Tuesday Night Isagenix Team Call

Join us Tuesday July 12, 2011 for out Isagenix Team Call.

Business builders from around the country will start with a 30 minute “Intro to Isagenix” that will include discussion on the issues of toxicity and obesity, the company and products and several testimonials from people that have had truly remarkable results.

Anyone considering Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing to improve health or lose weight can count on this half hour to be very helpful in providing information for making an intelligent decision and new associates considering the business will learn valuable insight as well.

Following the intro call, we’ll have a 30 minute training call.  This week Dr. Joe and Mark S will talk about how to grow your business with In-Home Meetings and how to pay that forward throughout your organization.  I believe this is one of the most important components to having a successful Isagenix enterprise and it is, by far, the most fun of all the income producing activities.  This should be a great discussion for new associates and prospects that are interested in the business so be sure to invite everyone.

We are Isagenix!  We bring HEALTH and WEALTH to anyone who is open to cleansing and helping others.  

Conference call info:

5:00PT, 6:00MT, 7:00CT, 8:00ET

Call In Number: (712) 432-0190

 Access Code: 497776#

 Success, see it!

Not on a team yet? Have questions?  Visit http://www.CleanseMyself.com, email us at Gabby@CleanseMyself.com

or call 877 978 8266 for more information.