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  • drannettecartaxo 6:05 am on September 4, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , Childhood Obesity, Children Diet, Dr. Barnard, High-frutose corn syrup Children, , , Lack of Exercise Children,   

    Childhood Obesity Linked to Fast Foods 

    The President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard, stated that the blame of  the increasing rate of childhood obesity seems to be linked to the increase in unhealthy foods  rather than  decreased exercise.

    Dr. Barnard analyzed food availability data from 1909 to 2007 and found that during that period of time the food availability increased  from 35 to 87 lbs per person per year of oils, from 124 to 200 lbs per person per year of meat, from 4 to 33 lbs per person per year of cheese and from 1.5 to 25 lbs per person per year of frozen dairy products.

    Also from 1970 to 2007 the availability of sweeteners increased from 119 to 136 lbs per  person per year.  This increase in caloric sweeteners reflects the increase in high-fructure corn syrup, which in part may be related to the sharp availability of carbonated beverages which increased by 15 gallons per person per year when comparing data from 2007 to 1980.

    Lets stop and think about this  for a minute. This increase alone in sweeteners i.e. mostly high-fructose corn syrup in the last 27 years has had a dramatic impact on rather new childhood illnesses  such as  diabetes, obesity and not to mention ADHD?!

    Do you think a growing child with a growing brain should be bathed in so much sugar?!

    The consumption of bad fats is what is increasing so we must educate ourselves on the good fats.  Overall I believe Dr. Barnard is stating that we eat too much and so it follows that our children do the same.  To quote Dr. Barnard, “Our analysis of USDA figures shows that the big increases over the last century have been in the amount of meat, cheese, oil, and frozen desserts that people are consuming.  While people tend to blame a lack of exercise, it appears that meaty, cheesy diets are largely to blame.”

    Annette Cartaxo, MD

    Please visit me at http://www.cartaxo.isagenix.com

  • 4aileen 3:54 pm on March 25, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,   

    Why wouldn’t you want to cleanse your body on a cellular level with Isagenix? 

    The information about harmful chemicals all around us is becoming more mainstream. Everyday there are articles, and news reports about how every day chemicals that we don’t even give a second thought about are being found to negatively impact our health.  In a recent letter from the Environmental Defense Fund they state “many of these chemicals have never been safety tested”.  So you ask might yourself, “what does this mean to me”?  Consider that one of the key issues the EDF is alerting us to is the fact that these chemicals have not been tested for their cumulative effects on our bodies, and they have not been tested on how they interact with each other in our bodies.  The National Geographic magazine in an article in the fall of 2006  addressed this very scary fact. So what do we do to help protect ourselves?

    Being in the medical field I was quite leery of, and continue to be leery of herbs for cleansing. So when I came across a proven system that was clinically tested, and had a proven track record of over several years, I became interested in learning more.  I had many questions and all were graciously answered by the associate who worked with me. I decided to use the system and within a few days had noticable results.  My weight loss and health improvement results were better than I ever dreamed they would be.

    Cleansing our internal bodies can be a simple and effective way to assist the body in releasing harmful impurities.  Isagenix offered me a way to “cleanse” my internal body while offering me a system with a proven track record, that has been clinically tested.

    If you would like to a copy of the National Geographic article or want to know more about the system I use, I invite you to view my web site and please contact me.    http://www.AileenHanson



  • 4aileen 10:34 pm on February 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Cleanse Impurities, Dense Nutrition, Eat Organic, , , Organic Food Production,   

    Pesticides in your child’s water and food. 

    Recent reports inform us that the average American child consumes over 5 pounds of pesticides from their food and water each day.

    Support organic food production and supplements with dense nutrition to help cleanse impurities.

    My family and  I use a simple and safe system to help boost our health along with regular exercise and eating organic when possible.

    To learn about dense nutrition to help support healthy cells visit  http://www.aileenhanson.com


  • bodycleanse 8:21 pm on August 17, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: Body Cleanse Diet, Food, , Food Born Disease, Food Safety,   

    What’s in our food? 

