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  • livingdreamteam 6:15 pm on April 12, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , Isagenix research, Isagenix Telomerase, , Telomere   

    Boost Your Odds of Living Healthier Longer 

    Isagenix is asking you this Question:

    Ready to live long, look good, and stay healthy, vibrant and young?

    The Answer:

    Discover how you can start your Isagenix® transformation today. Take your first step towards living longer, feeling younger and looking great. Watch and learn as “Telomeres and Aging” expose the root causes of aging, explain the scientific breakthrough of telomeres in the aging process, and illustrate how Isagenix® Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging systems can help boost your odds of living healthier longer.

    Watch this Video NOW:  It will Change Your Life!  http://gabbygmyrek.isagenix.com/us/en/product_b.html

  • livingdreamteam 8:14 pm on November 17, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: , Detox Diet Research, , Isagenix Isagenix Cleansing, , , Isagenix research, Nutrition Research, Weight Loss Scientific Study   

    Turkey Challenge Day 12 


    On the surface, you probably don’t look like you have changed much, but you have.  Think about how good you already feel.  Here are some of the reports we are hearing after just 4 1/2 days:

    “I was drinking a pot of coffee everyday and I GAVE UP Coffee!”

    “I never make it to the gym this much.  I am lucky if I fit it in 2 or 3 times a week .  I have gone everyday so far.”

    “I got my wedding ring on again- no more puffy hands.”

    “I was making cookies with my kids and I accidentally licked the batter spoon and had to run to the trash to spit it out. lol This is great!”

    “I could button my pants today without jumping.”

    These are all good reasons to Stick with IT!  Today you are probably feeling like things are getting easier.  Today, is just another Day, but it’s really much more than that. It’s Official Day 6 of the Challenge (Remember that we took 6 Days to prepare.) and we are half way to our goal. If you are following an Isagenix Program it is a Shake Day.

    Today, you’re working on removing the barriers that have prevented you from experiencing good health in the past.

    Since you’ve been Eating Right or following the Isagenix 9 Day System, your body has been nourished with vital nutrients to strengthen your body from the inside out. You have also been giving your body enough rest, enough to drink and you have been exercising!  Congratulations!

    So, what else have you been doing?
    Think about this: Over-farming, pesticides and processed foods have created an incredible burden on our health. If a body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs, it will attempt to get more nutrients by triggering food cravings and hunger pangs. This can lead to overeating, which in turn contributes to obesity and poor health.

    The nutrients found in the Isagenix® products bridge the gap between the low level nutrition found in regular food and the high level necessary to attain optimum health. With each Shake and Cleanse Day, you are providing your body with nutrients designed to help you achieve the best health possible. You are retraining your body to be hungry only when it requires nutrition.

    Here’s a little bit more information:  Research shows that a reduced-calorie diet high in nutrients helps people lose weight and live longer and now recent studies show nutritional cleansing can also help.

    Want to know How and Why cleansing works?

    Check out the Medical Study Specific to Isagenix:  http://www.cleansemyself.com/medicalstudy.pdf

    Then Look at these RESULTS  Research and Science team presented scientific posters on Wednesday, April 28, on the findings of two clinical studies on Isagenix products in Anaheim, Calif., at Experimental Biology 2010.

    To read the company’s official news announcement, click here. To read the official press release with details on the findings of each study, please click here.

    Additionally, if you are interested in downloading the scientific information for the 28-day study or nine-day study directly in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), then click here or here, respectively.

    To see an abstract of the nine-day study, click here.  (Take a look at this! This is what is happening to you body during the challenge!)

    Both of the pilot trials showed positive results and attested to the efficacy of IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life for supporting adults with healthy weight loss, maintaining healthy lipid profiles, and feel better about their weight, health and energy levels.

    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.  Why didn’t these studies report measures other than those for healthy weight loss—body composition and lipid profiles?

    A. We chose to evaluate the impact of our programs on these parameters since these type of data would help provide Proof of Concept, or further substantiation of our efficacy as sought by the FDA and the FTC. Please be aware that successful weight management not only reduces risks of various disease by normalizaing plasma lipids and reducing abdominal fat, but also, with our products, alleviates both undernourishment and exposure to stored toxins. 

    As a person loses weight, toxins stored in adipose tissue are also released as the fat cell shrinks. These molecules must be transferred  to the liver where the detoxifying enzymes makes them water-soluble so they can be excreted in the urine or bile.


    Isagenix seeks to help solve weight management, undernourishment and toxicity with its programs—IsaLean Shake and Cleanse for Life are not only excellent for lowering caloric intake for weight management, but provides a tasty, nutrient-dense food  designed  to maximize nutrition and provide supportive botanicals that promote natural cleansing and detoxification in the body.

