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  • livingdreamteam 4:59 pm on April 12, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: Eating Isagenix, High-protein diet, , , Isagenix Dieting, , Isagenix Snacks Isagenix Results,   

    Day 2 Cutting Nutritionally Deficient Foods and Adding High Protein Diet Foods 

    Today is April 10th and…

    WE ARE EMBARKING ON A VERY EXCITING JOURNEY!  Welcome to Day 2 of the Total Transformation Challenge!

    This journey will help you transform and experience good health, youthful vitality and healthy weight loss. To help reinforce healthier habits, you may wish to write about your journey in a daily journal. Write down your dreams, hopes, challenges and record your calorie intake.  This will both encourage you and keep you honest!  Start writing Now!

    Remember too that each participant in the Challenge is asked to Weight themselves each day. If you still need a tracking chart email Gabby@CleanseMyself.com.

    You will also be keeping track of your good choices and prizes will be awarded to the those that stick to the plan and make great choices!  Our goal for the Total Transformation Challenge is to encourage you to Eat Healthy, so you will be asked to count  your calories and make good choices.  Both things that we already know are good for us, but we don’t always do.

    If, right know you know your are struggling with good choices and you are consume unhealthy foods, today is the day to begin reducing your intake of sugar, fatty, processed foods and even caffeine. Start this process by gradually cutting back on nutritionally deficient foods:

    • If you’re going out to lunch with co-workers, skip the cheeseburger and enjoy a grilled chicken salad with only half the dressing you normally use.
    • Substitute green tea or water for your second cup of coffee.
    • Instead of choosing a sugar cookie as a snack, eat a fresh pear or celery sticks with a tablespoon of peanut butter.
    • Choose whole-grain bread instead of white bread.
    • Whole-grain pasta is a delicious substitute for standard pasta.

    If doing everything at once feels too overwhelming, cut back on one unhealthy food every day until you’ve reached your goal. This gradual substitution will allow your palate and body to better adapt to a healthier diet, which will make it easier for for you to continue your Transformation!

    Try to really think about what you eat.  Remember the old saying, “You are what you eat!”  Well,  it’s true!  So, if you are currently facing the reality that putting unhealthy foods in your body gives you unhealthy results, today you will start doing something about it!! Today is the start of a NEW HEALTHY YOU!  Today you will CONTINUE your transformation!

    Watching this will help you quit some of those “Bad” foods – 

    WATCH IT NOW it will take you just 3:00 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4DOQ6Xhqss

    Now, let’s make sure you have a plan to follow and you have the cooking supplies that you will need.  Now is the time to run out for meal and snack preparations that you will need for the rest of the week.

    It’s a good idea to determine your snack and meal plan for the week now to reduce the opportunities to stray from the Challenge Guidelines.

    Here are some things to think about when you prepare your meals:

    High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight because emerging research has hinted that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.  WebMd says, “High-protein diets may help people lose weight — at least in the short term — because dieters tend to feel full longer when they eat more protein. This alone can cut down on snacking and lead to fairly rapid weight loss. Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular. Unfortunately, many people gain back the weight once the diet ends.”

    Good choices include:

    Nuts, Yogurt, Beans of any kind,  Lean Cuts of Red Meat, Eggs(Hard Boiled is Best), Chicken w/out skin, Tofu, Pork Tenderloin, Fish of ANY kind and of course IsaLean Shakes and Bars.

    REMEMBER:  Everybody needs to Drink 80 oz of Water, Sleep 8 Hours and Exercise for at least 20 Minutes every day of the CHALLENGE!


    Today is a Shake Day.  Today you’ll have 2 Shakes and One Meal – 400-600 Calories, but Mark your calendar NOW! Saturday and Sunday WE CLEANSE!  So, get what you need now!

    HERE IS YOUR DAY PLANNER FOR Monday – Friday this week:


    When you wake up, drink 1–2 glasses of purified water. If you have Ionix Supreme now is the time for 1-2 oz and if you must 1 Cup Green Tea or other Tea is OK.  Coffee is not a great choice – sorry, but there are only 35 more days!