    In 1906, Americans were first awakened to the appalling reality of the meat packing industry’s abusive practices with Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. This book became an instant best-seller and acted as a catalyst for change. President Theodore Roosevelt and the American public demanded action to correct this deplorable situation, and just four months after the publication of The Jungle, Congress passed both the Food & Drug Act of 1906 and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. These “Acts,” as they are commonly referred to, provided major reforms and are still the core legislative pieces for food and drug safety protection in this country.

    Over the past 100 years, the way our food is grown, processed and sold has undergone tremendous change. Our food production system has shifted from family-run farms to large agricultural corporations, and our population has seen a three-fold increase from 85 million people in 1906 to 300 million people today. Livestock is frequently raised on commercial farms and then sent to a centralized plant for slaughter. These slaughter facilities and the down-line processing plants have the capacity to handle thousands of animals in a single day. The resulting product is then distributed throughout the country through large retail chains. The meat from a single cow could literally be distributed to all four corners of the United States.

    Not surprisingly, these changes in our food production system have created new problems that did not exist in 1906. During the past thirty years, highly toxic and multi-drug resistant pathogens have emerged. Coupled to this, the food market has become global and consumer expectations and behaviors with regard to food have changed drastically. Combined, these factors have given rise to a host of new food safety concerns. Yet, the framework of our food safety network is still largely based on the “Acts of 1906.”

    America’s current array of food protections are not adequate to meet the new challenges created by a centralized, industrialized and global food supply. Instead, our fragmented food system is capable of delivering lethal and long-term health problems to large segments of America’s population, particularly its children, elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems.

    In January 2007, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report to Congress added the federal oversight of food safety as a high risk area because of the public health and economic risks posed by foodborne diseases. While many stakeholders in food production and food safety are working diligently to resolve the gaps that exist in our current food protection system, it is important that all stakeholders in the food safety network understand the dynamics of food safety issues, identify the gaps in our current food safety system and work together to find solutions that will prevent foodborne disease in the 21st Century.

    To learn more about Healthy Lifestyle  & Nutritional Cleansing please visit http://www.bodycleansediets.com

  • Health Guru 1:56 pm on June 13, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: , Calories in Soda, Diet, , , , , Science Blog, Soda and Weight Gain   

    Is This One Habit Making You Overweight? 

    Bet you will never guess this one smarty pants…That’s right it’s Soda Pop.
    The leading cause prior to soda was reported to be white bread, but has since then been defeated by a new champion…the king of high fructose corn syrup. According to recent studies, soda is now the number one source of calories in America.  The reported diets of a vast nationwide sample of American adults were carefully studied by researchers. Among the participants of the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
    More than two-thirds reported drinking enough soda or sweet drinks to supply them with a greater proportion of daily calories than any other food.
    Those who consumed sweet drinks had higher obesity rates.
    By identifying the leading sources of excess energy in the American diet, researchers are hopeful that the findings may enrich the establishment of needed strategies to battle obesity and further contribute to fat loss.

    Additional Supporting Evidence:
    There are more strikes against soda and sweet drinks than the above documented research. According to the American Dietetic Association, trusting on a Coca-Cola to quench your thirst cravings could waste a great amount of your daily calorie allotment.
    Did you know that most adults need 1,600 up to 2,400 calories daily and the average 64-ounce “Big Gulp” non-diet sweet drink that you can purchase at your local 7-11 store can score up to a whopping 800 calories in just one serving.
    So what room does that leave for nutrient-rich foods that your body craves? Very little.
    The saddest part of this eye opening article about America’s health is tragic to say the least because eliminate soda from your diet could be one of the easiest and most convenient ‘poisons’ to eliminate from your diet.
    The refreshing taste that soda gives is not so refreshing after all and the sugar content from the high-fructose modified corn syrup will annihilate your insulin and leptin levels which greatly reduces your chance of achieving optimal and exceptional health.
    Other conditions related to soft drink intake include:

    • Osteoporosis
    • Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
    • Insomnia
    • Kidney stones
    • Tooth decay

    And one of the most damaging factors may be that it’s creating overweight Americans. Check out this alarming fact…The risk of obesity rises an alarming 60 percent for each can of cola you devour each day, and it’s also may be lowering the average age of death in America to a number in years so low that your kids will be dying at a younger age than you do for the first time in history.
    Luckily you are now aware and it’s never too late. One of the most important steps you could take now is to be quit drinking that soda and switch to a pure source of water. Good ice cold water!