    Q. Both studies showed  significant decreases in plasma lipids, yet we are not allowed to claim “cholesterol lowering”. How come?

    A.  Scientists discuss results that were obtained. They are not marketing their results and, therefore, must describe the data they have. Companies selling dietary supplements are not allowed to say their products can “lower cholesterol” or affect other plasma lipid biomarkers because FDA deems those as drug claims.

    Q. Who funded these studies and where were they conducted?

    A. Isagenix funded both studies and each were conducted at New York Chiropractic College  where Dr. Balliett was the Principal Investigator and Dean of the Basic Sciences Department.  Isagenix proactively searched for a university who could conduct these studies according to Good Clinical Practice, get Institutional Review Board approval and have the clinical expertise to run a nutrition study on weight loss and body composition.

    Dr. Balliett became interested in Isagenix through her students and eventually was appointed to our Technical Advisory Board (TAB). As a member of the TAB, she remains an impartial resource who does not distribute Isagenix products.

    Q. Does Isagenix plan to perform more research with New York Chiropractic College and other universities?

    A. Yes, Isagenix is actively engaged in assessing the needs for more  clinical studies that may further support the efficacy and safety of our products.

    Q. Have there been any clinical studies performed by independent parties that have not been funded by Isagenix?

    A. We are not aware of any researchers who have studied our products in clinical trials. It is not typical for medical researchers to study products from private industry if not properly funded.

    Q. Why hasn’t Isagenix funded medical doctors to perform their research?

    A. Studies for dietary supplements and foods are best conducted by experts in the field. Sometimes that may be a professor with a medical degree, but most often these type of studies are best done with Ph.D.s at universities or contract research firms who have expertise in weight loss. Federally funded organizations such as National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, etc. do not necessarily wish to support research on products from private industry, particularly if  the studies are not mechanistic or related to diseases. Thus, it is up to individual companies to set aside research dollars to conduct third-party research. That is not to say we would not find a partner at a medical school to conduct research, but it would still have to be funded by us.

    Success is all about believing in yourself and it’s easier when you can have belief in the products too!

    Have a great day!


  • livingdreamteam 7:53 pm on April 13, 2011 Permalink
    Tags: Help Isagenix, , Isagenix and the FDA, Isagenix research, ,   

    FDA Leaves You On Your Own to Figure Things Out 

    According to the CDC (the Center for Disease Control and Prevention), which is self acclaimed as ‘America’s Source for Credible Health Information’, over one-half of adults use supplements. So, how do all these Americans get access to scientific research on the health benefits of supplements and other natural food sources?  How do they get what they need for what they have?

    Well right now, only after a food, supplement or ingredient has gone  through the “New Drug Approval Process” can a manufacturer educate consumers about the potential of the supplements or foods to prevent or treat disease. This process can take years and can be quite expensive —and because food and dietary supplements, unlike drugs (Pharmaceuticals) are natural they cannot be patent protected, which means manufacturers can not have a monopoly or exclusivity and further that they could never hope to recoup the millions (sometimes billions) of dollars necessary to go through the NDA process. For most, this is not an option.

    For now, Food manufacturers and Supplement producers cannot even cite legitimate peer-reviewed science on their labels or website without being guilty of misbranding—and thus subject themselves to heavy fines and or up to ten years in prison.

    That being the case, let’s say for the sake of proving a point that there was a study done by researchers at Harvard University and that through diligent research that scientist found that the vitamins, nutrients and minerals in carrots when served daily, raw did improved eyesight in humans by 65% .  Wouldn’t you like to know about that for you and your family.

    Well consider this, in 1996, researchers from Harvard did study Cherries and they published in the Annals of Internal Medicine a report that suggested that cherries could reduce heart attack risk, America’s #1  cause of death (Ann Inter Med, 1996, Sept 1: 125 (5): 384-9). There were also a large number of other studies published in prestigious journals that indicated that the link between cherries and improved heart health was substantiated and further that cherries could also reduce pain and cancer incidences.  All that research and  the FDA has prohibited cherry producers, sellers, and food manufacturers to publicize this research because cherries have not gone through the “New Drug Approval Process”.

    It gets worse! The FDA sent a Cease and Desist letter to Cheery producers forbidding them to sight the research.  and in February 2008, the FDA went a step further and  obtained a court order to silence 29 cherry orchards for good. ‘The FDA held that any discussion of the health benefits of cherries automatically turned cherries into “unapproved” drugs. Moreover, the Agency says that any “claim” made for an “unapproved drug” is by definition false and legally actionable, even if the claim originates at the Harvard Medical School.’  It happened to walnuts too.