    Mix 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake with 8 oz. of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator™ capsule.  Mid-morning

    Have a small snack.  Pick one option from the “Sensible Snack Ideas” chart in your Isagenix System Guide or from the Tips section below.  This snack should equal 100 calories or less.


    Many people following an Isagenix Program eat their meal during lunch to help break up the two shakes. If you prefer, you can eat your meal for dinner. Eat a balanced meal of 400-600 calories (400 if you are having snacks, 600 if you are not).  Protein, veggies and whole grains are great food options. Skip the butter or fatty dressings.


    If you’re hungry, have a piece of fruit, cucumber slices, 1 IsaDelight Plus, a few stalks of celery or a few unsalted raw almonds. Take one Natural Accelerator capsule with your snack or with water . 100 calorie max.


    You’ll either have your second shake or your meal for the day. See below for good meal and snack choices and then check out these recipes -> Low-Cal Entrees CLICK HERE.


    We want to make sure that you have made a list of all the healthy steps you will be take during the Challenge and all the snacks and foods you’ll need to have on hand.  If don’t have them already, this step is important and may take some extra time today.

    Here’s what you will need during the Challenge:

    Meals Ideas: SEE ABOVE

    Snack Ideas:   Losing weight is not easy.  It takes effort and commitment.  To ward off the hungries on Shake Days, having fresh and easy snacks that are low cal and healthy is essential.  Try these yummy favorites!

    • 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt topped with 1 Tbsp. IsaCrunch
      ½ cup 1% fat cottage cheese topped with 1 Tbsp.  3 slivered raw almonds or 4 cherry tomatoes
      1 hard boiled egg with no salt
      10 raw almonds soaked in water in the fridge over night
      Whole wheat sesame flat bread  topped with ½ Tbsp. all-natural peanut butter
      3 oz. tuna or salmon, packed in water, served with 1 sliced plum tomato and drizzled with fresh lemon juice
      ½ cup steel-cut oats topped with ½ cup fresh berries
      1 cup blueberries, strawberries or raspberries and 1 brown rice cake
      ½ cup red and yellow pepper, celery, or carrot strips dipped into  4 Tbsp. humus
      1 cup mixed melon balls (cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew) topped with 1/4 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt
      1 brown rice cake topped with ½ Tbsp. raw almond butter
      ½ a sliced apple or pear with 5 walnut halves
      1 navel orange with ½ cup nonfat plain yogurt
      Also try IsaDelights and Isagenix Slim Cake Cookies!

    Cleanse Day Support Options for Saturday and Sunday:  The less snacking the better but if you have to here are a few options-

      • 1 to 2 IsaDelight Plus can be taken twice daily 30 minutes before eating Isagenix Snacks! or two hours after.
        Important: the amino acids in IsaDelight Plus encourage natural production of mood-elevating brain chemicals which can help satisfy appetite. Amino acids found in protein from foods can interfere, so IsaDelight Plus should be consumed on an empty stomach.
      • For a boost of energy or to manage blood sugar, eat ¼ apple or pear.
      • 2 Raw almonds every 2 hours taste great with the IsaSnacks.
      • Try a hard boiled egg wrapped in a letus leaf if you really feel like you ‘can’t make it


    If you haven’t already, remember to:





    CONGRATULATIONS ON STARTING Your Total Transformation!!!


    Gabby Gmyrek

    Isagenix Top Recruiter

    877 978 8266


  • livingdreamteam 2:26 pm on December 10, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , , Health Meal Ideas, , Healthy Eating Program, High-protein diet, , How many Calories, , ,   

    Holiday Challenge Prep Day 5 

    It is Sunday and the BIG DAY IS ALMOST HERE!

    Exciting! You are probably finishing up with the preparations by now and the Holiday Challenge is about to begin!

    If you are following an Isagenix 9 Day Program (or 30 Day), unpack your products and don’t forget to read your System Guide. The System Guide offers important instructions, so review the meal plans and tips and keep your System Guide handy! You never know when you might need to refer to it.

