phone with you Angela you know my dad and I we were talking and I asked my dad I said wow, I mean this is amazing. Angela having down syndrome and the difference in her life before and of course after you know going on Isagenix, why, why has that taken place? What is it? Is it the amino acids in the shakes, is it the minerals? And he said, it is a combination of every single thing within that program. He said, yes it’s the amino acids in the shake. It’s the cleansing. It’s the life giving minerals that are nourishing her and feeding her brain and feeding her body and the results are just absolutely magnificent. And I think that in sharing and having you all come on tonight and sharing this story really puts it into perspective to everybody listening of how Isagenix can impact not only people that you know are athletes or that are, you know that have 100, 200, 300 pounds to lose but every single person on this earth and we just love you all Steve and Trish and Angela.

    We are so excited for you guys and your family and what it’s done. I just want to thank Nick and Patrick and for everybody else that supported Angela and the entire family, the entire Lovelace family on their journey and what a difference it’s made within the world. So with that are there any final thoughts that anybody wants to give before we close out the call?

    >>Christy let me just say and then I’m sure Angela and Trish will say something and Nick. But let me just say one of the things that’s amazing is that Angela has become such an inspiration around the country at least in terms of my own business because I send out her before and after picture all over North America and I tell everybody, you think you can’t do this? Well you look at this beautiful little teenager and she did it, two cleanse days and five shake days and so anybody that says they can’t do it all they have to do is think of Angela Michelle Lovelace and you can do it.

    >>I love that. Any final words Steve, Trish, Nick

    >>Yeah I knew Peter was going be beginning to punch, that reporter guy. [laughter] Yeah what I was going say was the important thing, Steve and I were talking about this this morning just real quick, the importance of coaching people and establishing a relationship as far as long term product use and business builders is absolutely essential. And if I can just leave people with that one thing, Steve and I were talking this morning, we’re friends now, you know. And that’s amazing. We’re good friends and it’s all about if you can establish those relationships your business will be way better and product consumption will be way higher.

    >>I love that. And Steve and Trish, yeah, go ahead Angela

    >>[inaudible] Tennessee, what’s it called?

    >>A festival

    >>A festival

    >>You’re going to a festival in Tennessee?

    >>We just came back from one.


    >>And my mom and dad was talking to somebody and I was talking to somebody that said oh my gosh, how many pounds do you weigh? [laughter] I said a lot and they said wow. I was telling them I was wearing size 16 then size zero and she said, well tell me all about it. Tell me the products you did and I said, ok. On shake day I do a shake in the morning and a super meal for lunch and a shake for dinner. And you do cleanse for two days and you do your snack and drink water every day and I told her about John and the products. And I told her, you’ve got to have the bars and dark chocolate and all that. And I told her, I have a coach. His name is Nick Jacobs and I’m glad I have him to most amazing in my whole life.

    >>Ah that’s amazing

    >>Steve, Nick you said something about coaching Angela. You sound like you’re quite the coach yourself. I love it. That is so special and real quick, we have about one more minute left, Steve and Trish, anything else that you want to add before closing tonight?

    >>First of all I’d like to thank everybody that’s on this call tonight Trish and I really appreciate the [background noise] opportunity to share our story. And we also wanted to say thank you Isagenix and we also wanted to say thank you John Anderson and Kjersti we sure appreciate you put this together tonight and we sure want to thank you for this opportunity.

    >>Most definitely

    >>You know what? You are so welcome.

    >>Thank you very much. You are wonderful.

    >>And my dad would have loved to have been with us tonight, Angela, but guess what? My dad is going be grandpa number five. We have a new grandbaby that’s being born in the family so of course he’s at the hospital welcoming that new little baby into the world. So he sends his love to every single one of you and Angela, Steve, Trish, Nick and of course Patrick and we just appreciate all of you. Keep up the good work, Angela, and thank you so much everybody for sharing. We appreciate you all. And I just want to wrap it up by thanking everybody on the line for being with us tonight and listening in and to remind you that this call has been recorded and it will be posted in your back office in your library section underneath the conference call and archives.