    Be aware that soda can be quite addictive just like a cigarette to a smoker, so be caution when eliminating the big gulp altogether. A great support system may be necessary so you might want to recruit your family and friend to keep you accountable or better yet, do it with you. Hope this helps!
    Science Blog May 27, 2005
    Herald-Dispatch.com May 25, 2005
    To learn more cutting edge strategies that you can implement easily in a step by step format, be sure to check out http://bodycleanseplan.com

  • johnandersoninfo 10:47 pm on May 13, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Aphlotoxin, Dairy Cows, Hormone free milk, Isageinx Information, , , , , Steroid free milk, Toxic Chemicals in Milk   

    Dairy Cows from New Zealand vs USA 

    You will be surprised to know that dairy cows in the USA are for the most part, Larger than the ones Isagenix procure in New Zealand.
    These NZ Dairy Cows located in a very special area are “The Cats Meow” of milk producers. NZ cows have the Life of Riley and are treated like a King.

    Quantity v Quality is a no brainier when it comes to Isagenix nutrients used in the IsaLean Shakes. Believe it or not, these cows are 25% smaller and there is a very good reason too. Having a diet of free range grass with no supplementation of “FEED LOT” junk, fillers, steroids, or growth hormones, make the NZ cows the most healthy producers of high quality milk.

    This means they eat the ultimate diet and are Hormone free, Steroid free, and have no risk of eating Aphlotoxin (or aflotoxin) which are produced by mould sometimes found on feed grains.


  • livingdreamteam 5:38 pm on May 5, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Allergies, , Coronary Heart Disease, EFAs, , GMOs, , Hyperactivity, , , , , , Toxic Chemicals in our food   

    The Nutrition and Health Facts about Organic Foods 

    Sometimes I wonder if I am wasting my money buying organic foods for my family.

    I’ll see an ‘organic’ apple at the store and it’s obvious it’s ‘waxed’ or I’ll hear that, ‘any organic foods coming into the US are treated at the border with pestecides’ and I’ll have to rethink why am I spending more? Am I really getting less.

    So, I go back an do my research and I remember why I’m trying to make these choices for my family.

    Below is a summary of an article published in “Coronary and Diabetic Care in the UK 2004” by the Association of Primary Care Groups and Trusts (UK). It was written by James Cleeton, Policy Projects Co-ordinator at the Soil Association.

    The article concluded that a predominantly organic diet:

    • reduces the amount of toxic chemicals ingested;
    • totally avoids GMOs [genetically modified organisms];
    • reduces the amount of food additives and colourings;
    • increases the amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals, EFAs [essential fatty acids] and antioxidants consumed;
    • appears to have the potential to lower the incidence of common conditions such as cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies and hyperactivity in children.

    To read more of the artcle visit http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/10587.php

    And to learn more about how your whole family can adopt a healthy Isagenix nutritional cleansing lifestyle,

    please visit http://www.cleansemyself.com/

    • Katherine 6:53 pm on May 5, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      I agree with you that a truly organic diet can make a difference in our health. But you have a valid concern – “organic” regulation stops at the farm, and the foods we trust to be pesticide free have often been waxed, sprayed or otherwise treated while on their way to the produce aisle. It’s tough to trust any label that tells you something is organic – in the U.S., regulations are incomplete and easy to work around. Buying produce from local farms whenever possible is a surefire way to decrease the risks that organics bring. I ranted a bit about organics in my blog today, too: http://envirocation.wordpress.com/. Thanks!

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