    That’s how information concerning natural foods and supplements is withheld from American’s right now and unfortunately the American people do not hear about relevant research. Current law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this information.  Food and supplement producers would like to tell us about this research, but the FDA rules prevent it and do not allow the circulation of relevant scientific information about food and supplement health benefits, leaving American’s to figure it out for themselves.

    That all can change!  Last year, the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), a nonprofit organization that works very hard to promote and protect freedom of health speech, came up with a very important piece of legislation called the Free Speech about Science Act(FSAS) that is designed to lift the restrictions on health speech and free natural food and supplement producers to share the scientific truth about their products.

    This year, Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.) introduced the bill before Congress.  If the bill gets passed, it has the power to will amend current law to allow growers and manufacturers to freely share honest information and research concerning foods and supplements with their consumers. While the bill will still allow the  FDA and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to go after companies that are actually making false claims, the agencies will no longer be able to oppress those companies that only want to share the facts found through diligent research with the public.

    To get the bill passed they need your help.  Contact your Congressmen and women and urge them to support  the bill right away.

    You can read the complete text of Bill HR 1364 here:

    For more info visit the ANH’s Action Alert page:

    To Learn More:http://www.naturalnews.com/032062_free_speech_science.html#ixzz1JQXYAXaT

    To gain access to Isagenix the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing and other Natural Supplements go to http://www.CleanseMyself.com


  • livingdreamteam 7:49 pm on September 30, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: , , Isagenix research, , Isogenex, Isoggenix,   

    Why Isagenix products vs. all the others? 

    Join Ron Reid Wed. Sept. 30th @ 7pm PST. with Special Guest

    VP of Formulations – Research and Development for Isagenix ,

    Dr. Bill Wheeler, Ph.D.


    · On this TeleConference you will learn the bullet points of Why Isagenix Products Stand Apart;

    · The Isagenix standard of quality control of ingredients.

    · Why are nutritional systems vs. individual products essential?

    · The Isagenix unmatched research and development team made up of Ph.D.’s and

    world class nutritional & taste experts.

    · Clinical studies, Isagenix is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on studies that are being published in

    Scientific and Medical Journals.

    · New products and product upgrades. Plus much more that will give you the information you need to

    answer some of the hard questions.

    · To Listen in Dial 712-338-8000 enter pin 8717#.

    You can learn more abput Isagenix Products at http://www.cleansemyself.com

  • johnandersoninfo 5:58 pm on May 6, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Fiber Pro, , , , , Isagenix research, , , Nutrient Rich Plants, , Purifying Agents,   


    John W Anderson, Founder of Isagenix International, Master Formulator, has continued to work with the Isagenix research team to provide the latest in nutritional Cleansing technology. Recently, the team unveiled the latest wave of super nutrition “Ionic Alfalfa” the next Generation of IsaLyte.

    IsaLyte was formulated using plant deposits found here in the United States. These deposits are ancient plants that have been covered and trapped by earth changes, plate tectonics, or volcanic activity. Pure un-contaminated plants loaded with God’s mineral storage program just waiting for the day we need them the most. John says, “I believe that day is here”!
    Now, after a year of research, we proudly present Ionic Alfalfa™.
    Ionic Alfalfa is a proprietary technology combining plant source minerals and alfalfa juice extract to enhance and improve its bioavailability. Mineral and trace mineral are the most important part of an ongoing and healthy nutritional regime.
    Ionic Alfalfa has more than 70 minerals and trace minerals sourced from the ancient and prehistoric beds of organic plant matter located within the Earth to create this revolutionary product.
    So what does Ionic Alfalfa™ mean for you and your overall health and wellness?
    ¸ It may help support blood and tissues*
    ¸ Support cellular health*
    ¸ May support cardiovascular health*
    ¸ May support digestive function*
    ¸ May assist with liver health*

    Alfalfa is actually one of the most nutrient-rich plants known to man. It contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and other nutrients that are crucial to human health. Scientists know that part of the reason that alfalfa is so nutrient rich is that its root system can reach upwards of 60 feet into the subsoil to reach prime mineral and trace element content that is otherwise unavailable to most other plants, vegetables and fruits. Alfalfa has long been used as a purifying agent.

    Alfalfa has been used as an herbal medicine for over 1,500 years. Alfalfa is high in protein, calcium, plus other minerals, vitamin A, vitamins in the B group, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

    Quite possibly the most powerful “plant derived” mineral and trace mineral ingredient known on Earth! Ionic Alfalfa is the next generation of super nutrition!
    Isagenix continues to provide the latest technology in cleansing nutrition and with “NO Compromise Products”.

    Ionic Alfalfa™ can now be found in the new Cleanse for Life™, Fiber Pro™ and the Multi-Enzyme Complex™. Watch for it to begin appearing in other products later this year.


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