    ==== Transcribed by Automatic Sync Techologies ====

    The information presented via The Official Isagenix Podcast is for educational purposes only.
    The opinions expressed by the participants are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Isagenix International.
    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
    Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
    Weight-loss results may vary.
    Always consult your physician or health-care professional before starting this or any other wellness or fitness program.
    Income examples reflect the results achieved by Isagenix Associates across a wide spectrum.
    These are examples and not necessarily typical or average, nor do they represent a guarantee of your personal results.
    As with any business opportunity, success depends largely on the individual Associate’s skills, motivation and effort.
    For average financial performance data, see the Independent Associate Earnings Statement at IsagenixEarnings.com

    >>The following program is for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed by the participants are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Isagenix international. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Weight loss results may vary. Always consult your physician or health care professional before starting this or any other wellness or fitness program. Income examples reflect the results achieved by Isagenix associates across a wide spectrum. These are examples and not necessarily typical or average nor do they represent a guarantee of your personal results. As with any business opportunity, success depends largely on the individual associate’s skills, motivation and effort. For average financial performance data see the independent associate earning statement at Isagenixearnings.com.>>


    To get your Isagenix Story started, please visit http://www.cleansemyself.com and begin your transformation today!

    Gabby Gmyrek lives in Phoenix, Arizona where she plays in the sun with her husband and their three wonderful little boys.  As a personal trainer, wellness coach, and top-recruiting Isagenix Associate she loves sharing her experiences and support in the areas of fitness, health, being a work-at-home-Mom, and related struggles and triumphs.  She’s an avid social networker and the author of hundreds of articles about body cleansing, internet network marketing, nutrition, losing weight, motivation, and exercise. Visit ourIsagenix web page to learn more.


  • detoxcleanse 1:57 pm on September 5, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: Children with Cancer, Fire Fighters, Heros, Long Isaland Events, Patrick Lyons, September 11th   

    Friends, help this great people out for a fallen firefighter on 9/11/01 

    I was wondering if you can help me…I am trying to spread the word about this great event coming up on Long Island to honor a fallen brother. Can you help get the word out? Maybe post this on your site? Here is the information…

    The Pat Lyons Foundation is named for a firefighter who was killed on September 11th at the World Trade Centers. We raise money for children with Cancer. We are hosting our first ever VEGAS NIGHT! Event on Saturday 9/12/09 on Long Island in Hauppauge. We are a real non-for-profit and It is a great cause!

    Thank You,
    Paul Nicholson
    The Pat Lyons Foundation

    VEGAS NIGHT! Saturday, September 12th

    I hope you’ll join us at our first ever VEGAS NIGHT! This event is dedicated to honoring and celebrating the life of Patrick Lyons, a former NYC firefighter who was killed tragically in the events of 9-11.

    VEGAS NIGHT! will be our biggest and most fun event ever!

    This event will be held in one of Long Island’s finest hotels and will be a great opportunity to help do some good, while having the time of your life.

    The Pat Lyons Foundation is known for its great events, and we have always had an unwavering commitment to helping young people and children in need while honoring a great hero. Pat would be thrilled. Our events have been supported by countless people and businesses in the tri-state area and we have raised over $350,000 for children in need!

    VEGAS NIGHT! is a chance to come together, celebrate life, remember a hero and help kids. This event will sell out so please make your reservations early. You don’t want to miss out on the fun!
    I hope you can attend and be a part of this special night!

    Volunteer firefighters REGISTER HERE for a big discount: (516) 626-2486 or (516) 398-3487

    All other please register here: http://www.patlyonsfoundation.org click on VEGAS NIGHT!

    more information:

    Play games like Blackjack, Craps and Slots! Join the
    Texas Hold ‘em tournament! Or, just enjoy the stocked bar, great food, music and some dancing!

    Hyatt Regency Long Island,
    1717 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, NY

    Saturday, September 12, 2009, 6:30 pm

    Then What:
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