    The products in the 9-Day System include:

    • Two bottles or containers of Cleanse for Life®, your Cleanse Day drink to help your body naturally release impurities.
    • IsaLean® Shake canister, which contains 14 meal replacements for Shake Days to replenish and revitalize your body.
    • Natural Accelerator™, 60 capsules, to help jumpstart your metabolism.
    • Isagenix Snacks! ™, 60 wafers, to help you ease hunger and regulate blood sugar during Cleanse Days.
    • 1 Cleanse and Replenish for Life Coaching System Audio CD -LISTEN TO IT!!!!

    If you are not following an Isagenix Program, make sure that you have a plan to follow and you have the cooking supplies that you will need.  Now is the time to run out for meal and snack preparations.

    We will be starting the Holiday Challenge OFFICIALLY on Tuesday!  For those of you on Isagenix, Tuesday will be a Shake, Shake, 600 calorie meal day. Wednesday will be a Shake Day too.  These two days are important because they help prepare your body for cleansing.

    If you are following a health eating program, here are the Challenge Guidelines:   It’s 200-300 calories for breakfast, 300-400 for lunch and 500-800 for the the rest of the days total intake.

    It’s a good idea to determine your snack and meal plan for the week now to reduce the opportunities to stray from the Challenge Guidelines.

    Tomorrow we included some tips for Snacking, here are some things to think about when you prepare your meals:

    High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight because emerging research has hinted that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.  WebMd says, “High-protein diets may help people lose weight — at least in the short term — because dieters tend to feel full longer when they eat more protein. This alone can cut down on snacking and lead to fairly rapid weight loss. Combine speedy weight loss with the satisfaction of feeling full, and it’s easy to understand why high-protein diets are popular. Unfortunately, many people gain back the weight once the diet ends.”

    Good choices include:

    Nuts, Yogurt, Beans of any kind,  Lean Cuts of Red Meat, Eggs(Hard Boiled is Best), Chicken w/out skin, Tofu, Pork Tenderloin, Fish of ANY kind and of course IsaLean Shakes and Bars.



    When you wake up, drink 1–2 glasses of purified water. If you have Ionix Supreme now is the time for 1-2 oz and if you must 1 Cup Green Tea or other Tea is OK.  Coffee is not a great choice – sorry, but it’s only 11 days!


    Mix 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake with 8 oz. of purified water. Take 1 Natural Accelerator™ capsule.  OR Prepare a 200-300 calorie meal.  This meal should include protein.


    Have a small snack.  Pick one option from the “Sensible Snack Ideas” chart in your Isagenix System Guide or from th Tips section that will be included in tomorrows email.  This snack should equal 100 calories or less whether or not you are on an Isagenix system.


    Many people following an Isagenix Program eat their meal during lunch to help break up the two shakes. If you prefer, you can eat your meal for dinner. Eat a balanced meal of 400-600 calories (400 if you are having snacks, 600 if you are not).  Protein, veggies and whole grains are great food options. Skip the butter or fatty dressings.  For those not following an Isagenix Program, aim for a 300-400 calorie meal.  Good choices still apply.


    If you’re hungry, have a piece of fruit, cucumber slices, 1 IsaDelight Plus, a few stalks of celery or a few unsalted raw almonds. Take one Natural Accelerator capsule with your snack or with water if you are following the Isagenix Program. 100 calorie max.


    If you are doing Isagenix you’ll either have your second shake or your meal for the day. If you are following a Healthy Eating Program, you should have about 600 calories left.  See above for good meal choices or check out these recipes -> Low-Cal Entrees CLICK HERE.

    REMEMBER:  Everybody needs to Drink 80 oz of Water, Sleep 8 Hours and Exercise for at least 20 Minutes every day of the HOLIDAY CHALLENGE!  EAT RIGHT, DRINK RIGHT,  SLEEP RIGHT, EXERCISE RIGHT and You Will FEEL RIGHT!

    Monday might be a busy day, so you may want to get a few things out of the way:





    Email us for the recording sheets to help you get a jump start!  Gabby@CleanseMyself.com and let us know if you have any questions.

    We’re excited that we are ALL on the verge of discovering our body’s true potential for health and youthful vitality.  This is going to be so much fun!

    Have a fantastic day and mark your calendar.  The first Official Day of the Holiday Challenge and Any body can win!  Will it be you?

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